Seeing old...

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*Izuku pov*

I wake up with a super fluffy blanket & a nice pillow! Wait where am I? 
I sit up & see the man who saved me! "Ack!" I move toward the wall.
'What am I doing in his bed?!' Thinks. I feel my heart race & my breath hitch. I feel myself panicking as he is waking up. "Hey-hey you're Alright. Your okay I promise I won't hurt u." He sounded so sweet. I feel myself calm down a bit & I relax. As he moves toward me I get all tense. "P-please don't h-hit me... I-I'll get out..." I start to get up. "No your fine I was just trying to get up I'm planning to go out on a run. You want to come with?" He was up stretching. "S-sure?" I calm down moving over to the side. I look down & it looks high up! How did he just move off? I feel him pick me up. "It is not as high as it seems. Your Alright." He placed me on the ground. He has nice floors. I take a step & slip! I bump my head on the bed! I feel the tears fill & fall he lent down "Hey you okay? Let me look okay?" I just nod & move my hand. "I'm going to touch it okay? It might hurt." I feel a cooling thing on it & it feels nice. The pain goes away & I wipe away my tears. "Are you okay?" He moves his hand. I just nod looking at my feet. Do they have something on them? I pull at the things & one comes off! "Hehe, those are socks. That's what probably made you slip. Your feet were I've cold so I put them on you while you were sleeping." I pulled off the other one & stand back up. I just stand there while the man gets something. "Here they are for you go get changed" He hands me some shorts, a T-shirt & new underwear. He also got clothes & goes somewhere. I start to change in his room but one thing there is no spot for my tail! The clothes are way too big for me but there comfy. Once I finish he comes back, my tail is still tucked in the shorts. "You ready to go?" He put the other clothes in a basket. "Yes, mister." He looks at me confused "Just call me Shoto okay?" I nod. He starts to walk out & I follow. 

*shoto pov*

Where is his tail? I see his ears but... it's tucked in the shorts! I forgot he needs a hole for his tail. "Hey come here for a minute." I grab some scissors he looked horrified. "I'm going to make a hole for your tail I won't hurt you." He walked over & turned around & I make a hole & his tail slipped through. "Better?" He nodded. "Let's go on a walk I go for a while so we won't run this time okay? Unless you want to." I say when we get outside. Fuyumi is already used to me leaving early. "We can run. I'm pretty fast..." he looked shy. "Well want to race? See who is faster?" I joke. "Sure!" He looked really happy. "Okay. Ready set go!" We both run & he is fast! Faster than me! I wonder what his quirk is. We run around the block & he gets home first. We're both panting heavily. "Wow, you are fast!" "You are too! But can we have some breakfast?" He was still panting. "Yeah, my sister should have made breakfast." We head inside to see fuyume setting plates. "Hi boys breakfast is done!" She smiled at us. We both get our plates with some ice water. We sit down & I turn on the tv. We eat silently while watching tv. Once Izuku is done he laid his head on my shoulder & fell asleep. "Why does he sleep so much?" I ask Fuyumi. "It's just the breed he is cat nekos sleep a lot, I'm fox so I don't sleep as often. Or it could be since he had to grow up doing a lot & now he does little to nothing. Are you going to bring him to school? U did start up at UA."She starts to unload a bunch of questions about school. "Look sis I go back in 2 days I'll ask him about it. For now, we should stay quiet so he can rest." She just nods and gets up and starts cleaning the kitchen. Izuku wakes up after she finished cleaning up. "Good afternoon how was your nap?" I say while he stretches. He quickly looks around in a panic. "Hey, you're okay. You can sleep as much as you want." He relaxed "What's your name?" I ask. "My mama gave me the name Izuku but sir called me Deku..." he looked sad. "What was your mom's name? I can maybe help you find her." his sparked with joy. "Her name is inko midorya! She's a cat Neko!" He looked super happy. I looked up her name "Inko Midorya she lives at ******* CT." He looked like he was going to scream. "Can we go see her pretty please?!" He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Yeah let's get our shoes on." He practically ran and got on the old shoes I gave him. I put my shoes on and we walk to the address  I found. 

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