Louis pov

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Louis POV

These past few weeks in Westchester had been pretty great. At first the thought of coming here killed me, but I realized I needed this break. It all became too much, trying to be the person everyone wanted me to be, I'm best as myself.

The lads are going to love me when I come back, I've been working on loads of lyrics. Getting help from John one of Emma's old buddies who was the guitarist for The Wayzers. I'd been hanging out with them some.

I couldn't believe the summer was half way over, in a month I was headed back to Doncaster and Emma back here, I had become firmiliar with the city. The lady at the coffee shop knows my order when I walk in, and the house felt like home.

"Louis, I just got a call from Elijah. His wedding is moved from September to August." My mom walks into my room. "So we will be leaving here a bit early."

Elijah is my cousin and he was soon to be married to a lovely girl. "Oh. How early is early?"

"We'll we will leave a week early so it's not too bad." She gave me a smile. "And I know you and Emma made plans, but don't worry they're going to stay in Doncaster hole were there for the wedding. You will have some time with her."

My face blushed as my mom said this, "is it that obvious?"

"Love, you're constantly on the phone with her. I'd have to be blind to not notice it." She chuckled, patting my leg and walking out of the room closing the door behind her.

Yes! That means I get to spend some extra time with Emma! I couldn't wait, but I'm not going to tell her. I want it to be a surprise.

I have a surprise for you! Loubear xx

I texted her to let her know I had something up my sleeve but I'm jot budging. She won't know until I knock upon that door.

What?! You're not telling me though are you? - Emmmm

I chuckled as I typed my reply

My lips are sealed. But you'll find out in three weeks (; Loubear xx

I knew she would be itching to know what I was going to surprise her with.

Meanieeee. -emmmm

You love me though. :p -Loubear xx

Depends on how good the surprise is.... - Emmmm

Trust me. It will be the best surprise yet! - Loubear xx

Woah now, mr. Cocky. I did get my convertible for my birthday. It's going to have to best that. - Emmmm

It will :) - Loubear xx


School needs to go away. I have no time to do anything. Sorry about the slow update. But I don't know if anyone is reading this! Comment or let me know what's up!!!

- Sara jane :)

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