Chapter 8

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Percy pov.

Ok, i'm started to get frustrated now, son of one of the big three and yet always being beaten and kidnapped. Well i admit i am charismatic, probably why everyone is after me. Annabeth would kill me if she found i said that.

Oh wait.

Perhaps I should describe where i am first. 

Darkness like the shadows of the Underworld surrounded me as thy mind filled with chaotic-

Yep this Shakespeare stuff that i didn't bother to learn did not work out.

Anyway, the main point is that I was trapped. But I didn't know where. The last place i remember being in was in my cabin and there was this very weird witchy type lady who took out a bottle and sprinkled gods know what. And then i blacked out.

Yep me, the one who was supposed to be at camp half blood peacefully sleeping with a string of nightmares but this woman did seem familiar, i'm not exactly sure where i've seen her though.

After what seemed like forever, the woman un bottled the bottle and i was able to come out, don't even ask me how, i'm not sure myself.

Anyway, when i gracefully tumbled out of whatever that was i actually saw my first glimpses of the earth in like, 10 minutes. I got up and looked around. Ancient greek carvings decorated the walls of a cave many showing temples and ones of sacrifices.

"Very few used to sacrifice to me you know."

"Holy cow, don't scare me like that!"

Very unexpectedly, she ignored me, i mean come on who ignores me? Well probably everybody but that's not the point.

"I was tired of being underrated, unrecognised. I wanted revenge and now you're going to help me with that..."


Annabeth pov.

"Ok well what does Mnemosyne want with Percy?" I asked furiously. I couldn't just stand around and wait i needed to find Percy.

"For that, i'm not too sure but don't worry Annabeth, Percy is a strong demigod he will be able to take care for now and i will call for a quest in the morning."

"Why in the morning? Why not now?"

"Think about it. It's 11 at night and the campers are asleep, suddenly we wake them up and tell them that one of our most powerful demigods has gone missing and we don't even know what for. We'll wait in the morning and call for a quest, now you should probably get some sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow."

That, i was sure about.

I know it is very short but this was what i imagined for this chapter

If you have any questions, pls feel free 2 ask

QOD: if you had to be isekai'ed somewhere, where would it be?

Hugs and kisses,


( づ ̄ ³ ̄ )づ

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