The Wall!

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The attack wasn't able to go through, this was all because of the three admirals standing in front of the execution platform. They had completely block the shock wave. "This happened because the walls are not ready!" Aokiji seemed a bit annoyed as he spoke.
"Your damn ice is blocking it!" Akainu stated this right back him, while simultaneously blaming him as well.
"Why couldn't you just melt it, Sakazuki?" Then Kizaru asked this, as it appeared to be the simplest way to solve their problem. But the fact that the three of them were able to block White Beard's attack was amazing in itself. Many of the pirates were stunned at this and were beginning to become fright at the power they held.
"Don't be scared, guys!" Until Jozu shouted stepping forwards. "Let's charge them while they're off balance! We cannot miss this chance provided by Pops! Let's go, Whitebeard Pirates!" And with those words, it appeared that the fight had been placed back into them as they all shouted battle cries before once again charging.
"Seems like they're all very angry." Aokiji stated this as the battle continued.
"How scary!" Kizaru whined, but his expression not even changing.
"What's going on with the encircling walls?" Sengoku asked this to the marine standing behind him, uncomfortable.
"I-I'm afraid..."
"Divert all power from the city! Pass it on to the walls!" He through that order back to him.
"Yes, sir! Right away!" And the marine took off running as fast as he could. While this was all going on, Luffy was running through the battle field once again.
"Ace!" He soon came to a stop as he began stretching his arms on to the plaza wall, grabbing onto it.
"I'm on my way!" Then he began rocketing towards it. "Ace!" However, out of nowhere the ice began breaking just below him, a large wall began emerging from under it, completely cutting Luffy off. "Wh-What is that!?"
"Th-The walls!" While everyone else was freaking out, Luna knew what this was and glancing around seeing more walls raising all around. This was the reason for this being one of World Government's three major strongholds. Although, this is the first time she's seen it for herself. "We're enclosed!"
"What the hell is this!?"
"Take this!" A pirate had charge at the wall with a battle club, however, the only thing was broke was the club.
"Did it break!?" Another had fired a Bazooka at it, however, once again there was no damage. "No, not even a scratch! This steel wall must be very thick!"
"These steel protection battlers are what they were calling the encircling walls!?" It appeared that the pirates were beginning to understand what was happening.
"Damn! Aren't you gonna fight us, Navy!?" But in that moment, something began sticking out from the walls.
"Hey, look at those! They're all aiming towards us!" They were a large amount of firing cannons and were all pointed down at the pirates.
"We gotta run!" Causing fear to spread like wildfire.
"We're enclosed! There's no place to..." just as another pirate began shouting, something had been notice at the corner of his eyes that caused him to trail off. "There is a place!" His sight had turn to where a part of the wall hadn't shot up from. It was all caused by Oars' enlarged body.
"What, what's wrong!? It should be fully activated!" Sengoku was shouting while looking down towards Oars.
"I-I'm afraid that the wall can't lift the giant body of Oars!" A marine was shouting back up at him in order to answer. "It seems like his blood is running down in the system and making it less powerful!"
"Damn the Giant Demon!" Hearing this had angered the Fleet Admiral. There was still a chance that they could win this war. "We can't close it but... do it Akainu!" A chill ran down the back of Luna's spin causing her to look up. Upon doing so her eyes came to widen as someone appeared on top of the wall.
"Meteor Volcano!"

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