The Rainbow Mist Adventure!

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As alway, the first chance it would look like a calm and relaxing day until one would see a fleet of Marines's ships firing cannon that the Going Merry. "Damn it!" Usopp repeated over and over again as he rowed one of the ship's paddles. "Why the hell do we have to get attacked by the Marines now?" He asked frustrated.
"If you wanna stay alive, shut up and keep rowing!" Nami ordered at him and Zoro, who was rowing the other paddle.
"WE'RE GONNA DIEEE!" Usopp screamed like a girl.
"Oi, Luffy! How about giving us a hand here!?" Sanji yelling for Luffy.
"Can't. I'm too tired... I haven't had anything since breakfast." He whined as he was handing from the aft deck rails in front of the kitchen.
"You're hungry now!?" Sanji ended up snapping at him for his worst timing ever. However, this was Luffy so of course he would be like this. Seconds later, the sound of a cannon ball stinking something had caused most of the crew to jump.
"What the hell?" Everyone had ended up running to the side of the Merry, to see a marine ship sinking.
"What was that?" Chopper seemed to be back to normal, as he asked.
"They sank their own ship?" Zoro questioned, confused. That's when Usopp started laughing proudly, as if he was the one that did it.
"Take that, stupid Marines! I had the planned from the very beginning!" Lies as always.
"Just when did you plan that?" Zoro asked Usopp knowing he was lying.
"Yosh! Now we can use the side that ship was flanking to escape!" Nami looked down and had order. The sail of unraveling and It didn't take long before they reached an island but they were still on guard just in case. Robin and Usopp were watched out to see no Marines ships had followed after them on the aft deck. They were there along with Zoro leaning again the aft sail mast and
"You see the Marines?" Usopp asked Robin, who was holding a pair binoculars.
"It appears we lost them." Robin informed him.
"The attacks around here sure are intense." Usopp said to us.
"With two wanted criminals, it's no wonder the Marines' eyes turn red when they see us." Zoro made that comment . He was right, Nico Robin, Bounty: 79,000,000 beli. Monkey D. Luffy, Bounty: 30,000,000 beli But that was his last one he had a current bounty 100,000,000 beli. However, it wasn't just them too but Zoro had a bounty of 60,000,000 beri after Alabasta.
"A harbour!" Chopper's shouting had caused us to look in the direction of the vol
"Really!? A harbour!?" Luffy was now shouting.
"Look! You can see the lighthouse!" Chopper had yelled.
"A harbour... that means we can eat!" That was always the first thing that comes to mind. Moments later the anchor dropped into the sea, and one by one jumped off, Luna jumped off after Robin and Nami, landing right next to them. "Huh? I guess it isn't a light house." Chopper was right, normally one wouldn't cover the top of a lighthouse.
"That sure is a tall tower." Usopp had said, then Sanji jumped off the ship. It was decided that Zoro was ship sitting, so he was left on deck.
"Who cares? Let's go get some food! Food!" Luffy shouted again. Was there anything he thought about besides food.
"Alright already." Nami told him. After we all started walking towards to town to be stopped.
"You there, halt! If you intend on anchoring in Luluka Island's harbour, even in the rocky shallows, you must pay the harbour tax!" A soldier walked toward the group.
"Harbour tax?" Chopper didn't know what that was, so he was confused.
"It's a tax that is to be paid when docking." Luna had explained to him. "However, this normally only applies when you dock at the harbour not here." She turned back to the man.
"Hey! Why do we have to pay to just leave our ship there?" Nami asked him disbelief. That's when the man pointed a gun at her.
"Because it's your obligation! Are you going to pay or not?" He asked.
"Oi." Sanji stood in front of him, "Don't point that thing at a lady."
"What!?" They were having a stare down, until...
"FOOOD!!" Luffy shouted, running over the two of them. "Food, food, food, food, food, food!" He ran off into the town.
"That shithead..." Sanji picked himself up.
"Are you alright?" Robin asked him.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine!" He had stood back up smiling at Robin, Nami and Luna. But the man on the other hand, was still unconscious.
"Well then, let's go. I want to get some paper for my maps." Nami started walking away with Sanji following her.
"I'll accompany you, Nami!" He had shouted.
"I-I'll go too!" Chopper also followed after them.
"Pervert." Luna had called out to Sanji, causing him stoped and looked at her. "Get these things fir me while you are at it." She pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to him.
"Sure thing Luna~!" He took it fanning after Nami. It was then when she began to head back to the ship when
"H-Hey, Wait! I'll go too!" Usopp was about to chase after them, along with Robin.
"Hey, you there!" The three of them had stopped, and looked up the rocks to see an old man wearing a button down shirt that has a red collar. The rest of it is lavender with lots of pink shapes decorating it, he was wearing a helmet that was similar to his shirts along with goggles. Over that he wore a long white coat with two pockets, plus a weird, huge, steel bag pack. "I have something I'd like to ask you!"
"A new wave comedian, perhaps?" Robin said seriously.
"He could be a fake merchant." As did Usopp.
"Maybe he's just weird." Luna stated to them
"You're all wrong!" He removed his goggles, and they saw he was an old man with an old droopy appearance with droop eyes, a large mustache that covers his mouth. His face was rather wrinkly too. "Did any of you see the Rainbow Mist on your way in?" He asked them.
"What? The Rainbow Mist?" Usopp gave him a questionable response.
"No use. He's an idiot." The man had looked away saying,
"You're judging just from that?" Usopp asked him, "Oi, what the hell!?" And then he realised it was an insult, and snapped. "You're the one who asked the question! What's with that attitude!?"
"Could you perhaps explain what you're talking about?" Robin had yelled up to him, making Usopp stop.
"I would like to hear as well." Luna stood next to Robin, looking up at the old man. Although, she had planned to go back to the ship, this man had pecked her interest. So, somehow, they were now in a restaurant where Luffy happened to be.
"Old man, seconds!" Luffy shouted to the owner.
"Sure thing. One special coming up." The owner responded.
"Seconds here too!" The old man called out.
"Here you go, today's special." The own placed a large blow in front of the old man. "Hey, you better have some money." It was quite clear to Luna that the owner was very hostile to the old man.
"Yeah, it's on him." He said pointing to Usopp.
"Oi, why ME!?" Usopp once again snapped at him.
"I'm going to tell you the secret of the Rainbow Mist. It's only right that you should pay." He told Usopp.
"I'm not even the ones who asked!!" Usopp shouted to the man, but he just drank water ignoring Usopp.
"My name is Henzo." He place his cup down introducing himself. "I am a brilliant genius scientist studying the Rainbow Mist." The old man, Henzo, introduced himself.
"Who goes around calling himself a genius? It's usually the ones who call themselves geniuses who turn out to be complete idiots..." Usopp muttered to himself.
"Mr. Henzo." Robin cuts Usopp off.
"Call me Professor." He told Robin.
"Professor, have you heard of this book?" Robin had pulled out the book she had been reading for some time.
"That book...!" Professor Henzo took the book from Robin, and started reading it.
"I obtained it in Alabasta." Robin explained.
"That's right. No wonder the Rainbow Mist sounded's the name of the book Robin's been reading." Usopp realised.
"This was written a bit over 40 years ago, an unknown man wrote it." Luna had spoken as she took a drink from her cup.
"So you read it too?" Robin turned to her. But she didn't even acknowledge what she had asked.
"It is said that the Rainbow Mist leads to the Land of the Gods... and the City of Gold, called El Dorado." She had continued.
"That's just a legend." Professor Henzo slammed the book shut looking at Robin and Luna. "Many adventurers have been lured here seeking the Rainbow Mist because of the legend. But not a single one has ever returned." He explains. "Yes, even some of my friends."
"So that's why you're studying the Mist..." Usopp said, now thinking about it.
"Hey, Mister." The owner was back, and placed a plate in the middle of the table. "You shouldn't take what this guy says too seriously." He said, Usopp asked what he meant by that, all the owner said was that Professor Henzo was Mayor Whetton's dog.
"Dog?" Luffy repeating back questioning.
"Yeah!" Their attention were pulled to behind Luffy, where man with a orange shirt stood up. "He gets funding from the Mayor, and makes a living out of it. But he's just a fraud!" He yelled angrily.
"What's that sound?" Luna asked, after hearing what sounded like a marching band.
"T-the Collection Party! The Collection Party is here!"
"What the...?"
"Hey, hurry up and finish your drink!" That was when the men around them drink and eating as fast as they could, stuffing their faces, but all stopped as soon as the door opened. A man that look at least 50 years old stood in the door way. The man had red hair and a mustache, he also had thick black eyebrows. Like the man we saw earlier he was wearing a uniform, completely purple with glasses. Behind him were men wearing the same uniforms but with helmets.
