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*Izuku pov*

I'm only 15... been living with my master (bakugou) since I was able to walk. He never really taught me how to do much... I can talk, the only things I'm allowed to say is. Yes, sir/master, I'm sorry, & done. but I can't take it anymore.... my body aches all the time... I need out...

*late in the night*

Sir forgot to lock my door! I can escape!
I get up & sneak open my door as quietly as I can. I run to the front door & unlock it.

As soon as I opened the door I smelled the fresh air but it was cold... I DON'T CARE! I go outside & close the door & run! I don't want to be here anymore! Living on the streets has to be better than his house. I just have to get as far away as I can! My legs ache from today everything hurts but I don't care!

I find a nice ally, no wind to get me cold. My body hurts so much. As I lay down I hid my ears & tail since if someone sees me they will just sell me again. As I close my eyes I feel the warm sun coming up. Have I been running all night?

As I'm getting comfortable I hear someone come closer. My eyes jolt open & I see a man with red & white hair. He looks so concerned... No, I must not let my guard down!

He keeps getting closer I just back away, and I feel the hiss in my throat I can't or else he will know. "Hey, are you okay?" He kneeled reaching his hand towards me. 'Is he going to hit me?'

Fear fills my body as I freeze. "Hello? Are you okay?" He said in a very calming voice. I still don't trust him. I manage to get the strength to get up & run. My body hurts even more than it ever did. I feel the tears form & fall. I hear him follow me.

Soon I collapse from exhaustion & he catches up to me. I'm too weak to even move. He picked me up & gasped at how light & little I am. "How old are you?" I know how to count but not say my age. I put up 1 on my left hand & 5 on the other. "15?! Your tiny!" I flinch at how loud he was. "Sorry. But I'm taking you home you need rest & a nice meal." He said starting to walk with me in his arms. 'NO, I can't let anyone take me!' I try to wiggle out of his arms but I'm just too tired & he seems nice... I'll just rest then escape his place...

*todoroki POV*

I have this boy in my arms. I can feel all his bones he's tiny for his age. He said- well actually showed on his fingers he is 15. I take him home. 'Father' isn't home but Fuyume is & she can help me.

As I close the door she greeted me "Oh hi little brother! I thought you were going on a run. It's only been 15 minutes?" She was cooking breakfast. "I might have  found someone & they need help." I still have the teen in my arms. She just gasped. "HE'S A NEKO!" I look at her confused. "How do u know it's a boy & what?" "Don't you see his size? He's tiny! He's also hiding his ears & tail! How old did he say he was?" She literally ran over to me taking him laying him on the couch with a pillow & blanket. "15? But what's a Neko?" I have no clue. I've never heard of them. "A Neko is half human half animal. They used to be common but people now abuse them & treat them like maids, sex items, or pets. They have decreased a lot females are more common but males are sold for millions of dollars since their so rare..." I feel my heart drop... he was sold for millions... "Well, I'm keeping him & going to make sure that he has a nice rest of his life." I go over & ruffle his hair. Fuyumi continued to make food while I go get him some of my old clothes. The ones he is wearing are all torn up. I go to the sleeping boy & cut off his t-shirt or what was left of it. It was barely staying together. I gasp at what I see.

He's covered in bruises! Some cuts that look very infected! You could see every bone! Fuyumi rushed over & she also gasped at what we saw she ran & got the med kit. I start cleaning his wounds & wrapping him up.
He woke up once I was done & start freaking out. His ears & tail came out. He's a cat. He hissed at us & sharp claws came out. He didn't look wild but scared. I reached to calm him but he swiped at my hand giving me a scratch on my hand. I pulled it away & grabbed some gauze & wraps & wrapped my hand.
I tried talking to him. "Hey, hey it's okay we aren't going to hurt you. We want to help you.." he relaxed a tiny bit before getting all tense again.

Fuyumi walked over & did something I never knew she let out cat ears & a tail too. "Wait your one too!?!" I was super shocked but Izuku looked more relaxed than ever & happy. "Mom, was a neko u know? She taught me how to hide them easily at 1.5 before I could even walk." I felt confused as ever. Izuku still didn't talk.

"Hey, can you say something?" She sat down next to him. He just shook his head. "Do u know how?" She rubbed his back. "Yes but I don't know much..." he looked sad. "You want something to eat?" She got up & he nodded. I just sat there confused. He looked so cute & helpless. Fuyumi had gotten him some eggs, sausage, & toast. He just looked at her confused. "It's for you." He took it slowly "T-thanks...." he looked very unsure. "Hey, are you okay? How long have you been on the streets?" I said to the little Neko who was just staring at the plate. "Since last night... I escaped sir since I couldn't take it anymore... he rarely fed me... I had to clean 24/7... & you have already seen everything he's done... I just couldn't stand it...." he looked so scared. I get up & get myself a plate he flinched hard when I got up. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you... your okay." I say in a calming voice. He slowly started to sit back how he was but when I got back he flinched again... "Like I said I'm not going to hurt you... I want u to feel loved &  cared for I promise I won't hurt you." I give him a reassuring smile.

*Izuku pov*

This man is trying to gain my trust... he promised that he would treat me like a human... but I still can't trust him! Tonight I escape again!

*3rd pov*

Izuku ate & spent most of the day sleeping only waking up to eat. Shoto & fuyume just left him alone. By dinner, Izuku wasn't tired but he acted like it so they would keep leaving him alone. By 8:30 pm shoto & fuyume had gone to bed.

*Izuku pov*

'They're both asleep! I can leave!' I think getting up and getting a bag of food & more of the bandages since I need them. I quietly sneak out & start running again. I made sure to have a few extra clothes so I can stay warm & blankets. I find my way back into the ally he found me... 'he was so nice & cared for me... maybe not all humans are bad...' I think while staring at the ally. 'I JUST RAN AWAY FROM SOMEONE SO NICE TO ME!' I feel the tears fall as I start to run back. By the time I get back all the lights in the house are on. I walk into the living room, my eyes puffy from the crying, shaking from how cold I was, my ears flat my tail down from guilt.
I see the man on the phone in a panic before he looked up & saw me. He ran over to me leaving his phone I flinch cause he's probably going to hit me for trying to run away, but he doesn't he hugs me being careful of my wounds. "Please don't scare me like that! I thought your old owner broke in & took you & I would never see you again!" He said hugging me.
The guilt overwhelmed me & I started crying again. I felt so tired from all the running that my body went limp in his arms. He just picked me up in the hug taking me to his room?!?! He laid me down with super fluffy blankets & super nice pillows he hugged me until...

*3rd pov*

Both boys fell asleep. Izuku started purring while sleeping. He had never purred in his life so it was loud. He slept soundly close to Shoto. Shoto kept him in the hug all night. Both boys peacefully slept through the night.

Heyo! This is my new story! I'm sorry it's kinda bad this is my first Neko story and I am switching back and forth between a laptop and my phone so if you see and like this & this it auto corrected on my phone and not on here. I really hope you like this story so far! sorry this chapter is short but hey I'm going to start working on the next one! BYE~ bisexual queen OUT!

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