T-todoroki... i-its okay!...

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Tw: violence (past & present)
abuse (past & present)
rape (past & present)
mention of death (past)

Todoroki pov

I search all around town. He was no where to be found "DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" I hit the steering wheel before crumpling in defeat. I couldn't help but cry. She just announced she was pregnant & who god knows what bakugou is going to do to her. I drive home in defeat. I open the doors & before anyone could say anything I went to my room. I flopped into bed "IM SO GOD DAMM STUPID! WHY BAKUGOU U FUCKING RETARD!" I yell out really pissed & no one came to my room. I layed in bed sobbing befor crying myself to sleep.

Next day

Everyone seemed to leave me alone. I hid in my room untill the sun went down & went back out to look for her. I look everywhere in town, everywhere my car could take me befor I grow exhausted & angry I cant find her. Slam my hand on the wheel.

Repeat that for 2 weeks

I am out agian. I'm not giving up on her. I find a black car infront of his house & the lights where on. I feel my blood boil. I dont even try to keep my cool. I burn the door handle off befor kicking down the door. I hear her whining & screaming. I run to where I heard it & kick down the door. What I saw was vomit inducing. He was agian violating someone! I kick him in the stomach before kicking him over & over. My rage took over me I kept kicking him. I hit him with my fire & ice where I left both frostbite and 2nd degree burns. I left him black & blue. After he was out & un responsive I went over to fuyume you looked just like Izuku just more traumatized. "Its okay sis I'm here" I hug her she pushed me away gasping for breath & her eyes filled with terror. "Get away! Dont touch me or my baby!" Its like she couldn't remember me... "Fuyume... I'm calling the cops... okay we are going to the hospital" I say going to another hug. She soon relaxed & fell into my arms. I call 911 "Hello... I would like to report Fuyume todoroki & katsuki bakugou found & report a rape. Yes it wasn't consistented he forced himself onto her. She is pregnant he didnt cause it she was pregnant befor he did that. Fuyume how far are u?" I ask rubbing her back. "What day is it?" She asked "February 6th u have been missing for 2 weeks" i say. "A little over 5 months..." she closed her eyes. I handed her the phone

Fuyume pov

My whole body hurts... the baby hasn't moved much but I can still feel it. "Ma'am? Are u there? Can u feel the baby?" I hear the person repeat. "Y-yes... please shoto... my head hurts can u just talk?" I try to sit up but it hurt to much "Ma'am one more question for you. How old are you & did u give consent to a 17 year old boy doing that?" I feel angry "NO U FUCKING IDIOT IM 27 & WAS KIDNAPPED! I DIDNT CONSENT FOR HIM TO TAKE ME A RAPE ME 10 DIFFERENT TIMES! OR ELSE WHY WOULD MY BROTHER BE HERE TO FUCKING SAVE ME!" I feel faint & my world goes black.

Shotos pov

I feel her body go completely limp "Fuyume! Fuyume! Could u hurry & get an ambulance here!" I yell at the phone while shaking her. "I'm doing the best I can sir." I try to find a clean blanket to cover her up cause I cant imagine the pain she's in. I find a towel that looks mostly clean & cover her lower half that was completely bare. I soon hear the sirens & them coming in. Bakugou was still out cold but they brought 2 & got fuyume first. They first checked her vitals. Getting IVs in her arms, o2 mask on, covering her lower half, pressing on her belly to feel for the baby, getting her on blood too since she had lost alot from him doing that to her. & on many other meds befor taking her out on the stretcher. I saw bakugou & he was worse then she was. There was blood in his mouth, blisters & frose burns, he had very low o2 levels, heart rate was super slow, he was covered in bruises, many cuts on his body. I went to far... I just walked out with fuyume keeping my head down. We both got in the ambulance. My hands had been hurt pretty bad from my quirk. They cleaned the wounds befor wrapping them with gauze & a weird bandage. I set my hands next to her then laying my head down. I felt hot tears run down my face. "Sir are your hands causing you that much pain? Would you like some pain killers?" I just nodded not wanting to talk about it. Guilt overwhelmed me as I sat there. I understand he did that, he might be a villain but they dont deserve death. We arrived quickly & she was rushed inside & I was taken to a room to be checked. I had several burns on my left side & some bad frost burns on my right. I was given an IV & they wrapped up my wounds. I grabbed my phone texting Natsuo who had been home during those 2 weeks due to town being on lockdown
"Hey Natsuo can u bring Izuku & his mom up to the hospital? I finally found her" sent, read
"Okay I'll have to wake them up. See u in a bit little bro" read

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