"Well, well, citizens. Are you enjoying your meals?" He asked the people, he then started walking into the restaurant, but then stopped, looking at a man holding a cup. Why was he sweating? "You there. That is some fine beer you're drinking. When you drink, you must pay the drinking tax." The what!? There's a tax for drinking in this town? Two man wearing uniform walked in to grab the man that was holding the cup.
"Hey, Wait a minute, please! The money in that wallet is to support my wife and children!" He was now being held as one of the man grabbed his wallet and handed to the main man.
"Taxes are your obligation as a citizen. Anyone who does not fulfill that obligation... has no right to live in this town." Alexandra only rolled her eyes at the whole thing as she leaned back on the chair with arms crossed under her chest.
"What the hell's with that guy?" Usopp whispered.
"He's Mayor Whetton's son, Phillip. He's an annoying bastard who puts taxes on everything we do." The owner whispered in Usopp's and Luna's ear, since she was sitting between him and Professor Henzo. That's when Phillip turned around seeing the Professor.
"Well, well, if it isn't Professor Henzo. My father has been looking for you." Phillip told him. "He's been wondering how your research on the Mist is going."
"The same as usual. Seeing as how we don't know when or where the Mist will appear." Professor Henzo answered him.
"What a pity. Your research is being funded by these good citizens' taxes. The Rainbow Tower is also being constructed based on your research. Did you forget that the longer you take, the more you'll be troubling these poor citizens?" Phillip asked him. Luna was starting to see what the owner was talking about now. But the problem wasn't the Professor but the Mayor, even if the research finishes they're still going to continue. "Well then, excuse me." He then turned around and left, or was supposed too, till he came walking back smiling like a greedy pig, "Well, well." He stopped at their table. "You there. You're eating a rather large serving of spaghetti, aren't you?" Great, now he was going to tax Luffy for eating.
"Yeah. I was pretty hungry." Luffy answered him, stuffing his face.
"People who eat a large serving must pay a large serving tax." Okay this was getting ridiculous.
"Well, it's on him today." Luffy pointed across the table to Usopp.
"Why me!?" Usopp shouted back to Luffy. Finally they left. "Why did I have to pay!? Damn it..." Usopp ended up bankrupted at the end of it all.
"Thank you!" Luffy said to Usopp bowing his head.
"You've got to be kidding me!!" Usopp snapped at him.
"Now you've seen it with your own eyes. Unless you want to be spurned by the citizens here... stay away from Henzo." The owner stated as the group had now all gathered in front of the entry way outside.
"Thank you for you warning. But I'm not the one who will be making that decision." Robin told him.
"Yeah, it's the idiot captain." Luna then explained pointing to Luffy, who decided to still follow Professor Henzo around.
"This Mayor sure sounds like a horrible guy. Taking taxes for anything and everything... what the hell was with that large serving tax!?" Usopp was still complaining about the whole thing, couldn't blame him though.
"I apologise... to you guys." Luffy, Usopp and Robin had stopped and looked to Professor Henzo.
"Why are you apologising, Old man?" Luffy asked him confused, completely forgetting what was said isn't the restaurant.
"Didn't you hear a thing those guys back there were saying?" Of course he answered no. "Listen! He's part of those thieving officials! Because of his weird project, everyone's taxes are going to waste!" Usopp explained to him. He then asked Luffy if he actually understood what he was talking about, and of course it was no again. "You know, Luffy, have you ever heard of snails?" How did he end up on that. Without paying them any attention Luna continue to walk until the sound of bells ringing through the town caused her to stop.
"Hey, what's going on over there?" Three towns people running toward the harbour.
"A ship! A galleon suddenly appeared in the harbour." One of the three answered.
"A galleon?" Usopp had questioned.
"It can't be!" Professor Henzo started running towards the harbour.
"Sound like fun! Let's go!" Luffy ran after him, all excited.
"Hey, Wait a minute, Luffy!" In the end, like always, they ended up running after him. At the harbour it looked like the whole town had come to see the galleon. There were so many people we had to squeeze and push by them to get to the front.
"Whoa, it's huge!" Luffy was right, the ship was giant and red, like really red. Maybe the captain had a thing for bulls since there was one as it's Front figure head.
"It's a rather old ship." Robin pointed out.
"The Tyrielshin!" Professor Henzo called it, Luna was taking it that was the ship's name.
"The Tyrel- w-wh-what the... O-Oi, Old man!" Usopp had shouted to the now running Professor. The next thing, They saw him in a strange cart, and drove it off the harbour docks. Being Luffy, he was impressed at the thing the Professor was riding but Luna really did didn't see the appeal of it, maybe it's a guy thing, is what she was thinking. It had turned into a boat once it hit water, and he headed right for the ship in.
"That's so sweet! So cool! I want it! I really want it!!" Luffy had sparks in his eyes.
"I knew you would say that..." Usopp said. That was when Luffy had run off in the direction of the Going Merry. "Wait, where are you going!?" Usopp was trying to ask him.
"I'm going after the old man!" Was his response.
"I see... wait! You can't take the Marry by yourself!" He had began to chase after Luffy.
"This seems interesting." Robin was chuckling as she looked to Luna, who was only looking at her coldly. "Shall we go after them, then." But Robin Just acted like nothing was happening as she began to follow after the two boys.
"I don't trust her as far as I throw her." Luna had said those word to herself before following after. After going back to the Going Merry, like Luffy said, the ship sent sail for the galleon that Professor Henzo went to.
"Oi, Old man!" Luffy shouted over to him, "Gum Gum..." He had stretched his arms across to the galleon. "...Rocket!" And slung himself onto it.
"H-his arm!" It was a normal reaction that professor Henzo have, of fear and surprise.
"Old man, you gotta gimme that boat!" Luffy ordered him.
"Did you... eat the Devil's Fruit..." Professor Henzo started asking Luffy.
"Me? I ate the Gum Gum Fruit." Luffy told him with his happy Go lucky face. "I'm a rubberman!" He then pulled his face showing Henzo. After boarding the ship we head below deck.
"That Machine, the H-1 is something I cannot give you." Henzo told Luffy as we walked through the corridors of the abandoned ship.
"Aw c'mon, don't be like that! Give it to me!" Being Luffy, He didn't take no for an answer. Usopp was clinging on the Luffy's back looking around the corridor scared. No matter what room we went into. no matter the door we opened. There was no sign of people, only that people were here not that long ago.
"It looks like someone was just here." The group had entered the captains quarters looking at the desk filled with food and beer, that had only just been cooked and opened.
"But there's not a soul on board." Usopp said.
"Maybe they left the ship?" Luna had suggested, it was a good point, but that really didn't explain much.
"This ship... was set adrift 50 years ago." Henzo told us.
"50 years ago!?" Usopp couldn't believe, but none of the others did either. The ship was in perfect shape, well at least the inside was.
"It certainly doesn't look like it." Robin said,
"Yeah, no matter how you look at it." Luna scanned the room once again, trying to find anything, but only saw Luffy playing around with a pen.
"Now I know for sure. It's exactly the same as it was that day." Henzo wasn't making any sense.
"Oi... What're you talking about, old man?" Usopp asked him. That's when the Machine Henzo had been carrying the whole time started beeping like crazy.
"W-what?" Luffy said.
"That signal... the radar is reacting to something! I've never seen readings this high!" Luna didn't understand tell if he was happy or worried, but after grabbing his machine, he ran back up to deck, with the others closely behind him.
"That's the Rainbow Mist?" Robin asked making sure.
"No way." She had said looking out to the mist.
"Damn... the H-1 can't get out that far... what should I do..." Professor Henzo seemed frustrated looked around of an answer. "Oh, of course!" Before anyone knew it, the Going Merry was sailing off without them. "I'm borrowing this!" Henzo had just high jacked their ship!
"WHAT!?" Luffy and Usopp shouted down to him shocked.
"Don't take our ship!" Luffy jumped down onto the Going Merry.
"Why don't you use that galleon to go there!?" Usopp had yelled after landing on the ship. Then both Robin and Luna jumped on to it as well.
"The Tyrielshin's helm is broken. Whetton shattered it." He explained, but they was confusion, why did the mayor shatter it?
"W-What're you talking about, old man?" Usopp asked him. "How do you know that?" And then he asked another question.
"50 years ago, I was on the Tyrielshin." That would explain a lot, at least Luna thought so.
"Oi... are we really going in!?" Usopp asked all scared as they started closing in on the Mist. "None of the adventures who went in have ever come out!"
"We're going in. I've conducted research my entire life for this day." Henzo said.
"Are you scared?" Robin looked to Usopp, Luna had also turned to him.
"You coward." She said to him simply.
"I-I-I'm not scared! I am the greatest man on the Grand Line... Captain Usopp!" He was scared, and sweaty.
"But your not a captain." She had bluntly told him
"Shut up!" He snapped at her, but it only made her punched him into the deck. "I'm sowwy..."
