Episode 42: Unworthy of the Throne

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Sean VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"


Gina: "Worst. Spring break. EVER."

Frat boy: "Get out of here, you little elf bitch!"

Gina: "Do you have ANY idea what I risked just to show these ears off!?"


Gina: "I could be an elf rights activist!"

Rusco: "I suspect he [Ragnar] may appeal to the disaffected elves living among humans."

Ragnar: "All elves living amongst humans must return to their people."

Túrelie: "How would you like to live among your own kind?"

Gina: "You're a selfish jerk, Hitomi. But you're still the best friend I've ever had."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 42: Unworthy of the Throne

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

It's pretty safe to say that Eruvanda and Arquen had not seen a baseball game yet. So when better to start with an afternoon Spring Training game between the White Sox and the Brewers?

Once again, this is a place where Sean and Ritchie's rivalry extended to. Of course, the White Sox and Brewers USED to be in the same division, the American League Central, until the Brewers moved to the National League, essentially ending the rivalry.

Didn't stop either one from chirping the other.

"You mean you actually took a break from cow-tipping to go to these games?" Sean snarked.

"At least we draw more than your little prison," Ritchie quipped.

"That's 'cuz they're all cubheads," said Sean.

"And our park is nicer, too."

"And we've got better food."

"Do you have a sausage race?"

"Only a race to get hot dogs and Polishes."

"Is that all?"

"Best food in the Bigs."

"I pity you," said Ritchie. "Heeeeey battabattabatta!"

"Is that the best you could do, Metoxen?" Sean asked. The Irish-American looked over at the young Oneida Indian, rolled his eyes and looked back to the TV. Or he would have, if he did not notice the Queen of the Elves watching the game with her knees curled up to her chest and her arms holding them close to it. "Y'alright, Liz?" he asked.

"Perhaps," she said.

Without once getting up from his seat, Sean turned towards Liz, put his elbow against the back of the couch and braced his head with that arm. "What's wrong?"

"I do not know," she said. "Do you think I am selfish?"

Ritchie instantly jumped up from the couch, took her by the hand, sat her down on said couch, and pretended to take notes. "Now zhen, Liz, vat are zese feelings of selfishness zat you are talking about?" he asked in a ridiculously comical faux-German accent that no one could take seriously, Sean especially. "Did it have somezing to do vith your muzzer?"

"... No," Liz replied.

"Zhen vat?"

"Well, what if I am only working to bring down Ragnar if only to become Queen again? At the risk of going against the wishes of my people?"

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