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The train had taken off leaving Water Seven behind with the marines, Government officers, members of CP9, Robin, Franky, Usopp and Luna all onboard it. In the second cart sat the members of CP9 along with Luna, who was watching the wild waves being created by Aqua Lagoon, even when Corgi was standing before all in the cart. "First, the one who leads Government Officials in car# 7, the very last car, is..." He had began to explain the lay out of the train to them. "In order of increasing strength, the one who leads forty marines in car #5 is T-Bone, a Navy Headquarters' Captain and former knight. Next, the one standing by in car #4 is Wanze, a martial artist from Cipher Pol No. 7, who is also the head steward on this trip. And the one standing by in car #3 is Mr. Nero, the newest member of CP9." None of them seemed all that interested in what was being said. "Anyway, though we are escorting criminals, there's no possibility of a raid. But just in case, we have military power ready in each car, so..." Corgi felt slightly awkward after noticing that they didn't seem to care. But at the time none of them realised what was happening through out the cars behind them. That was until Corgi, who had left some time ago came back with news that wasn't all that pleasing.
"An intruder?" Lucci had repeated back after hearing that there was an intruder on the train.
"Y-Yes, sir. That's what I heard."
"It's not possible to get on board Puffing Tom while it's running. If there really is an intruder, it means that we let him come on board when we departed." That had been spoken from Lucci, who seemed to have become annoyed.
"I agree. It's embarrassing." Corgi was pretty much hanging his head in shame.
"But at the same time, it's not possible to get off while it's running, either. The intruder as well as the criminals are certainly still on this sea train." He had been told to keep calm and continue to look for them. It was then when Luna had gotten up.
"Where are you going, Miss Athena?" Lucci had asked her as she walked passed.
"I don't really it's any of your business." She looked back to him saying after reaching the door at the front of the car. "If you must know, I'm going to the first car, where Nico Robin is located." And with that being said, she opened the door, only to have the wind blow in her face as she stepped out.
"Is this alright, sir?" Corgi asked as the door closed.
"What do you mean?" Lucci didn't seem to understand the question being asked.
"What I mean is that recently world government had no idea where she was, until admiral Akoiji had informed them that she was with Nico Robin on the Straw Hat crew. What if she's playing us?" Corgi had a disappoint, however...
"If you were to place Miss Athena and Nico Robin together, side by side, who would you considered to be the most dangerous?" The man had been asked out of nowhere.
"Who? That would be Nico Robin." But he still answered with a bit of hesitation.
"That is what many would think. However, they are wrong. The world government doesn't keep track of her due to the fact that she is completely aware of their presence and becomes quickly annoyed." Lucci had began to explain to Corgi what the others already seemed to know. "The last thing they want to do is anger her in anyway, because that's how much they treasure and fear her." But he didn't quite understand what Lucci was in about. "If you were to compare her and Vegapunk that would be no comparison since he cannot compete with her.
"It is because Miss Athena can do anything and everything. Whether it's building or destroying. She can do it all. She doesn't have the title Apostle of Athena for nothing. Her threat level would be the same as the Four Emperors."
"That young woman?" Corgi was still having a herd time believing that.
"It's because she's young that makes her even more of a threat, since she could grow in strength further. So one would be a fool for angering her." Luna had already entered the first car but when she did the sound of men could barely be heard of their storm and waves from outside. It had become clear that something had happened, however, she could careless as she now stood in front of Nico Robin.
"You sure look pathetic."
"Hello, Miss Luna. Or I guess it's Athena." Robin's head had followed her as she sat down across from her. "I would have never expected that the woman everyone calls the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare Apostle would be you, let alone so young."
"Many people say that. However, that is merely because they don't know the truth."
"The truth?"
"What if I told you... despite my appearance... I'm the oldest person on this train?" In a situation like this Robin would normally had chuckle, however, as she looked upon the woman before her, something told her that what was being said could be the truth.
"Then I would say that you have a secret to look that good despite your age." Robin slightly joked at Luna poured herself a cup of coffee that had been prepared.
"I see." She had leaned back in the chair, crossing her right leg over bring the cup of coffee to her lips. "You have something to ask, don't you?" And moved onto more important things.
"Why did you travel with the Straw Hats?" Was what Robin had been wondering since meeting her with CP9.
"No reason really." She answered as if it were a bore. "I joined because I was being followed and I needed a way to travel without needing to concern myself moving from one ship to another."
