Too good to be true

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I burst into fits if laughter as I open the message from Louis. It's yet another image of him eating carrots. I swear that's the fifth one today! Over the past 2 weeks louis and I had become super close. We texted each other nonstop. We'd told each other everything. Well in my case almost everything. He doesn't know the whole story about Liz's accident or what I went through. But it's better if he doesn't. I don't want him to be like everyone else. Look at me with sad in their eyes. I don't need that, besides I'm the reason she's dead.

I knew it was to good to be true. The tears started rolling down my cheeks as I showed clothes into my duffel bag. "Emma, get down here now!" I heard my mother call to me. I didn't reply. She had a fight with my dad, and when that happens she takes a bottle of wine to drown her troubles.

"It's your fault!" "If you never would have been born this wouldn't have happened" "if you would have been careful that night, you wouldn't be feeling sorry for yourself!" The words traveled through my head and stung even worse the second time. Ha. Never fails.

I pulled out my phone and hit Louis number. Come on Louis, you better pick up.

"Hello?" I heard after the third ring.

"Louis, I can't do this anymore. I need to get out. Get away." I managed to say between sobs.

"Emma, wait what's wrong, what happened." Concern filled his voice. "Where are you?!"

"I'm about to leave the house, I have a credit card; I'm going to fly back. I just can't deal with this anymore. My mom hates me. Nothing ill ever do will make her happy."

"Emma, running will make it worse trust me!" He pleaded with me.

"Louis, I'm 18 now. They can't control every fucking thing I do. This is the last time I'm a burden to them."

"Emma, they couldn't possibly mean it that way, who couldn't like you?! Explain what happened to me."

I told Louis everything, my parents fight and the harsh words my mom said. I don't even tell Mel that, this isn't the first time she's threw those words at me.

"Em, my band mates are in the area near you. Why don't you go stay with them? This way your still near your parents and can try to fix things. "

"I don't know Lou..."

"Please! I'll send one I them to pick you up..." He pleaded with me.

"Louis, I urghh. Sure whatever." I closed my eyes. Maybe meeting some new people will help.

"Great! I'll make sure they're there within an hour. " he told me.

"Alright Lou, thanks."

"Anything for you Em! Now take the sadness off your face, I'll make sure they show you some fun."

"Bye Louis, love you. " I sniffle.

"By Em! Love you with double sprinkles. " I manage a laugh, man that boy was good.

An hour later I hear a knock on the door and know that's my cue. I left a note on the counter explaining what I was doing. I was going to go with the boys who were staying at a hotel downtown.

I opened the door to a boy whose hair was curled. "Hey," he says kindly, "I'm Harry." He smiles at me.

"I'm Emma." I politely smile back at him. I look to my feet realizing how terrible I look. I hadn't changed out of my clothes from earlier that day and I'm pretty sure I have mascara runs down my face. How embarrassing.

"Here let me grab your duffel." He picked up my bag and led me down to his car. He opened the door and I was greeted by three faces.

"No I want her to sit by me."

"No me!"

"Zayn don't make me mess with your hair."

"Niall you wouldn't dare!"

"Boys stop it! She's right here you're going to scare her off" Harry said to the boys and then motioned for me to sit down.

I sat on a seat by a blonde and a boy with a quiff. "Hey I'm Emma. " I said to them. "Zayn" the one with the quiff said. "Niall!" The blonde told me. "I'm Liam!" A boy says from over my shoulder.

"So you doing alright? Louis said you got into an argument with your mum. " Zayn asked me and the other boys all nodded.

"We'll as you can probably see it was pretty rough" I point at my self, " but it's nothing I'm not use to her doing anyway. "

The boys all look at me. "God, don't look at me that way. People do it too much. "

"Sorry." Liam mutters.

"No sorry I lost my cool. " it's just been a long day. " I close my eyes, ill just rest for a little while......

"Do we need to wake her up?"

"I mean I can carry her.."

"We can't let the paps see her though."

I blink my eyes as I regain my sight. Standing above me are the four boys. "Um I'm awake now.." I smile to them.

"Oh good, good." Liam says.

"Okay, so were here at the hotel, there's umm some paps out there...." Zayn tells me.

"Crap! And I look like an utter train wreck, I don't want them to see me." I whine out.

Harry looks at me then laughs. "Love don't worry" he tosses me a hoodie,"wear that" then hands me some aviators, "and put those on."

I do what he says and then nod letting them know I'm ready to get out. Niall opens the car door and flashes surround me.

"Niall who is this girl?"

"Harry, is this the girl you've been seeing?"

"Doll what's your name?"

I keep my head down as the boys usher me inside. Well I guess I need to get use to that now....


Hmm, what you think?? I'm stuck at home in my bed sick :/ it suckssss. Anyway hope you enjoyed.

-Sara jane (:

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