The river

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Emma POV

It's been three days since I got to Doncaster, it's been better than I thought it would be. I walked into the cafe that sat at the corner of the street and order a large Carmel mocha, my favorite. Currently my parents were out shopping, my mom is obsessed with shopping. It doesn't matter what kind, she could be shopping for anything. I think it calms her.

I've been out walking and exploring the city, it's kinda boring but there are many neat shops. And yesterday we all went out for lunch and spent the day watching movies. Surprisingly I had a good time. Not once this trip has my mom tried said anything negative towards me, hopefully it'll stay that way.

My phone lets out a beep, and I look to the screen. Huh, I don't know that number. "Hello?"

"Um hi, is this Emma?" A boy speaks nervously, with an accent.

"The one and only!"

"Hey, well this is Louis, you know the guy staying in your home." Holy fuck..... It's Louis Tomlinson.

"Oh yeah, hey. How's my place holding up? My car hasn't been moved right?" I asked seriously.

"Oh no," he chuckled, "haven't touched it. House is great. Eating some of Millys cookies right now. They're amazing!"

"Oh you're making me jealous!" I joked, "your place is fine too. Been trying to find some good stuff to do here?" Maybe he'll have some good suggestions.

"Yeah! You should so go down to the river and take a boat ride. It's so relaxing" he sounded so sure that I couldn't help but smile. "I'll do that! And you should defiantly check out some of the local bands. They rock!"

I told him.

Louis chuckled and said "I'll have to do that. Go have fun and don't hesitate to call me if you wanna talk."

"Same to you!" I ended the call and turned around heading toward the river.

I paid the lady at the stand and walked over to boat number 7, it was army green and had about three rows of seating. I carefully walked onto the boat, sitting in the middle seat. Once I paddled my way to the middle I stopped.

I looked around at everything, there was a woman and man, with two younger children on a boat. The little kids kept tilting the boat left and right, making the other screech as they almost fell in. I smiled to myself, Liz and I use to do the same thing. Except in lake at the country club, her dad would drive us out and put us on a circular tube that just say there.

I started to tear up at the thought of her, I quickly shifted my gaze to another boat. This one held a guy and a girl. They looked about my age and were acting all lovey dovey. I thought about Josh. He didn't deserve what I did to him. I was grieving over Liz, he didn't understand. I try to let these thoughts out of my head before I burst into tears in the middle of the river.

I pull my notebook out of my bag and do something I haven't done in a while; write.

I open the notebook that held so many memories, every song I'd written. Only for Liz and the Wayzers. After the accident I couldn't write anymore, music was what Liz and I shared.

Maybe it's time to start again, I thought. The shrink always said it could be the best way to let my feelings out. I deeply exhale trying to prepare myself as I look through each song, and tears start to stream down my face. I pass my first song, then the second. The tears are coming steady now as I start to bear the pen upon the paper.

'Member the times, times, times sneaking of the house

All of the times, times, times that you had the doubts

And don't forget all the trouble we got into

We got something you can't undo, do

I look to the tear stained page covered in pen marks. I smiled, this song is for Liz, every memory, from when we snuck into the bar, made cheer, to breakups then finally the accident, it was all in the song. I can't believe I waited so long to do this, I felt so much better.

I looked to my phone, which I had out on silent, to find I had been out there for four hours and had 5 missed calls from my parents. Shit I thought. I quickly put my notebook in my bag and rowed my way to the dock.

I got home to find my parents waiting impatiently on the couch. "I know you're probably really mad at me, but I was at the river thinking." I looked to my dad and mom. "I wrote a song". This caused them to look at each other, hope forming in their eyes, "about Liz, about everything." I whispered.

"Honey, I'm so glad!" My mom came up and engulfed me in a hug. My dad quickly joined doing the same.

"Emma, that's really great" he said with a light chuckle. "I'm glad that you could do that again."

"Me too," I looked at them, " I'm going to go to bed now, it's been a long day" they just nodded to me as I walked to my room, well Louis room. I quickly changed and got ready for bed, making sure to send a text to Louis thanking him for telling me about the river.

And For the first time in a long time, I didn't need the pills to sleep soundly that night.


Sooo they finally "meet" lol Yay! Let me know what you think, and big thanks to my best friend @abbiediane for helping with chapter when I was stuck! Much love Boobear! :)

If you haven't checked hers out yet you should!

"It all started with an email" and "I went in the wrong direction"

And don't forget my other story "it's the little things"

Thanks for everything lovelies (:

Sara jane xx

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