RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 7: Chapter 5

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-Lace POV-

I shot upwards and nearly fell off the bed, but thankfully Emily caught me and pulled me back. The lights were flickering on and off, and a loud alarm sound was playing. I heard Timber growling and he shoved his pillow on his face.

Timber: Turn it off!! It's 6 in the morning!

Angelo: The perfect time for Hunstman work.

Timber: I'm not a Huntsman!

Angelo: Maybe not but you're still helping out. And you'll be participating in training today.

I rubbed my eyes and snuggled back up to Emily, hoping everyone would shut up. She jabbed my side with her finger, making me squeal.

Emily: No more laying down. We signed up for this. As much as I-

Emily yawned and stretched her arms.

Emily: Don't want to get up.

The alarm got louder, and I saw Angelo with an alarm clock in his hand, cranking the volume up. Timber shot out of bed and lunged for the alarm clock, but Angelo side stepped and Timber shot out of the room and face planted in the hallway.

Angelo: For someone so eager to sleep you got up fast. I'm impressed Mr. Shade.

Timber: I hope you step on broken glass.

Angelo: That would be unfortunate.

Krystal: Up and at em folks.

I groaned and Emily planted a kiss on my cheek, making me blush as I got up. I noticed F/n already up, dressed in his combat gear, and sharpening his sword.

Lace: You're dressed already?!

You: Night owl. I've adapted to minimal sleep.

Krystal: Seriously he stayed up for 3 nights in a row with no problems one time. It's scary.

F/n smirked and everyone's jaw dropped, even Timbers.

-Cut to Montage, Third Person POV-

GLE, RWBY, and the Ace Ops were all in a meeting room. Everyone except the Ace Ops and F/n had bags under their eyes. Clover walked to the front of the room.

Clover: Eyes up Hunstmen. Time to get used to the new normal in Atlas. Your top priority is Amity Tower. That means protecting it from Grimm and bandits. And protecting the site itself.

Lace and Emily are shown fending off Sabyrs from the construction site. Lace jumps into the air and throws her sword through a Sabyrs skull, then shot the tip of her other sword at the ground where she heel kicked another Grimm. Emily spins in a circle and extends her sword, killing 4 Sabyrs. Lace and Emily smirk and go back to fighting.

Clover: Diverting all construction resources to Amity Tower means, there are going to be gaps in Mantle's defenses against Grimm. They'll need help on the perimeter.

Timber and his armor are walking side by side on Mantle's border. Timber spots a pack of Teryx's and smiles in excitement. He cracks his knuckles and his armors claws come out.

Timber: Maybe waking up so early isn't so bad.

They both jumped onto a Teryx. Next, Blake and F/n are shown in a cave fighting Centinels, being watched by Marrow. Blake slings her weapon at F/n, who catches it and uses the ribbon to spin Blake in a circle, killing a bunch of Grimm. He lets go of the weapon and she lands in the middle of a huge hoard, where she plants a fire shadow of herself. F/n uses the gravity dust crystal in his left arm to bring Blake back safely. He then uses the fire dust crystal in his right arm to shoot the shadow, causing an explosion that kills the whole hoard. Blake lands next to F/n and they both smile at each other, meanwhile Marrow nods in approval behind them.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now