Chapter 3

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"You kinda nodded off there!" I stated, awkwardly trying to start a conversation. Something about this boy looked familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Yeah, I spent WAY too much time at the lab last night." He responded, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"The lab, huh? What's your major?" I asked. "We might have class together."

"I'm a chemistry major. What's yours?" The boy responded, putting the paper he had out into a messy folder.

"Biology..." I trailed off, suddenly coming to a realization. He had the same blonde hair and stunning blue eyes as Roni. "Hold on! Is your name Antonio Higgins?"

"Yeah... Have we met?" He asked, blinking in surprise.

"No, but I'm your sister's roommate!" I answered. "Roni wasn't kidding when she said you two were identical twins!"

~ Time Skip ~

Race and I ended up walking back to Roni and I's dorm together since Race wanted to hang out with his sister.

"Roni's actually told me a lot about you already." Race said as we exited the café. "She says that you and your friends are really great."

"Yeah, we had a pizza party last night, and it was pretty eventful... " I stopped myself, just in case Roni hadn't let Race know about her milestone. That was her news to share, not mine.

"Oh, I already know what happened." Race chuckled at my hesitant expression. "Roni tells me everything."

"That sounds a lot like something Albert would say about me." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Is that your twin?" Race inquired. "Roni said something about you having a twin too."

"Mhm." I nodded, looking across the street before crossing it, motioning for Race to follow. "I think the two of you would get along pretty well, given your histories of falling asleep over homework." I teased, giving Race a sly smile.

"I might just have to meet this brother of yours." Race smirked back at me.

"That can be arranged." I replied with a mischievous grin, tugging off my lanyard. Race and I climbed the stairs and entered the dorm room to find Roni doing her hair.

"Race!" Roni lunged at him for a hug, almost knocking his coffee out of his hands as I set down the food and put my keys away. As she released Race from her grasp, she asked, "Where'd you find him at?"

"Asleep on a syllabus at the coffee shop, if you can believe it!" I chuckled, plopping down on my bed and getting out my phone to text Albert. Hey, come over to my dorm. There's someone I want you to meet. You'll LOVE his energy, trust me.

"Oh no, that's pretty believable." Roni nodded, rummaging through the bag of goodies to find her scone.

"And that's not all!" Race replied. "Maddie's agreed to let me get acquainted with Albert." Race grinned as I clicked 'send' on my phone.

"Uh oh... Maddie do you know what kind of trouble they can get themselves into? What if they-" Roni's eyes widened.

"That's my point!" Race interjected. "Someone's gotta be able to put up with my chaotic lifestyle, and who better than a fellow wielder of chaotic neutral energy?"

"That's one way to put it..." Roni murmured through a mouthful of scone, hesitancy obvious on her face. When I turned back to my phone to find a reply from Albert reading, I'll be right over. Should I be scared?

"Race, your wish is granted!" I threw my hands up in the air, unable to control my giddiness. 

Light of My Life: A Newsies Soulmate College AUWhere stories live. Discover now