"We're entering the Rainbow Mist!" Luffy yelled excited as the ship was then clouded by mist. Lights were shining everywhere around the ship, and it was like they were flying in the sky, but it soon turned dark. The first thing Luna notice, they were completely surrounded by broken ships.
"Professor, What is this place?" Robin asked him.
"It's Ape's Concert." When hearing that Luna had shot her head to the Professor.
"This is the Ape's Concert?" She had asked
"What's that!?" Usopp asked Robin and Luna scared.
"A place that you can never leave once you've entered. A ship's graveyard." Robin told him sweating.
"WH-WHAT!?" Luffy and Usopp shouted, of course for different reasons, Luffy was amazed while Usopp was shaking in his boots. But to think, this is Ape's Concert, it really did fit its name as the Ship's Graveyard. Everywhere Luna looked, ships falling apart, ships that were from decades. No, centuries ago. The reason she thought that, was the fact that there were some ships that she's never seen before. Luffy had left the ship, to explore the other ships with Usopp following him in case him fell into the water or something.
"'Past the Rainbow Mist lies the land of Gods. The last paradise left on Earth. A place overflowing with gold and silver where people neither starve nor age.'" Robin had read through the book out loud, saying the book described this place, or how it does.
"It's like I said. Nothing but a legends." Professor Henzo told him.
"Well, I wouldn't go that far." The two of turned to Luna as she had spoken. "Gold and silver are overflowing here." She pointed out to the ships. "If you think about it, it makes sense, since these ships have been here for who knows how long, there should be treasure on them that cost millions now." What Luna was saying did make a lot of sense. "In the end it's still a graveyard, but how did you know that?" This time she turned to look at the Professor.
"Yes. I caught a glimpse of this place 50 years ago." He had answered her.
"You knew? Then why...?" Robin asked him confused.
"I told you before... I've been trying to discover a way to save my friends who were sucked into the Mist. And for that, I didn't care if people pointed their fingers at me and called me Whetton's dog behind my back." No, Luna was pretty sure they do it to his face too.
"OI!" Luffy's shouting had caused the three of them to look around off on one of the broken ships above us where both him and Usopp were carrying a huge chest. "Look at this!" The rail they were standing on snapped and they came crashing into the Going Merry, with the impact the chest opened wipe, gems, crystals, diamonds and other treasure came out of the chest.
"My word..." Professor Henzo walked over to the chest amazed.
"Pretty cool, eh? There's lots more inside the other ships!" Luffy said excitedly as he hanged off the Going Merry. "Let's keep exploring!"
"Sure it's not paradise, but it was right about the treasure." Luna had walked over to the chest and picked up one of the diamonds. She was examining the diamond until she started hearing chiming, echoing through out the graveyard.
"Those who disturb the sleeping dead..." a voice of a child echoed along with the chiming.
"Wh-what was that!?" Usopp had come to.
"Relinquish that chest and leave this place! Or else the curse of the dead will be placed upon you!" The voice was coming from somewhere, but where was it. Luna was looking around the area beyond their ship, to see if there was anyone there.
"I'm scared..." She had looked down at Usopp who looked like he was about to cry. She only rolled her eyes annoyed at how much of a coward he was.
"Who are you?" Luffy asked the voice. Once again, the chiming started and this time, white figures appeared on the ships from across them.
"They're here!!" Luna could only see sheets and wondered how the idiot swordsman, Zoro, was sleeping through all this.
"Now hand over the chest, or else..." Just as he finished, something was shot and everyone's head had shot to were Zoro was sleeping to see a arrow just above his head.
"That was close! You jerk...!" Before any one could stop him, Luffy had already sent him flying onto the other ship. "Ghost Captain!" He took them down with the sail of the ship.
"There's nothing in them!" Of course there wasn't, it's thread, the oldest trick in the book. "GHOOOSTS~!" Luna ended up punching him across the head, annoyed by him.
"The arrow was shot from that direction." She pointed to another ship away from up.
"Ms Luna is right, the arrow came from over there." Robin had turned in the same direction she had pointed at.
"What?" Usopp finally stopped screaming. A figured shadow moved in one of the windows.
"Luffy! Over there! There's someone over there! Oi! Listen to me! Luffy! Luffy!!" Usopp shouted through a speaker over to Luffy, but he seems more occupied with the sheet he was holding.
"Ah, a bow." Luna turned back to the ship, That's when she saw the shine of an arrow coming from a single window.
"Luffy, look out!" Usopp tried to warm him, but it was too late, the arrow had fired. But it had been interrupted by another projectile changing its projector. The projectile had then fallen to the ground and it had been a gold coin. "What the...?" Usopp seemed confused it then wrapped his head around to Luna who had her arm raised and her hand in the position of someone that had just flick something. "That was cool." Was all he had to say because he didn't have the word to describe what he had seen.
"You little..." of course, this pissed Luffy off, and the thread that was attached to the sheets was pulled by him, and someone was hanging from a rope.
"Sure-Kill Fore Star!" Usopp had sent the rope on fire, and whoever this person was screamed as he hit the water. Those on the ship (awake) all ended up running to the side of the ship, where the person fell into the water. They waited for the person to surface, however, once he did, it surprised them that he was a young boy. "What?"
"A child." Luna said looking at the blacked hair boy.
"Akibi!" All their attention had been pulled by another child's voice and that was when they saw another child, this one with blond hair.
"Wait, Longo!" Another child, this time a small hail with light jumped after him. The boy, Longo had landed on the ship with a sword. He was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt with a smiley face on it, and under it was a white T-shirt. The girl who was was wearing a blue-purple colored jacket with a green shirt under it, and also a white striped skirt, was holding him back,
"Akibi!" He pulled as hard as he could to get over the other kid, Akibi.
"Calm down, Longo!" The girl yelled at him. Professor Henzo was completely stunned as he looked at the children.
"Oh, it's just some kids-" the boy, Longo ended up kicking in Usopp in the family jewels then got away from the girl.
"Longo!" She yelled after him, He looked over down at Akibi over the ship rails.
"Akibi!" He yelled down to him.
"Dummy! Get away! Run away!" The boy, Akibi yelled at him, The girl on the other hand grabbed the sword and pointed it Usopp, Robin, Luna and Professor Hanzo.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy's arm's had attached itself to the ship and came flying at it all big like... "...Stop That!" Only to push the girl down, once he got on board. "Yo, thanks for before." Looked to Luna saying, but she only titled her head off to the right not even acknowledging the fact that she saved him.
"Longo!" The girl had shouted to the boy, who was looking terrified at Luffy.
"Stop right there!" Once again, another child joined, he was quite tan with blond hair. "Ape's Concert is the property of the Pumpkin Pirates! If you don't want to die, let my friends go and hand over the chest!" Everyone's eyes feel using his hand, that was up in the air, he was hold something in his hand.
"A bomb?" Luffy asked.
"Yeah, that's a bomb." Luna answered him, not all that impressed.
"Rapanui!" The girl yelled happily.
"Is that...!?" Professor Henzo was acting strange
"Oi, Oi, Oi... if you use that, you'll blow everyone up!" Usopp had yelled pointing it out.
"We'll stick together! In life and in death, we'll always be together!" That would be sweet... you know, if he wasn't threatening their lives. He then leaped on to the ship, landing and walking to the girl, still holding the bomb in front of him. "Let's go!" He told the girl.
"I'm sorry, Rapanui. Longo!" She said then yelled to Longo.
"Okay!" He said happily running over to them.
"Rapanui... Rapanui, is that you?" The Professor asked the tanned boy, "and... Isoka and Longo? It is you... Don't you recognise me? It's me!" He does know that never helps saying 'it's me' and it wasn't helping here either, they only looked at him confused. "I used to play with you on Luluka Cape. I'm Henzo!" He yelled at them.
"Henzo?" The boy, Rapanui looked surprised.
"You know them?" Luffy asked him. Professor Henzo started walking towards them.
"Henzo? You mean to say... him?" The girl, Isoka, was in disbelief.
"I-Idiot, it cant be him!" Rapanui told her, "Don't come any closer! I-I'll detonate it!" Rapanui yelled at Henzo. "Don't take another step!" He told Henzo as he continue moving towards them. "S-stop!" I don't know was Professor Henzo was doing, but it looked like he was going to press the bomb and once he did, a burning light exploded. Everyone had cover their eyes although, Luna didn't seem all that affected by it.
"Boom #3. One of my inventions. It's only used to scare people." Henzo explained, showing my proof he was who he said he was. The children looked even more confused looking to and from Rapanui and Henzo. However, not look after, Rapanui grabbed something from his jacket and throw it on the ground. The whole deck was covered in smoke then.
"Dammit! A smoke bomb!" Usopp yelled That was when the sound of yawning caused them to looked around.
