Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

~ General Point of View Change –Goddric and Asami ~

"Don't you look satisfied." Asami teased as he entered their room to see Goddric watching TV with Rayn sleeping peacefully cuddled against him. "How could I not be?" He asked as he looked at his sleeping mate. "How was he?" "Amazing, but in all seriousness he was fine. More then fine. He's really come a long way in the past few months." Goddric's voice held a bit of sorrow in it. Both he and Asami blamed themselves for what happened. Rayn repeatedly told them it wasn't their fault and that nobody could have known it was going to happen. However what had affected them the most was the first few weeks of being home. They could barely touch him with out him jumping, panicking, shying away or slapping their hands away. They knew he wasn't rejecting their affection, but it still hurt. It was even harder at night when Rayn would have nightmares. It had gotten so bad that Goddric had all but dragged him to the doctor. They both hated having to see their mate go through this, to have to take medication just to be able to sleep and function during the day. However between the medication, therapy and their efforts, Rayn was slowly getting back to how he was before all this happened.

"What time is his appointment with the doctor tomorrow?" Asami asked as he walked over to the closet to get some underwear and basketball shirts. "It's at two. You want to come?" "That's a stupid question Goddric. Of course I want to come." Goddric just chuckled at him. "Hopefully they will finally drop some of the medication he is taking. I love the taste of our mate's blood, but the slight after taste of them is not as pleasant." "Can you really taste it?" Asami asked curiously. Vampires are known to have a very good sense of taste when it comes to blood and most of the powerful ones, like Goddric, even have the ability to distinguish things like drugs in a persons blood stream. "Its faint, but I can." "How bad does it taste?" Again Asami's curiosity got the better of him. "Its hard to explain. Normally his blood has a sweetness to it, but with all the medication he's on that sweetness is not as strong and has a very slight bitterness. If that makes any sense." "Yeah, kinda. What's mine taste like?" He asked sheepishly. "Hm.. well seeing as you are also my mate its also sweet, but also has a bit of spiciness to it because you are a werewolf." Goddric chuckled as he answered. Normally it has a coppery taste that you would imagine blood to have. However the taste of a vampires mate hold a sweetness to it that is unique to each mate, it's basically the same as why Rayn has the scent of black cherries.

Both their attentions snapped to Rayn as their mate mumbled something incoherently about food and being to full. It was one of their secret pleasures hearing Rayn's sleep talking. It was amusing the things that their mate would say in his sleep, but the last few months had not been so amusing. However it had been almost three week's since the last time he had yelled out from a nightmare. It was also almost a week since he stopped taking the night medication. So to hear him mumbling his normal random and at time's outright hilarious things was a complete relief to both of them. "How was patrol by the way?" Goddric questioned, pulling their attention away from Rayn. "It was good. Nothing to report other then Eric getting out witted by a bunny." "You are joking right?" Goddric asked in disbelief. "Not in the least. The damn thing was fast and kept diving in and out of bushes, tree roots and finally into its den. I mean he was only half-assing it, but still it was funny." "I wish I could have seen that. But on a more serious note. I am still not happy about him going back to work." "Yeah I know, but Goddric we can't keep him locked up here in the house." "Why the hell not? He's not ready to go back to work. You know it as well. He's going to have a major breakdown and all the progress up till now will be for nothing." "Goddric. I get it. I really do, but if we don't let him do this he could start to hate us. He isn't as fragile as we think. We need to give him a chance. I already spoke with Rico and his has agreed to watch him at work. Rico knows what to do if Rayn start having a panic attack or a breakdown. Plus we are less then fifteen minutes away from the shop, so if something happens we will be there." Asami said as he changed into the clean cloths and climbed in bed next to Rayn. "You really do need to stop treating him like a kid. He is an adult and he knows his body and mind better then we do. If he thinks he can handle it, then we need to trust him, and when he breaks down we will be there to help him." Goddric sighed he knew Asami was right, but he still wasn't happy about all of this. "Lets get some sleep." Asami said as he snuggled in closer to Rayn.

