Chapter 9

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~ Time Skip ~

Maddie's POV

Midterms actually went surprisingly well for everyone. I guess all the cramming was pretty unnecessary despite all of the professors' warnings. Davey and I even had a bit more time to hang out with each other in between classes and get to know each other while studying. Davey now knew my entire backstory, trauma and all, and I knew his. He'd also told me about his two roommates, Blink and Mush. We knew other little things about each other too, like each other's favorite colors, number of siblings, and birthdays. We'd gotten past the simple icebreakers a long time ago, so we'd resorted to asking each other random thought provoking questions whenever we needed a break from studying.

Davey and I were currently reviewing for finals in the smaller classrooms above Medda's lecture hall. We decided to meet up here because both of us needed a change of scenery from my dorm and the library. Besides, the wintery view of the campus we could see from the window up here was calming, and if there was something any professor-fearing college student needed at a time like this, it was stress relief.

"If you could change one thing about the past," I inquired, not looking up from my textbook. "What would it be?"

Davey reached his arms upward, staring up at the ceiling in thought as he stretched. "I probably wouldn't have run away the night we met. I feel like I gave the wrong impression, ya know?"

"Actually, no. I don't know what you mean. I froze up too, remember? We were both caught off guard that night." I put my hand on his and rubbed it for reassurance.

He stood up, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head as he walked over to his backpack near the door. "I just feel guilty that that's the first memory we have of each other. I should've just stayed put a little longer, then maybe-"

I stood up with him, gently holding his arm to stop him. "Davey, I wouldn't change a thing about that night. It didn't matter to me then, and it still doesn't now." I took another step towards him, taking both his arms in mine, my eyes locked with his. "The truth is," My eyes flitted to his lips quickly before returning to his gaze. "I love you either way."

I stood up on my tiptoes, pressing my lips against his, silently praying that two months wasn't too soon. Those fears were assuaged when I felt his lips push back on mine and his hands pulling me closer to him. Breaking the kiss, we wrapped ourselves in each other's embraces, glows now shining even brighter than that fateful night that had been the topic of conversation mere seconds before.

Letting go of Davey, I ventured over to the window, looking out at the students scurrying away to their destinations, eager to get out of the cold. "So you never really answered my question..." I smiled, turning back to my soulmate.

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