"What the hell? You guys are makin' a lot of noise!" Zoro had woken up.
"You just woke up!?" Usopp had shouted at him asking. The man could sleep through anything.
"Wait, who's this guy?" He asked looking at Henzo.
"If I try to explain, it'll take an hour." Usopp told him.
"His a professor from the island we landed on, his name is Henzo." Luna explained with little details so he would understand.
"Oi, this kid's gone too." Luffy looked into the water, where the other one was. "Who were those guys?" Luffy asked Professor Henzo."Hey..." But he didn't respond at all. "Old man!"
"We were so happy. Playing as friends, talking with each other, spending the best days of our lives together. No treasure could compare... to the way those days sparkled. Until that terrible day." Henzo started telling the crew his story. To him it was a normal day and he had finally invented the Boom #3, he was happy, but that didn't last long, when he found out his home was being attack by pirates. The pirate captain was Whetton, the mayor of the town. Him and his friends tried to escaped to the harbour, to find a ship, but they were chased by Whetton. They had gotten to the harbour he explained, and all the ships had been destroyed by the pirates. But, there was still one more ship, and that was the Tyrielshin, the ship that we saw before. He explained that they thought they were safe when Whetton fell, but they were wrong. The man had joined his axe to climb back up the ship, and of course they were scared out of their minds. Akibi And Rapanui were the only ones that fought back protecting their friends, despite being kids. There was another thing that surprised them, and that was there was another pirate on board. Whetton ended up destroying the helm that day, and that's when Professor Henzo saw the Rainbow Mist for the first time. However, despite this Whetton had grabbed Akibi and was holding him tightly, but he soon released him when Akibi bite him. Rapanui had run up to Whetton and flicked him back of the ship, but he was still hanging on and stood back into the ship, however, that didn't last long. Henzo, with his own body, throw himself at the pirate and the two of them fell into the sea. When the Professor had resurface he told his friends to keeping going saying he would come after them and that he was a Pumpkin Pirate too. "And then... and then Rapanui and the others never returned. I never imagined they were here, acting like real pirates.
"But that happened 50 years ago, didn't it?" Usopp asked him, making sure. "Those four looked like little kids." He then pointed out.
"The flow of time might be different inside the Rainbow Mist." Luna ended up suggesting. "In the book it stats that this place is 'where people neither starve nor age' so it might mean the time is different. So lets say, one day here could be a week or even a year in the real world." She ended up explained to them,
"W-what!?" Usopp said, surprised.
"If that's the case, we must find a way out here soon. Or else we'll never make it back." Robin sounds a bit panicked as she said that.
"How come?" As always, Luffy never listens.
"You dimwit. The same thing that happens to those kids and this old man will happen to us! While we sit here with our thumbs up our asses, Nami and the others are gonna turn into wrinkly old geezers!" Usopp tried explaining.
"WHAT!?" He seemed to understand now. "Oi, Old man! Let's turn back, quick!" Or at least they thought.
"DUDE! We don't know HOW to get back!" Usopp yelled at him.
"What?! Really?" As the two of them were still yelling at each other, Zoro pulled both Robin and Luna's attention.
"So there's nothing we can do?" He asked them both
"No... there must be a way. A way out of Ape's Concert." Robin had said looking at the Rainbow Mist Book. Luna was unsure of how much time had passed, but Professor Henzo had gotten tiresome time ago and Robin took him to the store room to sleep. It was where Luffy had then decided that he was going to sail out of here, and she did try explaining that it wouldn't work but he didn't listen to her. "FORWARDS! Full speed ahead!" Luffy shouted on the Merry's head.
"Oi, Luffy, we're going straight forward, right?" Zoro asked him, clearing his swords.
"Yeah, the whole way there!" Luffy answered with confidence.
"Just where are we going?" Professor Henzo had woken up, and along with Robin they joined us.
"Where? Out of this mist of course." Luffy turned to him.
"Stop talking nonsense. Once you enter Ape's Concert, you can't leave it's deadly water." Henzo told him.
"Don't bother, I already told him, but he just won't listen. To top it off, we already passed this ship before." Luna pointed to the ship wreckage behind her, it was the first lot that she had seen when arriving.
"Oi! We did see the ship before!" Usopp had ran next to me and looked where she was pointing.
"Don't worry about it. there are ones like that all over." Luffy told the two of them.
"No, they're right. This is the exact ship we saw where we first cast anchor." Robin had walked over to to join them both. "I remember seeing that goddess figurehead."
"That means, we're right back where we started!?" Usopp's face turned pale.
"That's why I asked you if we were going straight forward." Zoro said up to Luffy.
"I was watching! We have been!" That wasn't how it worked.
"We can't tell if we're going straight or not in the damn mist!" Zoro yelled at him.
"Nico Robin, would you..." Luna turned to her, and she too was thinking the same as that the other woman was.
"Seis Fleur!" (Six Flowers, Spanish) Robin used her abilities to shot a cannon ball and not long after the cannon ball laid next to the ship, soaking them in the after blast.
"Why'd you do that...?" Zoro asked irritated.
"It shot forward, but flew in from behind!?" Usopp didn't understand, but Luna sure did. This wasn't good at all.
"As we thought." Robin spoke for both of the woman
"The space here is distorted." Henzo must have been thinking the same thing,
"What does that mean?" Zoro asked.
"In the book, it explains that the Rainbow Mist was a intricate maze, because it's wrapped it's self around. Meaning..." Luna had stopped explaining when she had turned to Zoro to only see a stupid look of confused on his face. "Never mind."
"Gum Gum..." Luffy had wrapped his legs around the mast, about to send himself flying.
"Oi, Oi, don't be crazy..." but Usopp was to late.
"...Warp!" as Luffy had sent himself flying.
"Too late." Usopp said.
"This could be bad." Luna said looking out to where Luffy had slung himself off in.
"What does that mean?" Usopp asked her not understand.
"There's no guarantee that you'll come back to the same place though..." Professor Henzo had been the only to explain.
"That idiot!" Zoro said crossed. But Luna guess they didn't need to worry all that much, when he landed in the sails and fell to the deck.
"I get it now. No mater how far ahead we go, we end up coming right back. It's Mystery Mist" Luffy smiles happily.
"Oh, Mystery Mist, huh?" The other two sighed in relief.
"Do you guys really understood?" Henzo asked the three of them.
"All I know is that we can't get out." Zoro answered honestly and was proud of being an idiot.
"It's Okay is we can't get out. It's cool here." Luffy laughed once he joined us on the upper deck.
"No it's not!" Zoro and Usopp hit him.
"Let's join up with Rapanui and his friends." Robin suggested throwing Luffy's hat back to him.
"Those kids?" Zoro asked.
"In order to escape Ape's Concert, it would be best to ask them. This is their property, right?" Robin explained.
"But, where would they be?" Usopp asked. Luna was leaning in the rails of the ship, and saw a small bit of a ship that had broken off. "O-Oi! Where are you going!?" He was asking all panicked as she leaped over to that broken off bit.
"W-wha..." a boy with short brown hair had fallen to the deck upon Luna land right beside his hiding space.
"You though I didn't notice?" Her hands had stretched out. "We could just ask this?" She was holding up a largely rounder boy but the back of his collar as if he were an animal. "You'll show us where you're Boss is, right?" The boy had instantly become frightened as he looked at Luna's cold sharp eyes.
"I-I will!" After basically she had threaten him with her eyes he ended up showing them to his base which was a Marin ship
"That's a huuuge ship~!" Luffy yelled hanging upside down on Merry.
"A wreaked warship?" Robin asked the boy, who said his name was Pukau.
"Yeah, but now we use it as our hideout." He explained looking at Robin.
"Cowards!" Rapanui had jumped on to the Going Merry yelling, "Release Pukau!" He drew his sword he was holding.
"What are you talking about?" Luffy asked him, still upside down, and Rapanui swung his sword at Luffy, who just dodged.
"Give back Pukau!" He had yelled once again, he was glaring up at Luffy. After that he just continued swinging his sword at Luffy, who had no problem dodging it each time.
"Oi, chill out!" Luffy told him.
"Shut up! You took Pukau as a hostage and forced him to tell where our handout is, didn't you!?" Rapanui shouted at Luffy, once again swinging his sword, however, this time Zoro knocked it way, with his sword.
"I think you've got it wrong." Zoro said putting away his sword.
"Rapanui, I'm not a hostage." Pukau told him. "It's true that I was spaced of that lady." He was pointing at Luna as he had said that, however, that only earned him another chilling glare.
"I won't deny that." She had flicked her before looking off.
"You forced him to say that." He then started walking towards Luffy and Zoro.
"It's the truth! They aren't bad people!" Pukau shouted standing in Rapanui's way, "Look, he doesn't get mad even if I do this." He explained pulling Luffy's face here and there.
