Chapter 6

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Percy pov:

It might be just me but why do i always feel like someone is watching me?

And of course when i quickly try and turn around to look, there's no one there. Just me scaring some random camper, making a fool out of myself.

"Your memory will soon be wiped..."

Umm what was that. It felt like someone was talking through my head but the voice was female.

And i'm a male.

Unless my mother went wrong somewhere.

I should really talk about this to Annabeth she'd always know what to do so i made my way to her cabin and decided to enter.

"No knocking again?"

"Come on, you should know me well by know I'm not one to knock."

"You're not really the one to have basic manners. I don't know what i was expecting."

"Hey! I can say please and thank you."

"Okay okay, why are you in the Athena cabin?"

"I keep hearing this voice in my head. It's a female and she went like this."

I then proceeded to do a (what i thought was a) perfect impression of what she said. That's when Annabeth went ghastly pale.

"You ok?"

"Y-yeah." She stuttered, "perfectly fine."

Annabeth pov:

The impression that Percy did sounded just like the female voice in my dream. Her target was Percy, I didn't want him to get hurt again and the voice must have been warning us for what's coming. She might also be the one who broke the barrier as well. The dots are starting to connect but there are still large gaps. I decided to tell Percy what i saw.

"H-hey Percy, i need to tell you something."


"Well, i had a strange dream whilst i was sleeping. The voice you did, basically gave me the same vibes as her. She was talking about doing something to you. I'm not sure what exactly but i think you might be in danger Percy, especially with the barrier breaking. The barrier has barely ever broken before Percy so you need to stay safe please."

"Ok ok, i hear you."

"Percy what did the voice say again."

He said, "something about taking my memory away."

Memory? Hmmm.

"Percy I'll need to do a little thinking to help us. Do you have Riptide with you?"

"Umm duh, it's always in my pocket."

He exited the cabin after that, and i was left to deal with my jumbled up thoughts.


The sky darkened and Nyx's cloak of Night spread across the sky. 

Now was the perfect time to strike.

The fools hadn't fully repaired the barrier so they were vulnerable especially now.

I snuck into the camp and knocked out the dragon before it could raise an alarm. 

I followed the aura and was led to the boy.

He was startled awake and i decided to reveal myself.

"Who on Earth are you?"

I replied, "Not on Earth boy. I'm from a realm far deeper and far away from the mortal land."

He said "Tartarus."

"He listens, boy to everything, for he is a primordial being just like Nyx, as for who I am, of course you wouldn't know. Nobody remembers me anymore but don't worry about that i will start with you."

I then lunged for him, he dodged and pulled out his sword and tried to strike me.

He was good, but he doesn't know the art of magic or poisons.

I threw a concoction (made by Hecate) onto him and that's when he started to turn to smoke and i captured him in a bottle.

At that moment, the doors burst open, revealing a group of demigods, guards most likely standing at the door, in front was a young female with blonde hair and grey eyes, she looked panicked. Good.

"What did you do to him?!" She cried

"I really would love to stay and chat but i really have to get going now."

"You're not going anywhere!"

The young one charged and i had to release a wave of pressure to still them.

"If you didn't hear me correctly then i shall repeat myself. I will be leaving and taking this boy with me. This is a price all you (half) mortals shall pay.

And with that i took off, taking the boy with me into the unknown of this earth.

This is just the first stage.

Yaaayy another chapter. Did u guys like it?

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