Chapter 2

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Laura Grace/LG/Gracie - POV

I sat looking out the window of the Black SUV remembering a different time. I held the file in my lap, closely guarded. I knew these days would come. I am on my way to my meeting, but knew I had to tell her when I got back. Kyle would be coming with the King. I had watched him over the year as he moved up in rank. He was now right next to the King. Or should I say the new King, he just stepped up from his father 6 months ago. I had met the previous King when I went to get our Pack Charter, King Edmond said he thought what we were doing was noble, but he also never really thought we would be as big, strong or wealthy as we are now.

The King granted Pack Partnership; all packs have to have them in order to show legality under the "Human Laws" for corporations. Werewolves have evolved to use Packs as legal corporations to finance their lives. I just figured I would play with the "Big Boys" and work both sides, the "human" and werewolf side. I had already kept the secret before the "Reject Day" as Lizzie and I call it. This morning brought back every moment for Lizzie and sitting here being driven into the city by Sarah our Gamma, and my personal bodyguard as she likes to put it, I can't help remembering my own personal pain.

Flashback – 1 year ago

I watched as Lance carried Lizzie up to the house, he was in black athletic shorts he found in one of the bins we keep around the forest area. Lizzie had a blanket wrapped around her that we kept in "our place". He stopped when he got to me and told me, "Thank you, she was right where you said she would be." He smiled as he walked in and went right up to her room. She was passed out from running and crying. I let Lance go after her, while I took my conference call to finalize her now much needed Birthday Gift.

As I walked in her room to lay with her Lance stopped me, "How did you know she would be at the house in the unclaimed territory on the other side of the river?"

"Because, its our house. Lizzie and I always go there. It was her favorite place. Since its on unclaimed land and up for sale it is now hers." I told him softly.

Lance looked at me confused at first then realizing, "YOU BOUGHT HER A HOUSE FOR HER BIRTHDAY!" How Lizzie didn't wake up is beyond me.

"Shut up! Yes." I whisper yelled.

He pointed to the door, following him out he turned to me, "How much money do you really have LG?"

"Wow Lance, I didn't want to start comparing dicks this early with the men around here, but ok, I have enough for her to never depend on anyone again." I said to him looking right into his eyes.

"You know I don't mean any disrespect. I just had no idea. I knew you were a genius with numbers, but she's not going to let you just give it to her." Lance knowing his sisters' pride so well.

I look him dead in the face and tell him, "I know, I have a plan. It was always a dream or back up I never thought we would need. I was always going to buy the house and land and present it as an add on to your fathers land and eventually your pack." I tell him

"But now?" Lance asks.

"But now, I have other plans." I tell him as I get a link from his father asking me to bring Lance and come straight to his office.

As I look at Lance he turns and says, "Tell my Dad I am on my way, I need to change."

I head off to Alpha Brent's office when he links me and says, "By the way, we are not done with that conversation."

"As far as you need to know, we are for now." I tell him and close the link.

I start down the hall to the office when I smell it. Evergreen and Cinnamon, it stops me dead in my tracks. NO, not now. I do not need to find my mate today. I take a moment to contain Emmy my wolf and tell her "We are strong and confident; we do not get worked up over a man."

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