Episode 40: Sinne Fianna Fáil

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Maria VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Col. Greene: "As of this moment, Project Ranger is in new hands."

Sean: "OI! Metoxen! You alright?"

Ritchie: "I just feel so... useless!"

Ingvar: "They will tell the world that elves and humans are not enemies."

Ragnar: "They are worse than the court jester!"

Janet: "Quit doubting yourself!"

Ritchie: "I know who I fight for."

Power Ranger GPX Supercharged, episode 40: Sinne Fianna Fáil

:-:-:-: We're the best chance for humanity, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

It was St. Patrick's Day at the Ranger House. And of course, the place was in a festive mood.

Traditional Irish music played from Kevin's iPhone while partygoers sat around and talked. All the partygoers, save for Rob, Bridget and Gina, were Project Ranger trainees. The Rangers had been able to locate them and inform them of their status as Ranger trainees. This was sort of a way for all the Project Ranger trainees to get to know each other.

There were, of course, exceptions. Ja'Marcus Williams, who was on the basketball team, was a no-show because of the team's NCAA tourney schedule. A couple of others were also missing due to it being the week of Spring Break.

Still, a good time was being had by all, and alcohol was being passed around. But here too, there were exceptions. Ritchie and Janet, who didn't want to become a statistic, Amir Mohammed, a practicing Muslim, Gina and Hitomi, who are both underage, were served non-alcoholic beverages like tea, coffee or soda pop. That also included some designated drivers, like Bridge.

Despite being Irish himself, Sean was busy in the kitchen working on the snacks and checking on the food that Bridge had brought with her, except for the corned beef. Maria was taking care of that.

"Maria, have you ever celebrated St. Patrick's Day?" Janet asked, walking into the kitchen to get some more coffee.

"No," Maria replied, "Never saw the need. What about you?"

"Not really, but I once marched in the Toronto parade," said Janet, "That was after the Torino Olympics of course."

"You were in the Olympics!?" Maria said, "Did you win?"

"I finished sixth," Janet said sadly.

"Oh, that's too bad," said Maria.

"Well, the competition was just better," said Janet.

"But what was it like?" Maria asked.

"First, everything you hear on TV about how excited the athletes are is true," Janet answered. "I remember that it was really cold the night of the Opening Ceremonies, but I was sweating worse than my dad after a short bike ride. Skating was worse. I almost panicked on my first short program jump. Luckily I didn't fall, but the judges must not've liked it. Thankfully, my free skate was almost flawless, but I wasn't good enough to even medal."

"Wow," Maria said, leaning on the counter, completely enthralled by Janet's story. "I don't know if I could've done that."

"Well I've skated in competitions before," Janet chuckled. "I was able to remind myself and calm down."

"Hey, can you two help me get the snacks into the TV room?" Sean asked, putting his tweed flat cap back on his head and grabbing a plate of corned beef and rye bread.

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