RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 7: Chapter 4

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You all traversed your way out of the cave and back to the main area, where you saw an SDC airship departing.

Angelo: Jacques. I'm annoyed we didn't get here sooner. His bantering is always entertaining to watch.

Everyone snickered and you rolled your eyes and smiled. You saw everyone gathered in a group, along with the General. Along came a truck from which Winter stepped out of. You caught up with the group, hearing everyone chatter amongst themselves. You tapped Blake on her shoulder, making her turn around and smile. She looked you up and down, giving you a sigh and a nod.

Blake: Not a scratch on you. I'm quite impressed, Alpha Deathstalkers are known to be the strongest land Grimm out there.

You: And you're one to speak? You took down a freaking giant stone golem mixed in with dust! Without blowing anything up!

Blake: Well.

She smiled and her cat ears twitched.

Blake: I can't take all the glory. It was mainly the Ace Ops. They were so...coordinated. They barely even spoke...they just acted and everything went the right way. It was incredible.

You: Well if we're telling amazing stories mom-

Krystal: Quiet!

Krystal yelled so loud that everyone jumped. She gave you a quick glare and you got the message quickly. Before you could respond, Penny suddenly slammed to the ground from the air, knocking you all back.

Penny: Congratulations!!

You laid on the ground dazed and dizzy. You could hear Penny speak, but it was muffled.

Penny: Uh, have we not started yet?

Winter: Apparently we haven't.

Angelo: Although your enthusiasm was grand!

Ruby: Start what?

-Time Skip-

You were all lined up in the middle of Amity Arena, except for Qrow, Krystal, and Timber who were standing to the side. Ironwood, Winter, Angelo, and Penny were standing in front of the group, all with smiles on their faces. Penny was holding a tablet of some sorts, and bouncing up and down in excitement.

Ironwood: It goes without saying that this arena holds a significance to all of us. It's only fitting that we should be able to reconvene here. Now. When the world needs to be brought together more than ever. The road you traveled from our first meeting hasn't been easy. You fought for your school and friends at Beacon. You fought for the world and the innocent at Haven Academy and beyond. You faced down terrors people can't even fathom. That's not the behavior of students. It's the behavior of Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Penny walked in a straight line in front of everyone, stopping at each person and tapping her tablet. Once she got to you, you felt your scroll buzz. You took it out and opened it, and the title on your student license switched to Huntsman License. Your eyes went wide and you looked at the General in shock. You saw Lace and Emily bouncing up and down in excitement.

Ren: Wait, what is this?

Winter: You are all being granted your Huntsman licenses, today.

Angelo walked over to Fang, who was sitting beside you, and attached a medallion to her collar. It was a silver horizontal lightning bolt that read "Hunstman Companion: Fang".

Ironwood: I know this is coming a little ahead of schedule, but Brothers know you deserve it. I only regret that I couldn't do something more ceremonial for the occasion.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now