The calm before the storm

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Being a hero doesn't mean

You're invincible.

It just means you stand up 

And do what's needed

-Rick Riordan 

Third person pov:

Tired. That's what she felt. Tired and groggy. This hasn't been the first time. It's always "those" nightmares. The ones that keep me up for the rest of the night. The rest of the camp is quiet and the sky is as dark as Nyx herself.

She usually doesn't feel this worried. They just won against Gaia so what was there to worry about.

She assured herself.

Still, she couldn't help but deep, deep down, her gut churned as if it knew something was about to go wrong. She dismissed those feelings easily and went of to my own separate table in the Athena cabin. It was covered in maps and blueprints and all sorts of different calculations no one else but the Athena cabin would probably understand. 

As if on cue, Buford, the legendary table (he liked to be praised) came in with another handful (or should i say tableful?) of research. He set it down and rattled away just as quick as he came in. 

Her thoughts wandered off to Percy.

This would sometimes happen as well. would be sitting there, trying to calm herself down from the nightmares and Percy would suddenly pop up in her mind without warning. Well, Percy was never one to knock before entering anyway. She had a wonderful life at camp, wonderful friends and a wonderful boyfriend. She couldn't as for anymore.

"Ugh, are you stil working on those blueprints?" Another cabin mate  asked.

"Yes i am. Go back to sleep." She chucked a pillow at him.

He sighed and turned away, yawning.

"Finally some peace and quiet." She muttered.

Peace and quiet was a very hard thing to get whilst living as a demigod. Monsters would attack and everyone had to be ready at any time. But the times where she could be alone, she would appreciate them either daydreaming about Percy or figuring out some mind-numbingly boring equations. The times with Percy were the best though. He always knew how to make her laugh and he understood her like nobody else did but being a child of Athena made it a bit difficult to balance emotions and the Poincare Conjecture. 

Still, even if Percy could be a little daft at times, she still loved him  and knew that he had struggles as well. It was Percy that drove her to push her limits. They had supported each other on every quest. Annabeth still remembered the first time they met. She hated him at first, he was very unlikeable. But people change and so do their hearts. They had grown closer and got to know more about each other.

With that comforting thought in mind, Annabeth left the Poincare Conjecture and slowly drifted off to sleep. With Percy still on her thoughts...

If only she knew what was stirring down in the depths of Tartarus...

Something that no one has seen for thousands upon thousands of years...

So that's the first chapter.

How do you guys like it?

I hope that you like it so i can write more for u guys.

Were u happy to see Buford again? (I certainly missed him)

I know this is quite short for the first  chapter but i am planning to make it longer. 

Pls vote, comment and like it really helps to motivate me :)

Let me know what u think


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