How She Wanted it!?

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After finally relieving himself, Spardam had older for Robin and Franky to be chained up outside the room. And of course, Sea Prison stones were to be used on Robin, to prevent her from using her Devil Fruit ability. It would be later when Franky would be taken to Impel Down on the way to take Robin to Marine Headquarters. But Franky had become quite violent before leaving, which was to be expected. "As for CP9, you guys can temporarily return to your rooms and relax a little. The recognition we'll receive for this accomplishment will undoubtedly be immense." Spardam had moved on after both had left. "Hey... how about a toast in the ship?" However,
"I'm not in the mood to celebrate." Lucci said this getting up. "I have no interest in influence or recognition." No one had said anything against him as they sat quite listening. "Our justice is made possible by the World Government. As long as the Government recognises you as chief of CP9... I will continue to carry out my mission efficiently. But in. I way does it mean that I agree with your views." And with that being said, everyone, including Luna, had gotten up heading for the door.
"F-Fair enough. Well, what are you after, then?" Spardam could only ask as they left.
"Blood... I suppose." Lucci's words had frozen him along with the fact that he was transforming into a half man half cheetah. "Working here... gives me a license to kill."
"He gives me the chills." Spardam had fallen and Lucci was back to his human form as her continued to walk along with the others.
"I shall guide you to a room that's been prepared for you, Miss Athena." Kalifa had gone to Luna as they walked.
"Yeah." Kalifa had shown Luna to the room that had been prepared for her. She had been informed of a pair of clothing waiting for her once she gotten inside. They were placed on the bed that was located at the far back. Changing into them

Luna had left the room

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Luna had left the room. She was being watched from the shadows but didn't care as she walked down the passeng way, only sound could be heard were the clicking noise caused by her shoes while walking. "It appears..."

"Listen, Iceberg. At this rate you are all going to die. You, the rope boy, the straw hats and even Cutty Flam, however, I can prevent it." Luna whispered into the ear belonging to Iceburg. "I already know where Cutty Flam is. And I can guess where the blueprints are." As she whispered, his eyes widen. "However, I have no intentions of giving them to the Government."
"Then why are you helping them."
"You mistaken, I am not." He looked up to her so that he was able to see her crimson eyes that didn't have a single cloud in them. "I was aware of CP9 on this island. Truth being told, the only reason I join the Straw Hats was due to Nico Robin's presence on the ship. I already knew that they would end up at Water Seven before their ship fell apart, where they would come in become in contact with you. I also knew how they would get Robin on their side." He couldn't believe what she was saying, it was as if her brain worked completely different from everyone. However, he ad raised why it was that the Government called her the Apostle of Athena, the Goddes of Wisdom and Warfare.
"And what is it that I must do?"
"First, I need to shot you." It didn't seem like a way to not die. "However, do not worry as it will be something like a paintball so it'll hurt for a while second not not kill you."  But he seemed a bit relieved upon hearing that.
"The others?" He asked her.
"The second, you need to tell the Straw Hats about Robin's wish." It wasn't all that hard to do. "And lastly, you must fix Rocket Man."
"You even know of that? But why?" Iceberg didn't seem all that surprised now, but wondered why she would tell him to do that.
"You'll know why soon." Was all she said, standing up

"...that they're finally moving..."

"Oi, Luna..." Zoro had called to her, which had forced her to come to a stop and look back to him. "What is it you're trying to gain?"
"Nothing really." Was her response which wouldn't make sense.
"Then why?" The man asked her that.
"'Why?'" She echoed it back. "It's because it was inevitable. This was always going to happen and it was going to happen like this." And with that she began to turn back around but
"Luna!" Nami and Chopper both cried out to her, it was why she turned back to them which was they felt a sense of relief. It was then when she began to mouth something to Nami, as CP9 had their heads down still. The girl's eyes widen as she read them.
'Don't fight back. Just wait for the right moment. You must find them.' Nami didn't understand what she was talking about "If you live long enough, at least enjoy it." Luna had said before she climbed onto the windowsill and she leaped off into the night.

"... Everything that transpires on this island, will impact the entire world as we know it..."

"No way... you are..." He was completely shocked upon seeing her standing before him. It was as if he was seeing a ghost.
"I have something to discuss with you, Franky. or should I say... Cutty Flam?" She was looking right at him as she stood before him.
"So it really was you." Franky
"You seem shock."
"Wouldn't you be if you were in my situation?"
"I guess you would be right. But I've always come when something's about to happen, now and back then." He flinched upon Luna's slightly exaggerating on the 'then', making him realise what she was talking about.
"If you're here, I take it that I'm involved?"
"More like what your hiding." He understood that she spoke about the blueprints of Pluton. "The World Government has Nico Robin but not the blueprints. They were behind Iceberg's attempted assassination. I was there to watch her."
"They found out that Ice for Brains didn't have the blueprints..." Franky's eyes had were wide as he listened.
"Yes and they know that you, Cutty Flam, is alive. So their next target is you." Luna had said causing his face to become paler.
"Wait! You're working with the World Government!?" But he wasn't the only one, Usopp who was listening also turned pale.
"You don't listen, do you?" Luna looked to the long nose teen speaking. "This is something that must happen, or nothing with change."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean—"

"...The wheels of fate have finally started to turn." Just as she wanted them too.That was until...
"ROBIN!! LUNA!!" A voice that she knew echoed loudly though out the tower. "I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU!!!" Hearing his voice, Luna had headed right to the closet window, to see Luffy through them slightly bellowed her on top of the courthouse. "OI! IS ANYONE THERE!" But then the floor began to shake a little from below, and when she looked down to the balcony below, she saw Franky and Robin. It really was, moving how she wanted it all too. And she was going to make sure it really did. This wasn't going to go the way that that person wants them to. Luna wasn't going to allow it, not matter what she has to sacrifice in order to do so.

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