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Louis POV

I slammed my fist on the alarm clock as it continued to blast annoying music, then I remembered today's the day. I look at the clock as it reads 9:00. Paul was picking all of us up at 10:30 and dropping us off at the airport. I quickly shower and change, pulling on sweats, a jumper, and a beanie. I walked back in my room and moved all my awards and trophies into the desk drawer, best to keep these away, I thought. I would be extremely pissed if somebody screwed them up. I talked to the lads in the phone yesterday, apologized for the shitty way I'd been acting and how I was hurting the band. They all said the understood. That things weren't screwed up, that they thought a break would be good for everyone.

We released to the media that the band was taking a break on my account. All shows and interviews to be rescheduled. People knew my family and I were going away, but only he boys and management knew where to. I'm really hoping it stays on the down low, I think this time could be good. Maybe get rest because I'm sure as hell not the same person I was 4 months ago. My mum, sisters and I get into Paul's car and I thank God no paps were around. Wanting to keep my destination a secret we're taking a private plane. I hate taking them, I'd rather fly with lots of other people. Evidently it causes to much hassle though. People always say being in a famous boy band is great, and it don't get me wrong, I just wish that I could be normal again sometimes. But I know that's never going to happen, I love making music though, it's the best thing in the world.

7 hours later we arrive at the place we were to be staying. It was beautiful, and huge. Practically a mansion. When we got out I our rental car, we were greeted by a group of people.

"Hello i'm Mildred," an older women with greying hair welcomed us. "I'm the Woods' housekeeper." She pointed at each of the other people standing beside her. George the driver, Andy the pool guy, and Mark the maintenance guy. Man these people have it made. "If you'll follow me inside I will show you to your rooms"

"That would be lovely," my Mum said ushering all of us through the large door.

As we walked toward the bedrooms, I took in the house. It was nice, the staircase was marble, and there were large paintings everywhere.

"The twins will be staying in here" she pointed at a room with two double beds that was a lavender. "Charlotte and Felicity you will share this room" pointing at the room next door. " and louis you can follow me to third floor, you will get Ms. Emma's room." I followed the women up yet another set of staircases. At the top was a door, which she opened to reveal a large room that most definately belonged to a girl. "Thank you mrs. Mildred," I told her as I walked in and place my bags on the red duvet. "No problem, sir but please call me Milly. Everyone does." I smiled "sure thing Milly" she closed the door after she exited the room.

I looked around the room, noticing the walls covered in pictures. Most of them of two girls, a really pretty blonde with bright blue orbs, and a lovely brunette. I make my way over to the desk, looking for the letter she was supposed to write. I looked around finally finding an envelope, I opened it eagerly quickly reading the cursive script.

Hello there, um so I hope you have fun staying here. There's not much to do in the summer, but we do have a pool out back if you want to swim. Well I'm not sure if your a guy or a girl but if your a girl please don't borrow my clothes, I really love them and don't want them ruined. Plus, I am the only one in the tri state area with those items. If you're a guy then just forget I said anything. The red Mercedes convertible in the garage is mine, under no circumstances can you drive it. That should be it. If you need anything, recommendations on places to go give me a shout, 877-890-7654.

Have fun!


Okay louis don't wear the clothes and don't drive the car that shouldn't be too bad. Being nosy like I am I decided to peek through the room. I opened her closet to find it full, wow. Reminder dont tell the sisters about this. But what I found next really surprised me, posters of bands. Not the pop bands you think she would listen to, but complete alternative stuff. I moved back to the desk trying to open the drawer but it was locked. Darn, that sure ruins the fun.

I sit on the bed, a sudden wave of tiredness comes through me and before I know it im out.


Ok so this chapter is completely boring....sorry. Keep reading and ill hopefully post tomorrow but a family friend passed away so things are getting hectic.

Later lovelies. (:

- Sara jane.

I Wanna Save You (one direction / louis tomlinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora