Chapter 3

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Y/N Age 7

Within the year of meeting Ash, Y/N's determination to become a trainer has only grown. Ash has been busy with the professors, so Pikachu, and Ash's Infernape have offered to help train Riolu. Mostly due to they think Ash is slacking when it comes to Pokemon battles, and hoping that Y/N will be a big enough threat to Ash's title for him making him train more. Riolu and Y/N making great progress, including with Y/N being able to talk to Pokemon. However, its not perfect, only able to pick up on a few words here and there.

But all good things much come to an end. With Ash leaving for some kind of business in the Kalos region. Leaving Riolu and Y/N to train on their own. The help that Ash and the other Pokemon had given the two of them invaluable training and advice. 

Now Riolu can easily keep up with Y/N's traversing, in fact Jewels does not need to help as much as before. With dusk coming the two inseparable beings make their way home. 

???: Excuse me do you know the L/N's?

A group of men and women in odd looking gray clothing have come the town of Nuvema

Lushoo: Oh the professors? I do...

???: Were old friends of the family. Would you mind telling us where they live.

Lushoo: Oh, to the east, in the forest. 

The man in gray leads the others to the east of town, following a road.

Y/N and Riolu make it back home just before the sun disappears. Unknowing to them, a +1 has been following them.

Y/N: Were back!

Casandra: And just in time to, its your favorite tonight.

Y/N: Pizza!?

Casandra: Yep.

Riolu and Y/N quickly sit at the table, soon enough Jet brings out two hot and fresh pizza. One with extra cheese, and one that is specifically for Jet, that being pineapple. While Jewels eats some normal pokemon food.

Casandra: Jet dear, I love you. But your taste in toppings... is less than desirable.

Jet, ignoring the comment, proceeds to take his first slice, but some are already missing.

The sounds a munching mudkip can be heard on the floor. As all four look down they see the blue water pokemon eating a slice of Jets pizza. 

Y/N: I guess even some pokemon have odd taste in toppings.

Riolu agrees, Casandra grabs and plate and a slice of the cheese pizza. Offering it to Mudkip.

Casandra: Here you go, you must be hungry.

Jet: Mudkip if you were hungry we would of given you some.

Mudkip eagerly digs into the food that has been given to him. All six of them enjoy their meal, followed by some cool ice cream to finish. 

That Night....

Y/N and Riolu are sleeping heavily, the mudkip has set off back to the river his own home. 

???: Tonight we have two objectives. First being the professors, the second being their son. We must acquire the research for our king. Offer yourselves to the order Of Plasma

The men and women and grey begin to march towards the house.

Espeon wakes, sensing that something is wrong. She quickly heads to her trainer.

Casandra: Espeon, whats wrong?

Espeon gets into a fighting stance, suddenly a scrafty charges into the house. Espeon using psyshock and she quickly sends it flying back.

Casandra: JET!!

Jet quickly rushes down to see his wife fighting men and women outside, all in grey with a blue 'P' insignia. 

Jet: Whats going on!

Casandra: Jet quickly get Y/N out of here!

Jet: Right.

Jet quickly heads up stairs, finding Y/N and Riolu are still sleeping heavily, even with the battle going on outside. Jet pick's up the two of them, Riolu on his back and Y/N in his arms holding him close to his chest. Jet running though the forest being followed by Plasma grunts. As he keeps running through some of the wild pokemon, who have known this family have come to help, if only for a few moments. 

Behind Jet, the glow red and yellow of fire can be seen brightly. With the wild pokemon assistance, Jet is able to find a tree with a hole at the base of it just big enough to hide a child. He carefully sets his son, and Riolu down in the hole. Quickly putting some branches around the hole to hide against his wishes, he knows they will catch up to him if he keeps carrying his son around.

 The plasma grunts begin to catch up to Jet, so he gets up and leads the grunts in the opposite direction. Unaware to Jet, that Y/N has been awake this hole time, just paralyzed with fear of all the noises outside. Y/N's senses calms down,he slowly sit himself up, moving the branches around to better conceal the hidden spot. Riolu wakes up soon, seeing his trainer, sensing his aura in a scared state. The sounds of adults yelling and pokemon using unknown types of moves. Riolu quickly grasps most of the situation of what he can, he stands at the entrance of the hole, standing ready to attack at anyone or anything that tries to come in.

When the sounds of people and pokemon finally dials down, Riolu carefully looks out. No one can be seen.

Riolu: Master, its clear.

Y/N, not wanting to look to weak in front of Riolu, the two of them slowly walk out. The sun is rising, and some wild pokemon have been around them protecting them, as their way of gratitude towards Y/N for giving them pokemon food and playing with them over the years.

The two of them slowly make their way back home... At least of whats left of their home. The remains of the house being nothing but black rubble and ash, with a small orange of embers here and there. Y/N and Riolu look around to find Casandra and Jet, but with so such luck. If they were still in the house during the fire... There would be nothing left of them.

Y/N: Riolu... Lets head to town and find the professor..

Riolu: Yes master.

With nothing here to find, the two of them make their way back into town. Both of them, not really sure who to trust, get onto the trees to stay hidden as best they can. 

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