Episode 46: The Battle of Milwaukee Part 1

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Arquen: "Previously, on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"


Trainer: "Physical therapy is neither quick, nor easy. You gotta work on it, buddy."

Ingvar: (To Tirna) "You were supposed to stay until the end. EXPLAIN!"

Tiris: "Rumor around the office is that Tirna has found something big.

Aaron: "I wish I hadn't quit being a Power Ranger."

Ragnar: "There is a building in the Rangers' city containing physical and digital copies of the schematics and plans of their weapons. I want you to raid it."

(The Rangers storm the building Tirna attacks. However, a Suitroop causes Rob to suffer a panic attack. Aaron saves him. Tirna eventually gets away with the information)

Sean: "You did a hell of a job, Ndebele."

Ragnar: "We WILL have Operation Ragnarok completed by Elrond's Day!"

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 46: The Battle of Milwaukee, Part 1

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Almost a month had gone by since another Elven attack.

The raid on the Project Ranger command center happened on March 29th. It was now April 23rd, a Saturday. The Rangers had been on their toes, waiting for an attack for three weeks.

A few things had developed since then. For starters, Hitomi and Gina started getting serious about their relationship. It's easy to assume this is a short fling between a college freshman and high school senior. But, Hitomi was the first person Gina notified, other than her parents, that she had gotten into UW. There's more to it, of course, and it's because a relationship is a constant work in progress.

"Listen, Hitomi," Gina said one day, sitting on her bed, staring into Hitomi's eyes and holding her hand, "I don't want this to just be a 'look, humans and elves can get along' thing. I love you. And I want to make this work. Also, I think I'm a lesbian."

"Okay," Hitomi replied. "I want this to work, too. Wait, lesbian?"

"I've never really been attracted to guys," Gina replied. "Whatever. But we agree; we need to take this seriously?"


As for the other Rangers, they took the time to catch up on their studying and register for summer school. Even Sean. They signed up for the 8-week session, which would begin on June 13, 2011.

But in the near-term, they had the end of the semester closing in and Finals Week not long after. The Rangers had started to double-down on their studying in the month that preceded, something Arquen and Liz noticed easily. Not only had things gotten quitter outside, but inside, too. Liz once walked in on Sean reading an ethnography and a journalism book at the same time. Wait, how could he do that!? He quickly noticed her, which made her duck out of sight behind the doorframe.

That was nothing compared to Kevin. He was apparently spending most of his waking free hours working on his course and coursework. His room, covered in rugby banners, was a mess with papers and papers he graded. This time, the other Rangers happened to walk past his room when they saw what was up. What first happened, was Ritchie had a quick glance at the room, but he stopped in his tracks to catch a glimpse of the mess. He was unfazed at first, but his eyes slowly widened at he caught the mess. "Looks like a Rez house," he said to himself.

Before long, Kevin looked up to see 4 humans and two elves staring at him. "Sod off!" he said, making the other Rangers disperse.

But it was still rather tough for all of them. That Friday, Maria walked out of the famous red doors of the Education School building wiping her brow off and reading some of Rusco's course material. Not even the shining sun and relatively warm weather helped. So she paid no attention to the kids on Bascom Hill basking in the warm, high-50s temps and sun, getting the opportunity to enjoy some real warm-weather days for this part of the American Midwest. Even Sean and Jimmy were enjoying themselves, playing catch with AJ in the middle.

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