"Who is you following you?" Had been asked
"Who knows. I've never meet the man myself, I only got a sketch." But Luna didn't seem completely aware of who that person was. "However, he's been chasing for many years and it's a real pain." She once again took a sip before lowering the cup down to its plate set in her other hand. Whatever the case, it is irrelevant to me what you do with that information. It won't put me at a disadvantage at all." Luna had told her while facing her. "Anything else?"
"You know my reason for working with the World Government, I wish the know yours." Robin had directly asked this, which many wouldn't have the guts for.
"I'm not working with them." Was the answered given, which, of course, caused a face of confusion to fall upon Robin's face. "You could say that they are nothing more then pawns. Completely disposable to me." Luna's voice was completely cold as she spoke. It wasn't like she spoke with much emotion to begin with, however, this time Robin could feel and hear the coldness in her voice.
"Where Luffy and that also pawns?" Robin couldn't help but ask that question, as she sat before the woman.
"Don't be ridiculous." She seemed quite relieved to hear that fact. "I mean, pawns with listen not like those buffoons." However, it was cut short as it had been cleared Luna was trying to use them. But it wasn't like Robin really had room to talk, because that was the reason she joined them in the first place as well. Although, it really couldn't be helped by the fact that all those she tried to trust always betrayed her. Which was why she learnt to do the betrayal first and not get attention to them. But it was different this time. Luffy and the others had changed her for the better and she was glad for that. However, it was then when she was snapped out of her thoughts when Luna's seemed to have remembered something. "I forgot to tell you, there seems to be an intruder on board." Hearing that Robin's eyes widen. "I have a rough idea who they are. Since I did see all three of them. Speaking of which"" That was then when her attention was pulled to the window along side Robin. "... It appears ones here." Causing Robin's pair of blue eyes to look and see what she was taking about.
"Long nose!" She was in complete shock at seeing him on the outside of the sea train, not to mention wearing a ridiculous yellow mask and red cape. "Why are you here?!" He then gave her a peace sign with a giant grin. "What's going on? Why are you here!? How's you get on board!?" Robin was bombarding him with questions as soon as he was inside the car.
"He had been captured by CP9." The one that had answered was Luna.
"What...?" She had become shocked after hearing that.
"And with that, I'll be taking my leave." She had stated before heading to the back of the car. However, she had come to a stop... "This is my final piece of advice, don't believe the words of the World Government. Or is his presence not enough proof for you?" Luna tilted her head down at Usopp.
"Wait!" The boy had stood up, but she didn't stop. "What is it you are trying to do?" He had asked with a deep fake voice. "What are you trying to gain by doing all of this?" But she didn't seem to stop until she reached the door, where she looked back.
"Like I've said before, I'm doing this because it's inevitable." Luna had left Robin alone with Usopp as she entered the car where CP9 was still located. They didn't say a word as she entered or when she sat down. it wasn't long after that when Corgi had left for the first cart, where Usopp was with Robin. Not that it really mattered to her, however just as Luna was about to head for a seat something came breaking through the back door of the second cart. All eyes feel onto what come crashing through as it was right before Luna's feet.
"So much for CP7 Wanze." She stated looking down at a man that was smiling even though he was beaten up and unconscious. He had white fluffy hair and buck teeth, with spiral-designs on his cheek and also eyes that seem to extend off of his face with his skin and eyelids as well. Wanze wore a black shirt unbuttoned, revealing his chest, a yellow scarf, black pants with an orange belt, and roller skates. But when they heard the sound of someone walking towards them, all eyes had turned to the back, but something came crashing down from the second car. This had caused all CP9 to stand up in response, even Luna had stood up to see not only
"Hey, it's you." Sanji in the cart behind them. "Where'd you come from?" Who had asked the blue hair man that was now standing behind him.
"Did you take care of that ramen dud?" Franky looked to him asking.
"Yeah, just now." It was when answered with that a pale, slim man that was just as beaten up as Wanze, had been kicked into the other cart. The man wore a striking attire consisting of a dark-brown T-shirt, orange pants, and decorated shoes. He had two necklaces around his neck, a simple one composed of green beads, and a bigger and more elaborate one, which consists of many red jewels linked together. He wore a glove on his left hand, and bracelets around the wrist. He had an unique hairstyle, with a bald top crossed by three mohawk-like strips. But the tension had began to raise as the sight of each other.
"Let's see how this goes..."

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