Chapter 14

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A/N: Happy New Year and Happy Holidays! May 2021 be better the 2020. In other news. I want to thank everyone that has taken the time to read my story. As some of you know I struggle with PTSD and severe anxiety and depression. Writing has always been an outlet, but I never shared it. Until now and everyday I get on and see the read count going higher and higher. Everyone I live with has said that my mood has been a lot better and I seem happier. So thank you! You'll are giving me the motivation I need.  Now enough of my babbling. Here is Chapter 14!


Rayn walked in to the pack house and narrowly missed being shot in the face by a Nerf dart. "Sorry Luna!" Three kids called as the continued to run about the front room and kitchen shooting each other. Rayn chuckled to himself, it was nice to see the kids playing carefree. "Sorry about that Luna Rayn. We have dinner ready if you are hungry." Marie Ann, a werewolf and mother of two of the three running around, told him. "That sounds fantastic. Asami said he would be inside in a few minutes." He told her as he followed her back into the kitchen. "Hey kid." Jeff called to him when he saw him. Rayn smirked, by the look in some of the pack members faces,they weren't to happy with Jeff calling him 'Kid' however with everything Jeff had done for him he very much deserved the right to call him that. "Hey Jeff." He answered as he took a seat next time him. A plate of food was set in front of Rayn and he thanked them. As he ate himself, Jeff and some of the pack members talked about random things.

-General Point of View Change – Rayn, Asami & Goddric -

"When you are done eating can you and Jeff come to my office?" Asami asked as he passed the kitchen. "Yeah, I am almost done so we will see you in a few." Rayn told him then turned back to finish eating.He finished quickly and he and Jeff walked upstairs to the office. "Are we interrupting?" Rayn asked amused when he entered the office to see Goddric rubbing Asami's shoulders while discussing so pack related matter. "Someone's jealous." Goddric smirks,causing both Asami and Rayn to laugh. "Moving on." Rayn rolled his eyes playfully as he walked in and unceremoniously plopped down into the chair in front of Asami's desk. "What did you guys want?"Rayn asked as he tried to stifle a yawn. Goddric and Asami both pretended to not notice. It was more then apparent that Rayn had along day at work and they could feel the soreness and tiredness rolling off him in waves. "You look exhausted Little one." "It was a long day at work, but I am fine. So what's up?" "We wanted to go over the plan for tomorrow." "Oh, yeah I forgot we are leaving tomorrow. By the Goddess it really was a long day at work."Rayn half joked. "Jeff did you contact your sister?" Rayn asked."Yup, he can't wait to see you and that you have a surprise." "Oh goddess, you didn't???" Goddric and Asami watched the banter between the two of them. "I didn't but I might have hinted at it."Rayn groaned. He loved Jeff's sister, but she was one to be very overly mothering. "I am sorry ahead of time." Rayn said to his mates. "So what time are we going to leave? Are we going by car?Plane? Have you contacted the Alpha to let him know we are coming?"Rayn rattled of the questions in rapid fire. "Okay, calm down there kid. Starting with the when and how. We agreed to leave around 5 A.M,fly out to my sisters were we will stay the night before we go the rest of the way by car. As for contacting the Alpha, I spoke with him right before you got home. He looks forward to finally meet you and of course as with any visiting Alpha's he wants you to come straight to greet him." "Of course." Asami said before asking, "What's wrong Rayn?" "Oh, I was just wondering why the new Alpha of the pack is looking forward to meeting me... He wasn't in the Alpha until was already here." "About that..." Jeff started, carefully trying to find the right words. "When he was told about all the things you suffered and how that original Alpha had not only ignored it, but also took part in it. It didn't sit well and he wants to express his apology directly. He told me if he had known he would have challenged sooner." "How could he have known. You were part of the pack and were unaware until I final confided in you." The room was silent.

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