"It's a lie! It's a plot to get me to let my guard down!" Rapanui shouted, and without warning Luna karate chopped his head. "You-!"
"This is all a misunderstanding." Robin cut him off. "We just want to know how to get out of Ape's Concert." She explains.
"What good would that do you?" Rapanui asked, well for one thing, the sun. Food. Water. "You're planning to take all the treasure from the wreaked ships with you, right?" Turned to Robin mocking her.
"Trust me, Rapanui. That's the last thing they would do." Professor Henzo said.
"I don't trust the word of an adult!" Once again Luna chopped his head. "Oww! Would you stop that!"
"You sound like a five year old, grown up." She told him.
"This is getting us nowhere." Zoro was right, this kid is to paranoid.
"Oi!" Usopp walking up the stairs with a plate in each hand and a pot in his head. "Look! Usopp's Special Lunch is ready!" Luffy began drooling and then cheered running to Usopp, "Ah, do you guys want some?" Usopp asked the kids.
"It's okay?" Pukau asked running to Usopp as well.
"You can cook?" Luna asked in disbelief.
"Taste isn't guaranteed though." Zoro made fun of Usopp's cooking.
"You two talk too much, jerks." Usopp told use, serving up what was in the pot,
"Nummy. Did you really make all this?" Pukau stuffed his face with dumplings.
"Yeah, nothing's impossible for me. Oi, Luffy, don't eat them all yourself!" He barked at Luffy, who was stuffing his face.
"Yeah, not as good as Sanji's, but it's kinda good." Luffy told Usopp.
"I doubt it taste good, but since there's food." Luna had spoken as she headed over to them
"Here you go!" Which she had then taken the blow Usopp had offered her.
"It looks like they'd also like to eat, doesn't it?" She turned to see the last three kids on deck looking down at them.
"Hey, you guys come down too!" Usopp shouted waving to them.
"Try this. It's yummy!" Pukau yelled to them, showing a dumpling.
"Is it okay?" Akibi asked, jumping off the Marines ship.
"Yay" Longo and Isoka followed after him.
"Don't get take in by food!" Rapanui told them, but they didn't listen and just ran pass him. "Have you lost your pride as Pumpkin Pirates!?" Akibi stood next to Luna.
"Here." She ended up up handing him the bowl "Just so we're clear, I could care less if you eat it or not." She stated him.
"Are you sure?" He had asked her, which she nodded. "Thanks big sis!" It seemed he had taken a liking to her. He sat on the railing beside her as he at.
"Rapanui! Pride won't fill your stomach." The Professor told him. Over the meal Luffy and that had began to tell them about their journey.
"So you came from East Blue?" Longo asked, after hearing where the crew first started.
"Yeah." Zoro had said with his mouth filled with meat.
"That means, you came here over Reverse Mountain, right!?" Akibi asked amazed.
"Yeah, you guys did, didn't you?" Luna had turned over to Zoro asking. "Since I was born in the Grand Line, I've never seen it. Was it like the rumours say?" Zoro only shrugged. He wasn't much help.
"How brave!" Longo was impressed.
"Yeah, we've been through scores of adventures. Watching Giants duel, seeing undiscovered Sea Kings, and saving a county from an underground organisation!" Usopp told them.
"Wow, really!?" Most people would think it was a lie, but it wasn't, they really did all of those things.
"Cool!" The kids seemed happy listening.
"We managed to get through all these dangers, thanks to my quick thinking and courage! With reverence, people call me... captain...!" Before Usopp Could finishes, Alexandra kicked him in the head and Zoro punched him. "What the hell!?" Usopp had turned around to us.
"Don't spit while I'm eating!" Zoro shouted at him.
"If you continue lying, your nose will grow even bigger." Luna told him. The children started laughing, as Usopp tried attack Zoro But he only held his head back. However, that soon changed when they all heard the sound of glass breaking. No one was sure of what had happened but Professor Henzo was apologising.
"I've been so useless... after trying to save you from the Rainbow Mist for 50 years, I managed to make it into the Mist, but now, my carelessness has made us unable to get out. I'm a failure as a professor among pirates." He was on his knees, crying. "But I must beg of you a shameful request! If you know, please tell me. Tell me how to get out of this mist and let's go together. To our home!"
"There is no way to leave." Rapanui told him, he looked very uncomfortable. The Professor was shocked to hear that. "Even if I knew it, I wouldn't tell you. I still don't trust you guys." Rapanui said, "Especially her!" He pointed to Luna, who only flipped her hair in response.
"And you call yourselves friends?" Usopp asked him.
"What!?" Of course Rapanui didn't like that.
"It's okay if you don't trust us... especially Luna." Usopp jumped up from the floor. She glared over to him after he had said that.
"But the old man is your friend, right? Who are you going to trust if you don't trust your own friends!?" Usopp shouted asking him.
"I didn't ask for your opinion! How can you trust someone who appears all of a sudden... and says he's from 50 years in the future!?" What Rapanui said was right, how can you trust someone you just meet?
"Just trust him! Now mater how much time has passed, no matter how much his appearance has changed, friends who gather under the same flag should be able to understand each other!" Usopp pointed at Rapanui yelling. "Even though the colour of the flag has faded, friendship is eternal!!". It had remained silent as everyone looked at Usopp, then the sound of ringing from a Transponder Snail rang.
"Oh, it's me. Okay, I'll pick up." Professor Henzo dug into his pocket and pulled out a small Transponder Snail that looked familiar. "What?" Before He could answer it, Luffy took it from his hand.
"Hi! Hello?" He picked up.
"Why did you pick it up!?" Zoro snapped asking him.
"Oh, Professor Henzo." That voice, it sounds familiar.
"Huh? Who are you?" Luffy asked the voice.
"Huh? Who are you?" The voice asked him back.
"Luffy?" That's voice... it belonged to Sanji
"Where are you!?" Then Chopper's also was heard,
"We're in trouble here cause you went gallivanting out on the ship by yourselves!" Then there was Nami who sounded pissed.
"Oh, Nami?" Was all Luffy said responding.
"You're talking to Nami and the others?" Usopp asked.
"Nami?" Isoka repeated.
"Wait... if we can talk with her, that means..." before Robin could finish, Professor Henzo ran over and grabbed the speaker.
"We're connected to the outside world!?" He yelled asking. "Phillip! Where's Phillip!?" The Professor asked.
"Hi, this is Phillip!" Now Luna remember, it was the man we saw today, the son of the mayor. "Professor Henzo, where are you now?" He asked.
"We are in the Rainbow Mist. It's been impossible for us to leave. I'm sorry, but I want you to come and rescue us." Professor Henzo asked of them.
"Someone is going to pick us up!?" Pukau yelled happily.
"We can go back to Luluka, right?!" Longo asked excited.
"Rapanui, this is great, isn't it?" Isoka turned to the moody boy.
"There isn't time. I invented a safety device for just such an occasion. Tell Whetton to bring it into the Mist! Ah, And-" Before anyone knew it Rapanui had grabbed the Professor's arm and pulled it way. "Wh-what are you doing!?"
"That guy you were talking about, Whetton. He's the guy who burned down Luluka, right!?" Rapanui snapped.
"Wait. I didn't want to, but dealing with him was the only was to save you..." Henzo tried telling him.
"Everything is clear now. You aren't the Henzo we know." Rapanui pointed to Henzo furious. "A member of the Pumpkin Pirates... wouldn't be a tool of Whetton!"
"Rapanui..." Professor's voice was filled with sadness.
"Don't say that name... You traitor." Rapanui called Professor Henzo. After two of the children, Rongo and Pukau, went back to the ship to collect they're things.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy had stretched his arms tot eh front of the ship. "...Rocket!" Which had sent him flying again. As this was going on, Akibi and Isoka were holding onto Rapanui, after he pushed Henzo down to the ground.
"Let go, Dammit! Let go!" Rapanui shouted at the two of them, trying to push them away.
"Stop it, Rapanui!" Isoka told him. Luna wasn't helping because this was between them, they need to work things out for themselves. Also, she didn't really care.
"It's gotta be a mistake. Henzo would never let himself become Whetton's dog." Akibi tried telling him.
"You expect me to listen to a mistake like that? Whetton burned our city to the ground! That pain... that sadness... if you didn't forget those, you wouldn't bow to Whetton even is it meant your life!" Rapanui shouted again, "In just 50 years, did you lose those memories!?" He asked Professor Henzo, who was starting to lift himself up. Rapanui then was released and he grabbed Henzo by the collar of his shirt. "Even if it was 50 years for you, for us, it was just a few days!" Luffy then came back, care free.
"Wait, Rapanui!" Usopp stepped in, "You're only say that because you don't know what's happened! Do you know how much he's suffered those 50 year!?" He asked Rapanui.
"What?" This stopped Rapanui, as he looked at Usopp.
