Shadow being gae

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Shadow: u-uuuwa omo

Shadow: i-i let my boifwendu do a cummy cum in my boicucpapou 


Shadow: a-a mi  gonna get fagpeggers now? 3:

Shadow cracking up: i is to young to be boimother >///<

(What the fuck am i writing???? ahh fuck it its to late now)

Shadow: c-c-can i getsis a boibortion uwu (what the fuck-)

Shadow: can i pay my boiologist with (cracking up once again while saying it) my boicuhce?? uwu

Shadow: pwehaps i can pay him with my tasty boimilk

Steel who is recording this and Shadow dying inside and outside: maybe i can pay him instted wih my boisyrup

(And they laugh reallly hard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

RANDOM SHITDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora