The past

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Louis POV

Ever since Em called me, I feel like a lot more is up than I know. I've been trying to put the pieces together. So far all I know is that the girl in the pictures with Em is Liz, and Liz was killed in a car accident two years ago. And Liz and Em were best friends, evidently Em took the death pretty hard but I mean who wouldn't? If your best friend dies its gonna hurt. But why does it hurt this bad, and for this long? I want to figure this out so I can help Em.

I start walking to the red car like normal, I keep driving Em'a car but she doesn't know. Mel says she never drives it anyway. I turn on the radio hoping anything but our music comes on. It is so weird to hear yourself on the radio, I can't stand it. Thankfully The Script is on.

I pass the buildings which have now all become firmiliar, the cupcake shop, the nice little cafe, and of course Benny's. I pull into the driveway and head to the door, knocking on it as I open it. Mel and I have formed sort of a brother an sister relationship. I spend way too much time over at her home, but I think it's a good thing.

"Mel, the life of the party is here!" I jokingly called as I went to sit on the sofa. She walks into the room, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Mel, it's one in the afternoon why do you look like you just woke up?" She was wearing pajamas as her hair was in a complete mess.

"Louis I told you I went out last night." She glares at me. "I have a killer headache."

"Aww, My poor Mel." I give her a sympathetic look. "Did you take some Tylenol?"

"Yep, I took like five." She closed her eyes and threw a hand over her face.

"Geez, lets not OD ok? But really can we talk? I'm really worried about Emma."

Her brow creases as she answers me, "Yeah, what's up with Em?!"

"We'll she called me, during the middle of the night completely bawling. She told me she wanted to come home that she couldn't take it with her parents anymore." I look and Mel nods at me. "She said her parents got into an argument and her mom had been drinking a lot."

"Oh shit."

I look at Mel. "Shit what?!"

"Her mom can be the nicest person, but when she's drunk it's terrible. She becomes completely mean. Whenever anything like that usually happens Emma comes over here, or we head out to the club. Emma will breakdown then act as if nothing happened. I can never get her to talk about it. We just go out and forget it ever happens."

"You go drink your problems away? Trust me that never works." I shake my head. "Anyway the lads were coming through town for a little while anyway so I called them. She's gonna stay with them while they're there."

"That'll be good, I the boys act anything like what us fans think then that's what she needs. Some people who can have fun and people who will care." She smiles at me.

"I still have some more questions though." I look at Mel who just nods at me. "Tell me about Liz. What happened that night? What happened to make Emma take it as hard as she did?"

Mel took a deep breath before she started, "Liz was one of the craziest people you would ever meet, never met a stranger and was the sweetest person, never said anything bad about anyone." A small smile came on her lips. "Emma and Liz were inseparable. They didn't go anywhere without each other. Both cheerleaders, they were ontop of the class. Most popular, everyone wanted to be them. They dated the Valley twins, Derek and Sam. But they weren't what you expected your average popular girls to be. Yeah they cheered but Liz was the lead singer for The Wayzers. Everyone loved them, and Emma was the person behind all the lyrics. She truly was the best."

"Yeah they were awesome! But I mean... how'd she die?" I felt awful for putting it that way.

"Well it was July 7th 2010. Liz's sixteenth birthday. Emma had this huge party planned. Everyone met at the old packing house, Emma had the drinks and a DJ. Everything was going great. People where having fun. Everyone had definitely had too much to drink though. Liz threw out an idea, she wanted to go to the place downtown that did tattoos, we all had fakes so it wouldn't have been a problem. So we all went." She looked down in her lap. "Don't asked me how we got there safe. But we did. I don't know what happened inside, I stayed outside with Johnny.... Anyway they both came out later and each of them had got one but they didn't show anyone yet. We were all going to head back to the packing house and liz and sam were going to do there own thing. So Derek and Emma, and me rode together to the packing house. We all stayed out there till around three the next morning. Emma got a call around two from Liz saying that he and Sam got into a fight. Emma told her to head back to the packing house and they'd go home." I noticed the tears start to fall from her eyes," Liz never made it to the packing house. She missed the turn on Register, the car flipped multiple times. She was killed on impact."

"Oh, wow" I couldn't form any other words.

"Emma, didnt leave her room for a week. She stopped writing songs, she stopped going to Benny's. She broke up with Derek. For about a year she didn't really talk to anyone. I've asked her so many times to talk with me about it but she won't. To this day no one knows what tattoo they got, Emma keeps quiet about it all."

I left Mel and went to go think. I'm walking around the park, when I get a call from Harry. "Hey mate how's it going? How's Em?"

"She's doing alright. We got back to the rooms earlier. She's playing a video game with Zayn right now."

"Good, good" I smile, "did she say anything that happened? Tell y'all anything?"

"No, she kept pretty quiet about it. She did say something bout people always looking at her with sad faces but I'm not sure.."

"Yeah that's what I figured. But I need you guys to watch out for her. I'm really worried about her. She's been through a lot, she's pretty fragile." I start walking back to the house. Maybe I can find stuff in her room.

"Gotcha Louis. We tried to keep her out from the paps but they definitely saw her. I mean she's gonna get seen."

"Yeah I know, but I don't want people to start rumors about her. Anyway I gotta go. Tell everyone hey. "

"Bye louis," "bye Hazza"

I walk into the house and run past my Mum on the couch and up the stairs opening the door to Emma's room. I remember her drawers being locked and sit on the floor and start tinkering with the lock.

"Maybe if I get this open I can find some answers" I tell myself. After about 20 minutes I finally pull the drawer open. I gasp at what I see. "No, Emma. No."


Hey sorry it's been a while :/ hope you like it tried to do a cliff hanger. Merry Christmas to you guys. Cot, comment,do whatever.

Sara jane xx

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