Chapter 32

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Laura Grace/Gracie/LG

As Charlie, Sarah and I walk back in the banquet hall. I take the room in and see the complete happiness that is now all over the room. I see Lizzie with Kyle, his hand on the small of her back as they laugh with her family. I see the recent members that just arrived talking to the other women, laughing and happy. More importantly my 3 girls, kicked out of their pack, well basically, for being smart and wanting more than what they were told. That is when I realize the magnitude of what could happen if I fail in negotiations. Not only is Sarah in danger, but a war would mean everyone in this room could be hurt. I start panic, the same feeling from earlier today, my eyes go wide and my breathing starts to get shallow. I feel Sarah and Charlie's arms being pulled out of mine as I feel the tingling sensation on my waist.

Its Max, pulling me back to him, calming me. His arms around my waist, his chest is pressed against my back. His head comes to my neck and he nuzzles his nose in my shoulder. I lean my head back and enjoy the tingles all over my back and hear him in my ear. "I have you. I will not let anything happen. Just know I love you and I will always love you." His words sooth me and calm me down. We are standing on the dance floor and I hear the music change as Max turns me to face him and pulls me into him. I hear Skyler Grey, I know you, start to play through the speakers. I swear he planned this. We start to move as I see him smirk and yes, I know he planned this.

"Thank you." I give him a small smile.

"I did nothing but calm my mate." He leans down and kisses my cheek.

"I thought you were mad." I look up at Max as he shakes his head.

"No, not mad. I am not happy, but I understand. I just want to know that we do have a future? That you do want to be with me. That you are not going to use excuses to stay." Max looks at me and then puts his hand up. As I start to get upset and open my mouth to tell him its just because to the current situation.

"Wait, I know, this situation is the reason you are staying. And as soon as it is over you will come with me and I can introduce you to my pack and we can make plans on the move." He says looking serious at me. "I know you have business here on Monday, we will go see Armando on Monday afternoon. Then we can leave Tuesday." He says with a smile.

"That's so fast, I mean don't you think your getting ahead of everything. I mean I think maybe I can leave Thursday." I say honestly.

"Thursday?" Max looks at me with a mix of shock and curiosity.

"Can't we just wait till after we talk to Armando?" I ask, practically begging.

"Fine, but Tuesday if all is well, we go. Deal?" Max is looking like one of my boardroom adversaries.

"Make it Wednesday and were good." Honestly, I didn't think I would need Wednesday, but at this point I just wanted to see how much he was willing to give.

"Fine!" He said putting his hands us conceding. As I smile up at him and throw my arms around him, he envelops me in his arms and whispers in my ear, "I would have been fine with Thursday." And as he kisses my neck, I know I have met my match.

I am pulled out of my silent revelry by Lizzie. "So, you ready? Sorry Max, I need my Beta." Lizzie asks and grabs my arm. I had totally forgot we didn't tell her or Kyle.

"Lizzie, Sweetie. We have to talk. I don't want to ruin your party, but I started thinking we should announce your engagement and mate and then after your mating ceremony we shift everything." I say holding her hands and smiling at her.

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