"They called him Whetton's dog. The people all pointed at him behind his back... but he endured it and continued his research on the Rainbow Mist!" Rapanui had completely released Henzo and backed away from him, shocked.
"Why?" Isoka asked him.
"Do you not understand?" Luna asked cutting in, "All he wanted to do was save you all." She had told them.
"Never mind that. It has nothing to do with them." The Professor completely got up and then walked over to Rapanui, "Punch me, Rapanui! Forget about shame and pride. After that day Whetton came, I lived my life under him... take your fist and punch me! Punch me! Go on!" Rapanui once again grabbed him, but he couldn't punch him, instead he started crying, along with the others.
"Damn it! How could 50 years have passed? With that face, I couldn't punch you even if I wanted to!" Rapanui shouted. Even Usopp was crying.
"Man, what a bunch of retards." Luna turned to Zoro ending up punching him tight in the solar plexus, which made him groan in pain as he gripped where she punched.
"Shut up." She ended up telling him. Usopp started pushing Professor Henzo towards the crying Rapanui.
"Okay, now you're friends again. Even if 50 years have passed, you can still confide in each other." Usopp told them.
"Henzo!" Rapanui smiled though his tears.
"Rapanui..." And now Henzo was crying, as his shaky hand lifted it self up, Rapanui did the same thing, but as they were about the shake hands, Luffy came out of no where.
"Sorry." Luffy said before being sent flying with Rapanui.
"Luffy!" Usopp shouted after him.
"That idiot!" Zoro had stoped groaning in pain and shouted.
"They'll be fine." Robin told them
"She's right, remember the Mist is a loop, so they'll be back." Luna explained to them as well. "Then again..." She said not seeing any sign of Luffy or Rapanui.
"Now what?" Zoro and Usopp asked.
"We have to find them!" Henzo told us, "We don't know what could happen to them inside the Mist!" He had told them all, once they had turned to him. He then walked off, and Usopp, Zoro, Robin and Akibi followed after him.
"That guy sure knows how to cause trouble." Zoro said walking down the stairs. Luna noticed Isoka walked to the side of the ship Luffy and Rapanui went off in.
"Rapanui..." She said. She walked over to her and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder.
"Don't worry, he might be an idiot, but Luffy pulls though in the end." Was all Luna could say to her, and then they walked off after the others. It was decided that Zoro, Usopp and Luna would go out looking for any clues they could find about either getting out of the mist or where Luffy and Rapanui had disappeared too. An hour passed and they had began to gather back. Zoro was the first one to arrive climbing up the rope leader. "Did you find anything?" Usopp had come to the side as Zoro had asked.
"Nothing. Didn't see a thing." Usopp responded.
"So you guys didn't find anything either." Luna jumped off the ship she was standing on and landed on the Going Merry at the same time as Zoro.
"In the worst scenario, they may have been sent to the end of the Mist." Henzo suggested.
"What does that mean? Rapanui isn't here anymore?" Akibi asked him worried.
"Well... Who knows." Luna said with out meaning to.
"No..." The kids about to cry, that wasn't my intention.
"Oi! Guys!" Someone started yelling, that's when someone rowing towards the ship.
"Oh, it's Nami." Zoro said as the boat got closer, and they all could see who it was.
"All I get is an 'oh'?" Nami asked as she stopped rowing, "I came to save you, ya know. You jerk." The treasure in her boat was telling another story.
"You just can't help yourself, can you?" Usopp looked at her in disbelief.
"I bet this was the many reason you came here." Luna pointed to Nami or more like the treasure behind her.
"Yosh," she climbed onto the ship, "Forget it, forget it. Hey, who are these kids?" Nami asked once she looked up. "And where's Luffy? What's with those sullen look? Did something happen?" No one answered her.
"They went to the end of the Mist." Usopp was the only one speaking, as he explained. Nami was confused and went huh, at him. "Like I said, they disappeared. They're not here anymore."
"What are you talking about?" Nami asked Zoro and Luna.
"Just what he said. If you didn't see what happened, we can't explain it." Zoro only told her.
"OK...let's go!" She had then shouted not caring.
"Wait up!" Zoro shouted after freaking out.
"What about Luffy!?" As did Usopp.
"I'm not really sure what's going on, but he won't die, right? He can handle himself." This woman definitely was the devil, "okay, we're going back!"
"Do you have a way to get out?" Robin had asked from above,
"I just might." Nami answered holding up a rope.
"Isn't that rope?" Luna asked her looking at it,
"So you're the ones who came from Luluka?" They all looked up at a new voice, a tall man with a large torso stood up there holding Longo. He had long brown hair tied back into a pony tail. He was wearing a light-blue shirt with brown thread sewn into the neckline, he also had a striped blue-and-white bandana.
"Ian..." Isoka called him.
"Who's that?" Zoro asked the kids.
"One of Whetton's men." Akibi answered.
"What's he doing here?" Usopp asked. This was good, this man was bad news. The man, Ian then jumped down on to the deck of our ship.
"Now give me that rope." He ordered Nami, pointing to the rope.
"Why?" She asked righting it around her waist. "If you want to get out of the Mist, you can just come with us." She told him,
"Don't you care what happens to this guy?" Ian asked pointing a gun to Longo's head, who then started screaming.
"Not really." She answered. That was Nami for you, a heartless woman to the end.
"What!?" Ian responded in shock,
"Who is that kid anyway? I'm not nice enough to go around saving strangers." Not that anyone was expecting her to since it was Nami.
"Well, I can see that. Wait, what was that!?" He sure is slow. "I'll shoot him! I swear I will!" He pointed the gun back to Longo.
"Murderer!" He was yelling at Nami, but she wasn't the one with the gun in hand.
"Please listen to him!" Isoka had ran to Nami.
"You're so silly. That's just-" Nami was cut off by having a knife pointed to her face.
"Hey, stop!" Usopp tried to help, but there was no point.
"I don't want to lose any more friends! Please, listen to him!" No one said or did anything.
"Nice, Isoka!" Ian said walking down the stairs, "Now take the lifeline down into the rowboat." Isoka jumped into the rowboat Nami had come in, and then Ian. "Isoka, want to come with me? With this much treasure, we could have fun our whole lives."
"Don't get the wrong idea! Our only leader is Rapanui! We'd never follow a coward like you!" Isoka yelled at him, it was a girl with spunk.
"What?" But that was starting to back fire on her. Didn't know what happened, but Ian was in pain.
"Run, Isoka!" Longo had yelled, but was sent off the boat by Ian. That was bad, his hands were tied!
"Longo!" Isoka called out of him,
"Making fun of me..." now Ian was pointing a gun at her. At that moment arms sprouted out on Ian, holding onto him, "Dammit! Let me go! Let me go-!" Isoka used that as an opportunity to save Longo. Ian then fell on to the treasure but then Robin falling.
"Oi! What's wrong?" Zoro had asked her.
"Sea Prism Stone." She had answered still weak.
"Great!" Ian, he had started rowing away.
"Hold it, you jerk!" Usopp had pulled back his slingshot.
"Don't let him get away! Hurry up and shoot!" Nami shouted at Usopp, and continue to but he couldn't shoot, he was to far away. Isoka and Longo and been pulled out to the water.
"Here you go." Usopp had placed a tray in front of them with hot drinks
"Thanks!" They took the drinks and drank it. Luna looked over to Henzo and Akibi, who were fiddling with the Transponder Snail, trying to get it working again.
"Well?" Akibi asked.
"No luck. I can't get through." Henzo told him.
"Maybe Communication was temporary." She had walked over to Zoro.
"What terrible luck. That jewel ray used Sea Prism stone as an ornament..." Robin was still weak from its effects.
"Sea Prism stone?" Isoka looked up it the,.
"It's a crystallised form of the ocean. It has properties that suppress the powers of people who have eaten the Devil's Fruit." Zoro explained clearly.
"Aww, there's so much treasure here... but it doesn't mean anything if we can't get out!" Nami got frustrated holding the treasure.
"You're a navigator, right? Think of something!" Usopp told her.
"I already tried. I've never been on a Sea this chaotic." Nami walked back and forwards telling the crew.
"So there's nothing we can do?" Zoro asked.
"No, they'll be back." Professor Henzo spoke with confidence. Usopp asked why that was, confused."Whetton, no matter what demonic means he must use, will come after the treasure of Ape's Concert. Now that his crewmate Ian has returned, he'll bring a garrison with him to invade."
"That is to be expected." Luna had said, since it was clear that it was all for this moment.
"This isn't funny! We'll fight! I'm not letting anyone touch my treasure!" Name was shouting but It wasn't even her's, why does she think that every treasure is her's?
"Hey now..."
"If only Rapanui was here now..." Longo was saying, he was looking down at his cup. Everything was silent, none of knew what to do, how they would get out of this mess? But of course that all changed once the ship started shaking widely.
