Episode 48: The Battle of Milwaukee, Part 3

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Power Rangers GPX Episode 48: The Battle of Milwaukee, Part 3

:-:-:-: We're the Best Damn Chance you've Got, Power Rangers G-P-X, GO! :-:-:-:

Aengus shouted orders to his soldiers, pointing to them, outside and at other things. Then he pointed at the Rangers and to the elevators past the security gates. While the Sconnie elves moved into position, the Rangers ran to the elevators as Nuada handed their morphers back to them. But Aengus called for Sean and Kevin. They both stopped as they waited for Aengus to speak.

"Why must my son Fergus place his faith in you?" he asked. "As well as I?"

Sean shrugged after Kevin translated. "We're the fucking Power Rangers," he said before taking off for the elevators. After Kevin translated for Aengus, he shook his head, rolled his eyes and walked outside. But not before Nuada stopped to tell him something.

"I found a back-up suit in their devices, sir."

Turelie stared up at a dark spot high in the sky and then turned back to the US Bank Center's north entrance on E Wisconsin. The spot up above them was out of range. There was nothing she could do about it, but it was certainly annoying.

It was a US Army Black Hawk helicopter watching the events unfold below.

:-:-:-: PRGPX :-:-:-:

Col. Greene could see the tank on his monitor. He closed his eyes, sighed and turned to another officer. "Are there any aircraft in the vicinity?" he asked.

"There's one Apache five minutes out," said the soldier. "Providing air support."

"Send it in," said Col. Greene. "Then get the Rangers on the horn, we need to warn them."

The soldier immediately contacted the Apache pilot, ordering him to target the tank on E Wisconsin.

:-:-:-: Power Rangers GPX :-:-:-:

"I do not see them, General!" the tank gunner called out.

"It matters not," she said. "If they are not in the lobby, then we move in! Be ready to fire on command."

She turned to a soldier holding an Infrared screen that showed several figures moving in front of them. The sound of smashing glass accompanied those movements. They were possibly mad, but had no other choice. This was war. You don't take it safe in war.

"Tank gun, ready!" she called out. "FIRE!"

The ground shook as the tank fired its energy blast at the façade, blowing it up in a spectacular explosion. Several figures flickered in and out of view. Wood-elves, from the look of things, and they promptly started shooting back, simultaneously disappearing from view. Turelie ducked behind the tank as energy blasts flew past her. But she stayed calm, twiddled her fingers and waited for the tank gunners to re-load.

"Ready, General!" the gunner shouted.

"Fire at will, Lieutenant!" she replied.

The tank fired again. The façade exploded again, throwing shrapnel, glass and bodies all around. Some of the Wisconsin Elves became patches of blood on the pavement, others became half the elves they used to be.

It took all of Aengus's strength not to look at them. But hiding behind a cement block on the northeast corner of the building didn't give him much of a choice. He finally straightened back up and let off a couple of energy shots. He sighed in relief upon seeing Alfheim's soldiers struggle to find his location. The shield must have still been operational. Although he doubted it was going to stay that way for much longer. Next to him, Finn kept shooting.

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