~ General Point of View Change –Goddric ~

Goddric woke up before the others. He looked at Rayn and gentle pushed back a piece of his auburn hair that had fallen into his face while he slept. He carefully moved Rayn's arm from his waist and slipped out of bed. He smiled as he watched Rayn snuggle up to Asami, who let out a sigh of contentment. Goddric quietly grabbed a change of cloths then walked to the bathroom, did his business, brushed his teeth and dressed for the day. After getting dressed he slipped quietly out of the room and walked to the kitchen. One of his favorite things to do was cook for his mates. Today's breakfast would consist of bacon, eggs, sausage, french toast which was Rayn's favorite and a fruit salad. The fruit was given to him yesterday from Danielle, one of the vampires in the pack.

As he cooked he thought about the things they talked about last night. He knew he was being overbearing, but it wasn't something he could just turn off. He knew Rayn was not a small fragile child, he was a grown adult. He also knew that Rayn had been threw so much worse as a child, and it made his blood boil. Rayn had managed to get past it once before, but how long did it take then? Months? Years? Goddric sighed as he started making a fresh pot of coffee. Was it really so bad that he wanted to keep Rayn at his side for a few more months? Yes he had been making great progress in therapy and he has been doing an amazing job with his work as the pack's Luna. In the beginning he had a few breakdowns, but lately he hasn't had any troubles. He panicked at the slightest touch when caught off guard, now he only jumped in surprise if someone catches him off guard. The pack as a whole has been more then supportive as well. A few of the warrior had taken it upon themselves to teach Rayn self defense and to everyone's surprise Rayn was actually quite the little fighter. Others would swing by and have Rayn do maintains on there cars. Rayn really did find peace while working on cars. Both he and Asami could feel the sense of calm wash over him when he worked.

He flipped a few pieces of the bacon and french toast. He sighed again. He wished so bad that he could go back in time and stop what happened before Rayn got hurt, but it wasn't possible. So it was best to support and help Rayn in the healing process. However fighting the urge to hover was harder then he thought it would be. He plated the last of the french toast and bacon, then made the eggs. As he was placing the food on the table Rayn came out of the room yawning. "Good morning Little one." He greeted his mate. "Morning, Asami will be out in a few. He's showering. Mmm that smells good." Rayn told him, which made him smile. "Thank you, would you like coffee or orange juice?" "Coffee please. Double sugar." He walked into the kitchen and poured both Rayn and Asami cup of coffee. Grimaced as he added Rayn's sugar. How someone could drink sugared coffee was beyond him, but it's what his mate likes. He handed Rayn his cup and set Asami's by his plate before sitting down himself. "How is it?" "Amazing as always. Waking up to your cooking is definitely one of my favorite things." Rayn told him. "You have your doctor's appointment at two, other then that do you have any plans for today?" He asked after greeting Asami a good morning. "I need to go deal with a couple of issues that pack members are having, but otherwise nothing." "Oh? What issues?" Goddric asked Rayn. "Apparently there is a disagreement regarding something in the community garden and I have to mediate. As well as talk to a couple of kids that got caught skipping school, then Mike asked me to do an oil change on his car." "Sounds like a busy day. However I am glad to see you are getting more and more comfortable with the responsibilities of being Luna. Don't you agree Asami?" "Definitely and in all honesty I am glad he is the one dealing with issues regarding the kids. I don't mind, but it can be time consuming." "That is can, but I like helping the kids so it works for me, plus if I want to be a good Luna." "You are doing greet Rayn. Just keep being yourself. The pack loves you." Goddric told his mate proudly. It was almost daily that members of the pack would tell him how great of a job Rayn was doing. "I have to get going. You too enjoy your meal." Goddric said as he kissed both his mate's good bye.

After they told him to have a good day he grabbed his water bottle and headed out. Today he had training and testing to see who would make good candidates for the warrior program. All pack members are offered a chance to learn self defense and it's strongly recommended that they at least do that much. However anyone that wanted to do more advanced training could sign up to take classes. Today was one of three day's of qualifying matches for the warrior program. The way the pack was defense set up was Alpha Warriors which were the one's to fight along side the Alpha, Beta Warriors which support the Alpha Warriors and the Gamma Warriors which are the ones that stay closer to the pack house to protect the ones not able to fight and children. Goddric loved to help with the training and it was one of his official duties as to appoint and promote warriors.

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