"Ahhh! The sea's getting rough!" That was obvious, "Hang onto something!" Usopp shouted.
"Wh-what's that?" Zoro was looking at a giant pumpkin.
"The Rainbow Tower!" Henzo yelled, as the rest of the crew and children ran to see the giant pumpkin. The giant pumpkin, or tower, started opening wide. "Whetton... I knew you'd come." Out of the tower, small Engine boats came out one by one, going off in different directions. The men from Whetton's group even tried boarding our ship, that was going to happen. The kids made sure of that.
"Get out!" Pukau hits one of the men with a metal pole.
"You guys!" Zoro sounded worried turning to the kids.
"Don't overdo it!" Usopp shouted to them.
"This is the Pumpkin Pirates' property!" Akibi yelled, as the others started climbing off the ship. "Until Rapanui comes back, we'll defend this place!" The Professor ran towards the ladder with them.
"Professor!" Robin yelled at him concerned.
"I'm a part of the Pumpkin Pirates too! I'm going to fight with you!" Henzo yelled to the children. It was then when the Going Merry had become surrounded by Whetton's men.
"I'll help you too, Old man!" Usopp said. Next thing, anyone heard was Professor Henzo screaming, and Robin calling out to him.
"You imbeciles. How can you let these little brats push you around!?" A man wearing a strange thing over his body.
"Whetton!" One of the kids shouted.
"He hasn't changed since he was young!" Pukau yelled in disbelief.
"No, you see, I'm Whetton's Grandson, Lake. Are we that much alike?" He asked after clearing the misunderstanding.
"Yeah, almost identical!" Rongo sound amazed, as he replied.
"Oh, is that right? So Grandpa was this handsome back then." Talk about narcissistic much.
"What's up with him?" Usopp ask, Nami, Robin and myself we all came down to where the rope ladder was, along with Usopp.
"What a strange person..." Robin said with no emotion.
"More like stupid." Luna said without mercy. She guess he heard up, because he was looking up at them.
"Hand over the treasure right now! Or I'll use this electric suit to burn you to ashes!" He seemed mad, he really did hear them.
"Watch out! That guy uses electricity!" Nami warned Zoro who landed on the boat Lake was one, with his swords already out.
"Electricity, huh? I was standing there, patiently waiting to let loose." He looked like he was having fun. "If all you've got is electricity, I'll use my katana... and cut it in half!"
"Um, electricity isn't like that..." Nami waved her hand along with Usopp dismissing what Zoro said. This wasn't going to work, no matter how much he wanted it to. All he did was get hit by electricity over and over again.
"My electric suit is invincible." Lake told Zoro who had stumbled back.
"Get away? Who's doing that? I said that I'd cut your electricity!" Zoro shouted back to him.
"C'mon, What the heck do you mean by 'cutting' the electricity!?" Usopp asked him.
"We should cut it." Robin said with a straight face. All the others had looked to her, thinking she can't be serious.
"Eat this!" Lake pulled back the arms of the Machine, "Rolling Thunder!" When he put them back together... nothing happened. "Huh? What's going on!?" He started throwing a tantrum, stomping his feet.
"If you cut out the power source, it's useless, isn't it?" Robin this time had used her abilities to pull the pug on Lake's suit.
"Oh, I guess that makes sense." Luna had stated.
"Dammit! Why'd you do that!?" Why? Wasn't that obvious? "Put those back, you bitch! Damn you, bitch!" He shouted over again, and then he ended up falling in the water. Yelling for help.
"What an idiot." But as Luna finished saying that, an explosion echoed throughout the mist, and once again the ship was sent rocking widely. "What now?" The tower, It was gone!
"He left us to die... Whetton, you bastard! He's no captain of mine!" It was Ian, and he was caring Phillip.
"Luffy!" And then Luffy finally was back.
"Rapanui!" Along with Rapanui who was caring Luffy on his back.
"It's Rapanui!" The kids were happy.
"He's back." And relieved.
"That Guy sure knows how to make me worry." Usopp was starting to tear up. Luna on the other hand didn't understand why they were being so dramatic about it all.
"Jeez, this guy is troublesome." Zoro said pulling Luffy and Rapanui on to the boat he was one, with Akibi and Rongo. That was when out of no where the mist had began to shake.
"No way... could this be...." Luna had began to understand what was happening.
"What is wrong?" Nami was panicking
"The giant explosion has caused Ape's Concert to become unbalanced." As Luna was saying that, she was looking up to the mist. "If this continues there is no telling what will happen." And had pointed up to above where the mist had turned into the ocean from outside.
"What the hell is that!?" Zoro was shouting.
"This is the space distortion magnifying." Luna was explaining, this was one of the most strangest things she's ever come across. "If this continues we're going to be killed by it drawing us in.
"What!?" Usopp shouted at her. Everything had become hacked but everyone was once again located on the Going Merry.
"The sky is falling... we don't have anytime! Probably less than an hour!" Professor Henzo ended up informing everyone
"We're in trouble! We've gotta get out of here!" Usopp shout something they didn't already know.
"But... how?" Nami asked.
"This book's author made it out of Ape's Concert once." Robin began flicking through the book, "There must be a way out written in here." She then gasped.
"W-what is it?" Usopp asked startled.
"'To be continues in the final volume...'" Robin said slamming the book shut.
"Where is that?" Usopp asked her, she shock her head indicating that she didn't have it., "YOU DON'T HAVE IT!?" Usopp shouted. He began to yell and panicked loudly until. Arms had sprouted out from his back hand had wrapped around to cover his mouth, making him confused.
"There seems to be someone deep in thought." Robin pointed out Luna who was standing on the side, her hand on her chin as she was thinking a hundred miles a second. Only ten seconds after that, her body had moved. She had come up with something
"We need to find a rip in space." She had turned to the crew informing them.
"A rip in space?" They looked at her all confused and as if she were crazy.
"It is like that." She pointed up at the sky. "But it is like something linking this world to the other one." She tried explaining to them, so they would understand.
"There!" Rapanui had ended up shouting.
"What's up?" Luffy seemed to finally recover.
"Luffy, that light! It's sunlight! The light of the sunset." Rapanui shouted. That was it. Luna had ran up the stairs to the vol.
"Sunset!?" Usopp asked.
"That is it. That is the rip in space." Luna had turned calmly as she informed them.
"Yeah, we ran towards that light and made it out!" Rapanui explained.
"R-really?" Usopp asked making sure.
"We need to hurry. It will not last long." She had turned to Nami informing her.
"Unfurl the sail! Everyone row the oars with all you've got!" Nami pointed to the sails.
"Aye!" That's when we all ran off.
"Oi, you guys get up here!" Zoro shouted down to Whetton's men. "Give us a hand! We're fitting out of here!" He told them. The men had pulled out the oars and Nami stood the guys, blowing a whistle to signal them to row. What it wasn't working out, they were just going in circles.
"Oi, What the hell're you doing!? Just row!" Zoro snapped at Lake, as he pulled back the oar.
"I am, Dammit!" Lake had snapped back at him, as did he. But when They thought they were making progress both the oars broke.
"Ah, they broke!" That Guys all started freaking out,
"What are you doing!?" Nami shouted at them.
"Shit, we're in trouble!" Zoro shouted.
"Hey, look! The light's fading!" Usopp pointed out.
"Is this the end...?" Professor Henzo asked.
"You guys jump in and push." Zoro told Whetton's men.
"Are you nuts!?" Phillip yelled.
"If you all push together, then maybe..." Luffy was serious.
"YOU MORON!" All of the men shouted,
"Luna! Think of something!" Nami yelled at Luna.
"I am." Despite that she seemed completely calm as she began to look around for any idea she could come up with. "If only we had wind." She muttered to herself, trying to think of a way to create wind.
"You need the wind to blow?" Rapanui shouted up to Luna asking her. She had looked to him for a second and nodded but by doing that he jumped off the ship.
"Hey! What are you doing!?" Nami shouted down to him.
"I'm gonna blow up our ship!" He informed them, then swam for the Marines warship. "It's a Marine ship, after all. There's a whole load of cannonballs. If I light them on fire, they'll generate a really rig wind!" Luna was wondering if he was crazy.
"Wait, Rapanui! If you do that, then you'll... what'll happen to you!?" Professor Henzo shouted to his friend.
"Rapanui!" Before anyone could do anything, the other kids jumped of the Going Merry after Rapanui.
"Hey, where are you going!? Come back!" Usopp shouted down to them.
"We're the Pumpkin Pirates!" Pukau shouted, before swimming off with Rongo and Isok.
"We swore to stay together with our friends until death!" Akibi then swam after them.
"Rapanui dove in to save you guys! Don't waste his bravery! You'll only die with him!" Henzo shouted to them.
