The Baby Giraffe

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(Same deal as last time. Also no my dad aint dead)

Morosis: Thank you for tuning in on 13 o clock news! I'm Morosis and just in: We have ShadowScorpion at the local zoo where a baby giraffe is about to be born! Shadow what do you have for us?

Shadow: Well Morosis since there is no fucking news going on I have to be at this smelly ass zoo waiting for a fucking baby giraffe to be born

Morosis: How exciting Shadow! We asked our viewers what to name the giraffe. 6% voted on 'Jeffery' and 94% voted on 'Who the Fuck Gives A Fuck?'

Shadow: Well damn I hope the baby giraffe makes it into a fucking Lion King movie because I'm freezing my ass over here!

Morosis: No need to talk shit about the giraffe Shadow, if you were a better fucking reporter you wouldn't have to be there right now!

Shadow: Easy for you to fucking say Morosis, all you do is sit around and bang your boss all day!

Morosis: Well there is nothing wrong with being a good person to have sex with, Shadow. Not like you would know that

Shadow: I would rather bang one of these animals then our boss.

Morosis: Huh that's funny, I didn't know there was a difference between the animals, and your wife!

Shadow: Well with all the cocaine and vodka you consume on a daily basis, I don't doubt it Morosis!

Morosis: Don't take it out on me Shadow, hell your still drowning in back child support after you adopted that one child who had a missing limb for the shits and giggles! Not to funny is that now huh?

Shadow: Well not anymore sense I disintegrated that bastard. But even if I didn't my child support wouldn't last forever unlike that herpes on your upper lip!

Morosis: Don't talk shit about my herpes Shadow, it was a gift from your father

Shadow: But my father is dead Morosis

Morosis: huh so that's why he's been quieter recently

Illuxxie, who is a zoo employee: Uhhh excuse me?

Shadow: Shut the fuck up I'm trying to do the news!

Illuxxie: But uh.. the baby giraffe has been born now

Shadow: Oh yeah I forgot about that

Morosis: well aint that ironic! You made it to the birth of a giraffe but not the birth of your two nephews!

Shadow: Bout as ironic as you getting that DUI after that AA meeting Morosis, back to you!


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