Chapter 7

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Nurse Joy: Alright everyone is in healthy condition.

Y/N: Thanks nurse Joy.

The four Pokemon come back to their trainers and the remaining food they didn't get to finish. 

Blair: Nurse Joy, hows Ralts doing now.

Nurse Joy: Ralts should be waking up soon.

Blair: That's great to hear.

 The group of friends decide to wait at the center. Not only to hopefully avoid the hunter but to check on Ralts. 

???: Where am I?

 This voice echos through the minds of Y/N and Riolu once again.

Y/N: I think Ralts is awake. 

Blair: How can you tell?

Y/N: Did you all not hear her?

Everyone else shakes their heads.

Y/N: Wait so, none of you besides me and Riolu heard her crying out for help earlier?

Everyone shakes their heads again.

Blair: SO you can understand pokemon?!

Y/N: Yea... Iv always have been.

Blair: I thought that was a game we did as kids.

Lushoo: Nope, Y/N has been able to understand then since five right.

Y/N: Since Riolu hatched I guess, Iv been able to understand some of them. But Iv been able to understand what Riolu says the most clearly.

Nurse Joy's Audino brings out the gurney with the shiny Ralts riding on top. Looking around wondering where she is. Riolu quickly hops up onto the gurney, clearing the confusion of where Ralts is.

Oshawott attempts to climb up the gurney as well, but fails and falls down. Being caught by Jewels with psychic, and placed onto the gurney. Oshawott stands tall acting as if everything was planned out.

Blair: Oshawatt... Try to be more careful.

Y/N: Hi there, I'm Y/N. This is Jewels, Blair, Oshawott, Lushoo and Eevee.

Ralts, feeling overwhelmed from meeting everyone hides behind Riolu.

Lushoo: Ralts must feel overwhelmed, lets give it some space.

Riolu and Oshawott help comfert Ralts, while Y/N prepares a bowl. Placing it on the gurney for Ralts.

Y/N: Here you go, you must be hungry right.

Ralts carefully walks over, and begins to scarf down the pokemon food.

Y/N: Now that's an apatite.

Ralts quickly finishes the food and moves back to the end of the gurney. Soon a Pokemon Ranger comes by.

Poke-Ranger: Excuse me Nurse Joy?

Nurse Joy: Yes?

Poke-Ranger: I was told there's a Ralts here. I was tasked to take it back into the forest before that hunter finds it again.

Nurse Joy: Oh its right over there.

 The Poke-Ranger heads over, introducing herself. While explaining whats shes been tasked to. Before long both Blair and Y/N gain a rain cloud over their heads, essentially being told that they wont get the chance to capture Ralts. 

Y/N: Damn, a Ralts would be a perfect partner with Riolu. And a shiny Ralts would help stand me out against other trainers.

Before the ranger takes Ralts, Jewels hopes onto the gurney. Leaning close to Ralts.

Jewels: These humans are good people. Unlike the one that attacked you.

Ralts tension does ease just enough for the ranger to pick her up carry her outside. Everyone says their goodbyes.


The group of friends wave towards the Poke-Ranger with the Ralts. Both groups heading their separate ways.

Lushoo: The two of you must be disappointed.

Blair: Well yea, I we both wanted to capture it and add her to our team.

Y/N: But this is probably for the best. Ralts will be with her own kind again, safe in the forest. But now we got some distance to make up after all of that.

Blair: Yep, MY first gym badge is waiting.

Y/N: Your first gym badge? I think you mean MY first gym badge.

Lushoo: Here we go again.

The two rivals begin to race a head, causing Lushoo to play catch up.

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