"We won't die! Henzo, we'll come back! No matter how many years it takes, we'll came back to Luluka!" Isoka yelled. That was when Luna's eyes widen as something came to mind as she watched the children swim.
"No way..." a few minutes had passed after the children had swum to the ship. It was like time had frozen as they all waited...
It was in that moment the ship exploded, sending a giant gust of wind flying. However, because of that, the mast was starting to crack. Holding on for dear life, they were sent flying over the town of Luluka, and into the open sea. But because of that the Merry started falling apart. Of course the worst part of it all, is that they were sent swimming into the ocean. But they made it to land. "Nami!"
"Guys!" They had all looked up to see Chopper and Sanji running towards them.
"No, how can this be!? Our ship..." Usopp was crying at the site of the Merry that had began to fall apart.
"Sanji, long time no see!" Luffy said happily.
"Nami!" Sanji was fanning towards her, but wasn't in the mood as she punch him into the ground.
"Why...!?" Chopper was confused out of his mind.
"Ugh, I'm so pissed off!" Nami yelled stomping away.
"Why, Nami....?" Sanji was completely covered in dirt, but now he was a huge bump on his head where blood was falling from.
"All the treasure we had on deck got blown off. You should probably stay away from her for a while." Usopp
was informing him al little too late Sanji. Just when Luna thought everything had calm down, the echoing sounds of a cannon changed her mind.
"That's far enough, Pirates!" It was the Marines.
"The Marines?" Sanji was completely confused.
"Those're the guys who were chasing us before!" Usopp said. That's when an old marine, older man with blond hair started walking over towards us. He possessed great muscles, wearing a common marine uniform, below wearing black tank-top, he was also wearing dark sunglasses
"Save us!" Phillip had run up to the man, and fell to one knee. "These villains are trying to steal the citizens' property!" He was extremely ungrateful after the crew had just saved his life.
"This jewel was stolen by pirate 100 years ago and believed to be lost forever. The Ring of Queen Illusia." The marine had grabbed ahold of his waist. "Why do you have it?" The Marina asked Phillip.
"Well, you see..." Phillip didn't know how to answer.
"I hope you didn't steal it." The man said.
"N-no! That's absurd! This treasure was hidden within Ape's Concert!" Phillip had jumped up.
"Right! Right!" Lake went and defended his father. "We got it out of an old shipwreck!"
"I see. So can I take that to mean it belongs to no one?" Luna could only see them as a bunch of idiots. It was because any treasure that doesn't belong to someone with a permanent is the property of the World Government.
"What!?" They were both shocked,
"Major. We have discovered a large stockpile of treasure we believe to be salvaged." A woman with a somewhat a droopy face, and short purple hair with a Marine headband, saluted to the man. She was wearing a standard Marine coat over a sea green turtle neck with stripes running down it, along with blue pants.
"Very well. The Marines will confiscate all of it." The Major said.
"Hold it!" Whetton ran towards him, with an axe in hand. "I won't let you touch my treasure! It's mine!"
"Treasures without an owner all belong to the World Government. If you continue on this course of action, you will be considered a pirate." He had informed him
"That's just dandy! I used to be a pirate anyway!" Luna only spoke her head at the man's stupidity. "I take whatever I want through force!" Whetton pulled back the axe and swung it at the Major.
"Look out!" Luffy and Usopp yelled. But there wasn't a need to.
"I must act accordingly with this situation. I hope you don't mind, Pirate Whetton." The Major lifted his hand in a flicking position. With just one flick, Whetton was sent flying.
"So your back, huh?" Luna started walking up to the Major.
"Luna!?" The crew was in completely shocked as she walked up to the man.
"You know, for a brat that claimed he was a pirate, you sure don't look like one now." She told him which only made he laugh.
"Could it be? Are you...?" Professor Henzo question himself, that's when the Major removed his sunglasses.
"Your a smart little lady!" He told Luna, grinning, placing a hand on her head, patting her.
"Don't touch me." Luna slapped his hand away completely annoyed at that he was treating her like a child
"Rapanui!" Of course the rest of the crew was in disbelief.
"Didn't I say we'd come back?" The woman walked up behind Rapanui.
"Isoka!" Professor Henzo yelled, and she nodded.
"Arrest Whetton And his gang!" Rapanui ordered.
"Aye!" The once small little boy called Longo, was now taller, with muscles and longer blonde hair. Pukau was still slightly wider, but now he was a tanned, rotund man with curly dark brown hair. Akibi who was once tall but thin, was now man of average height, with his still black hair, but now he had a small black mustache. As was ordered, they started talking Whetton and his group into the ship.
"You guys are still alive?" Usopp still couldn't believe it.
"I told you, did I not?" Luna turned to Usopp.
"NO YOU DIDN'T!" He snapped at her.
"Oh, then I must have thought it was not important." She walked away from him.
"HOW WAS THAT NOT IMPORTANT!?" He had once again snapped at her. "B-but how?" Usopp then asked.
"After the explosion, we were thrown out too. But it was the world from 50 years ago." Rapanui had answered.
"I am never wrong." Luna had stated. "After the explosion the flow of time was bend by the Mist." She explained.
"As I thought." Robin was still trying to grasp the whole situation but she least understood what had happened.
"Then why didn't you tell me sooner!?" Professor Henzo yelled.
"To defeat Whetton with all the power he amassed, we need a greater power. Yea, we need the power of the Marines. That's what we realised. But getting that power sure took a long time" Rapanui had explained.
"I see."
"But even wearing this Marine uniform, here and now, I'm a Pumpkin Pirate. Henzo, your friend. Now and forever." It sure was a touching Reunion, so touching that Professor Henzo not only in tears, but the crew happily watching them. But that soon changed, fast. "And... I forgot to mention, the Straw Hat Pirates are also under arrest!" Rapanui had turned to glare at them.
"What!?" And that shocked everyone, even Robin, but Luna was didn't seem to care
"You cold-hearted fiend!" Usopp shouted to him. "And after I gave you lunch, you jerk!" From behind Zoro, who had a blunt face looking at him.
"That was 50 years ago to him." Luna had informed him.
"The Marines have made it their sworn duty to uphold justice, and will not allow wanted men to escape." Rapanui told him, "but... what a bind!" He started yelling grabbing his head, "We have to transport Whetton and his gang to the Marine Headquarters! The Straw Hat Pirates may escape under our very noses! We just don't have enough people! But by the time we can make a round trip it could be one or two days before we can return! And if they've escaped in that time, there's nothing we can do! AHH, I GIVE UP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" He started running to the ship.
"You did that on purpose..." the group said watching him run.

After a day of repair, so rest, a good shower and a change of clothes.

After a day of repair, so rest, a good shower and a change of clothes

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The crew was finally able to set sail again. But they weren't good repairs, just enough to set sail again to the next island. Henzo saw them off as they left, when the Marines ship passed by the Going Merry, the kids, or should it be said adults were saluting at them, the group, excluding Alexandra, all sat at the back waving our farewells as well. "'The Rainbow Mist is Neverland. It has neither night nor day. And it us virtually, if not completely, devoid of disease. The sea shimmers like emeralds. The sky, easily mistaken for milk, wrapped us deep within itself. The twisted ships that had fallen victim to the land held an immeasurably vast fortune. It was truly the last paradise on Earth.'" Luna was saying as she stood up against the walk on the aft deck.
"What's that from?" Robin asked me.
"The last volume." She told her before walking off. "'We were kings of Neverland. Vanquishing invading pirates, we protected the peace of that paradise. We were the Pumpkin Pirates. I've decided that our many mysterious adventures inside the Mist... should be recorded here. For the adventures who will visit this land. And those adventures who guided us home... were the Straw Hat Pirates.' What an odd kid." She had said to herself as she looked out to the Ocean, the wind blew causing her hair to get in her way. Luna had grabbed it so that it was no longer in her face. The rest of the crew were now at vol of the Going Merry, expected Zoro, who was training and she who was leaning again the door of the kitchen now.
"Well, That was a cool place!" Luffy said happily as he was stilling of Merry's head.
"Really? That ship's graveyard was a terrible place!" Nami disagreed with him.
"Nah, it was terrible and all, but...I'd like to go back something!" Luffy did agree with Nami about it being terrible and all.
"Was it really that cool?" Chopper asked curious. It was then when something had fell onto Luna's head. Her hand had stretched up to grab it as it was just sitting on her head and saw it was a small piece of wood.
"Wood?" Of course she was confused and had looked up wondering where it had come from. That was when more had began to fall onto the ship..
"Rain?" Zoro thought looking around.
"This... ain't rain." Sanji told him.
"Hail?" Usopp said, we all looked up.
"That... doesn't look like hail." Luna said, as she saw something falling from the sky. "Doesn't it look like a..." The crew had all fell silent. It was because they couldn't believe what they were seeing...

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