That Legendary Place That the End of the Map Reveals, part 2

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Power Rangers GPX Supercharged episode 52: That Legendary Place That the End of the Map Reveals, part 2

:-:-:-: We're the Best Damn Chance you've got, Power Rangers GPX, let's go! :-:-:-:

Sean yawned through the jet lag. Just minutes earlier, he and the others had been sound asleep when someone barged into their barracks, ordered them to get dressed, take their bags, and other personal belongings, and gather in the main hangar. Well, here they were, all six humans, looking like they'd been woken up by the fire alarm in the middle of the night because some twat had decided pulling the dorm's fire alarm would be a good prank.

As they gradually woke up, it also gradually dawned on them that they were the only ones there. Where were the wood elves? The Queen and Arquen weren't there, either, but they would be along eventually.

They were standing in front of a small jet, about the size of a small plane, like a British Aerospace Jetstream, painted blue. Being a futuristic plane, it was sleeker than most planes they were familiar with, but still had wings, a fuselage, tail and jets, so it didn't fall under some weird Uncanny Valley effect for planes.

Speaking of which, they came along with Karol the UN elf, talking with each other like they'd been friends for a long, long time. This annoyed the still-half-asleep humans very much.

"I've never been to Alfheim!" Karol said, wistfully.

"You should come in the summertime," said Eruvanda.

"Oh, that would be amazing!"

"Of course! When this is all over, I shall see to securing a visa for you."

"You don't have to do that, you're the Queen!"

"I know, but I want to," said Eruvanda.

"But you've got better things to do!"


Karol, Liza and Arquen turned their heads, a little annoyed, at the even more annoyed Sean, and his comrades. "Do you mind telling us what this is?" he asked.

"Nevada base commander's plane," said Karol. "This is how you're getting into Alfheim."

"Flying the Helicarrier into missile range is a non-starter," said Arquen. "The North Woods elves understood this, that is why they are going separately."

"You'll get your new fake identities after taking off," said Karol. "We've also got a little present for you." A crewman walked up to the Rangers, handing out jackets. A quick look at them showed that, for the car-themed Rangers, they were the top part of a race car driver fire suit, with a white stripe and black piping running down the sides of the torso. The sleeves had the UN flag on the right arm, and each Ranger's respective homeland flags on the left.

Sean looked up at Karol, annoyed. "This looks like a Halloween costume," he said.

"We thought you could use new threads," said Karol.

An elf walked up to them, carrying a box. He opened it up, revealing fake elf ears and ear extensions. The Rangers picked whichever one they wanted and tried them on. They all found them to fit well, without any discomfort for now. Karol also handed out their fake passports. Sean got a quick look at his passport. Apparently, he was some human elf kid from St Louis named Freddy Redbird...

"Seriously? Freddy Redbird?" he asked.

"Sorry, it was made in a hurry," said Karol.

"Must be our disguise," said Aaron.

"How'd they make these?" Ritchie asked, "I don't remember giving them a mold of my ear."

"I assume they found a way," said Aaron.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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