Chapter 4

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The glow of the fire could be seen through out the night, as members of Nuvema can only look from the distance as the firefighters and their water Pokemon rush to put out the flames. Some of the villagers who were friends of the family rushed to the house to find the family, but only Jewels the Espeon was found. Found by professor Juniper, Jewels was hurt and very tired. She defended her trainer with ever bit of strength she had, but shes gone. Disappeared much like the father and the son had.

The professor takes Jewels to the Pokemon center in the next town, since Nuvema doesn't have one. With the professor away, other members of the town being to look for the young boy and Riolu. Some of the wild Pokemon, who know the young boy help in protecting him. By misleading the humans and some of their Pokemon. 

With the sun rising, the young trainer and Riolu make their way to the professors lab. Realizing that no one is inside, they head to the Pokemon dome where Juniper does her own research. The dome having an assortment of artificial biomes for any Pokemon to live comfortably: Forest, plains, desert, beach and rivers. All cover with a dome made of class and metallic supports woven into the glass panels. Riolu and Y/N climb up into a big enough tree, resting on a branch. The two of completely exhausted, quickly falling a sleep.

Juniper : Nurse Joy, hows Espeon?

Nurse Joy: Well, she is exhausted and in desperate need of rest. As well as a few broken bones, so I wouldn't recommend having her move so much for a while. But I must ask, what happened?

Juniper: Im afraid I don't know fully Nurse Joy.

The professor leaves Jewels in the care of the nurse, heading into the waiting room for further development. After about twenty minutes, the intercom rings asking for the professor to take a  call.

Juniper: Yes, Juniper speaking.

Lab Assistant: PROFESSOR!!

Juniper quickly holds the phone away from her ear.

Juniper: Yes, who escaped from the lab?

Lab Assistant: No, no one escaped Professor. We found the young boy and the Riolu. They're sleeping in the Biome dome.

Juniper: Ill be right over.

The professor notifies Nurse Joy that Espeon is in her hands while she returns back to her lab. 

Back at the dome, some of the lab assistants have been trying to call up to the two, but the two have been in a deep sleep since they were found. Rolu sleeping on Y/N's lap. But when the unknown humans try to get close to the two of them, a unknown force keeps pushing the ladder down and knocking the scientists away. Possibly Riolu's own aura instinctively protecting to the two of them. Even though Riolu is still so young, having his aura do this much without him knowing, only goes and proves how strong he will one day be.

By the time the professor makes it back, some of the lab assistants have enough bumps and bruises. Before hearing the explanation of whats been happening, Juniper sets up the ladder and climbs up slowly. Since Riolu has been around Juniper more, so his instincts are more familiar with her own aura. This allowing the professor to get close and pick up the pokemon first.

Juniper carefully carries the Riolu down, putting him in the care of one of the assistance. The professor then brings down Y/N and carries him into the lab, into a staff room to set him down on a couch.

Lab Assistant: Ma'am, what should we do with Riolu?

Juniper: It would be best to take him to the Pokemon Center.

Juniper picks up Riolu.

Lab Assistant: Wait Professor!

But before she even makes it out the door. Riolu's aura reacts and throws the professor a cross the floor. Juniper tries again and again, even bargaining with the sleeping Pokemon to allow her to take him to the Pokemon center. Until she gives up, and simply calls the nurse to ask if she can make the trip over. Thankfully, Nurse Joy will be free when she closes. Jewels is recovering well, and is getting some much needed sleep.

Over the next few months, Riolu, and Jewels have been recovering well. All three of them have moved in with the professor. Jewels has been wearing a cast for her front leg, however Y/N is a different case. Y/N has been to afraid to talk to humans and only talks via letters, when ever he is asked about what happened that night, he always answers the same. "Men and women in grey colored uniforms." The only humans he feels comfortable around is Professor Juniper and Lushoo. Even Child Protective Services have come by to try to take Y/N away, but Juniper not having none of it drives them off. 

However over the years, Lushoo, Juniper, and eventually Blair will all crack through his shell...

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