Chapter 9

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Time skip to 5 years later...

Percy was still stuck in the cave but he decided to learn magic from Mnemosyne but one of his experiments went wrong and he turned himself into a koi fish (Frank who was looking over my shoulder as i was writing: 👁👄👁). Annabeth had gotten over Percy and decided to run away with said cabin mate from chapter 1. Leo and Calypso are still debating wether nebula or gamora is better. Piper became an actress and is still with Jason. Frank and Hazel are touring the world with Arion...

Just kidding!

I wouldn't turn Percy into a koi fish so here's the real chapter..

In the morning...

Annabeth pov.

I actually managed to have a good nights sleep yesterday, and I know you must be thinking "Annabeth! Your boyfriend is out there in the big wide world somewhere with a psycho titaness who i can't remember the name of (see what is did there?) kidnapped Percy and you are here saying you had a good nights sleep." 

Yeah i know. But the thing is, i know what kind of a person Percy is and he isn't really one to give up without a fight and he's a child of Lord Poseidon so i'm not that worried.

Unless he would be bribed to stay there with blue cotton candy. Maybe I should be worried after all. I got up and rushed to the big house hoping to see Chiron and when I got there, not only Chiron but also, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank,Calypso and Leo were standing there as well.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I exclaimed.

Chiron replied briskly, "we need to order a quest and since we are dealing with a powerful Titaness, i figured i should call the others as well."

"Yea," Leo interrupted, "We will help you save Percy, don't worry Annabeth."

"Ok.. so how do we figure out where she even is?" I asked.

"We have a guess where she is. We think she might be located in the Pierian Mountains."

"That's in Greece right?"

"Hold up. Are you saying that this time we actually have to go to Greece?" Piper said.

Leo replied to her, "Yes Pipes we do have to go to Greece, i thought you would be the most used to it by know, knowing that your dad is the one and only Tristan Mcl-."

"Ok Leo," i cut him off, "We get it. So back to the topic, you said she would be in the Pierian mountains right?"

"Yes Annabeth but we need to find a way to travel to Greece, seeing as we already lost Percy who was are main boat man our only option is by plane which i have to speak to Lord Zeus about.

Leo said, "Well can he hurry up please because I want to save my bro."

Calypso whacked him on the head just as thunder rumbled in the distance.

A bunch of : "Well done Leo!" And "That will be smooth sailing for us!" Were muttered around the room.

"Now now, everyone settle," said Chiron, "Leo that was a very disrespectful thing to do."

"Okay okay, i apologise but can we leave noww?" He whined.

Another rumble of thunder shook the camp but it was less severe this time.

"That's approval from Zeus, now we just need to get you packed and you'll be ready to go. What you can do is travel overland until you reach the sea, you will see a golden drachma coin in a wicket basket, don't worry just follow the light, Go get the coin and create an Iris Messaging rainbow and ask for a boat, you will see a boat then come from the distance. You must board that boat and make you way to Greece and then it's up to you to save Percy. However, I will warn you, Greece is the ancient land of the gods and it will become increasingly difficult to communicate with me from there so you must all be very careful."

"Careful is my middle name! Now let's go!" Leo yelled, his shirt catching fire in the process and him and Calypso trying to pat it down."

15 mins and a lunch break later

We were about to leave the camp, all 8 of us , including Coach Hedge (his son was with Mellie) and Chiron held us back a bit.

"Once again, be very careful the Titaness you are up against is still very powerful, maybe on par with Kronos, and her anger can be a powerful emotion so you must promise me to try and not anger her in the most minimum amount possible and to bring Percy back in one piece.

"We will try to Chiron, but she is a powerful titaness, there must have been a reason for her to grab a powerful demigod, such as Percy so i'm not sure if we would be able to get him back without angering her anyway." I reasoned.
And with that, we said our byes to Chiron and we set of down the grassy hills, towards the mortal civilisation.


Percy pov.

Right now i wasn't feeling good about my situation, i mean i'm tied up with a crazy lady watching over me all the time and i have no idea where i am. I just hope that Chiron has already sent out a quest to save their favourite demigod.

"Um i'm sorry but Miss kidnapper lady, what do you want with me?"

"Even demigods do not know me, look how low i've fallen from a powerful Titaness to a mere conscience with a body."

"Wait. You're a Titaness? As in like Kronos's brother titaness?" I asked incredulously.

"My foolish brother didn't know the true meaning of torture. Torture must start from the heart and mind, not from the physical body, now that he's gone i'm free to carry out my revenge. Do you know who I am, Son Of Poseidon?"

"Well in normal circumstances i would say no, not to anger you but i won't say yes because something tells me you will know when i am lying so no."

"NOBODY KNOWS ME ANYMORE, THIS IS THE EXACT REASON I'M GETTING REVENGE ON THESE PATHETIC EXCUSE OF MORTALS! Listen hear boy, i am Mnemosyne, the all powerful titaness of memory, all my other siblings have probably been forgotten right now but my thirst for revenge has kept me going and that's where you come in."

I was getting a really bad feeling, like stomach churning bad feeling...

Hey!! That's chapter 9

Here is another chapter, i hope you like it!

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