Chapter 12

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~ Time Skip ~

A week or so later, I was brushing my teeth when I got a text from Davey, or rather, Davey's roommates. They must have hijacked his phone. Hey Maddie, it's Davey's roommates, Blink and Mush. Just thought we'd tell you that Davey got a fever last night and he's still sick this morning. If you had any plans with him today, chances are he's not gonna be up for them. Sorry to be the bearers of bad news. :(

I hadn't been to Davey's house before, nor had I met Blink and Mush yet, and Davey could probably use some company. Poor guy! Mind if I come over? I responded.

Within a few seconds, I had a response. Not at all! Our apartment number is 192. See you soon!

Davey's POV:

"Mush, give me back my phone." I rubbed the bridge of my nose and sighed in frustration. It was going to be a long day if the dynamic we had kept up.

"I told ya, Dave. I don't have it!" Mush held up his hands in surrender.

"Baaaaaabe, she'll be here in ten!" Blink emerged from he and Mush's bedroom, glowing with giddy delight, and shaking my phone in his hand.

"You texted Maddie?! Blink, you get-" I was cut off by a sneeze, followed by a coughing fit. As soon as I collected myself, I continued my lackluster attempt at a lecture. "Maddie has enough on her plate already, she doesn't need to be worrying about me."

"I don't want to hear another word about you putting others before yourself. Here, take this and lie down." Mush approached me with a cup of medicine and eased me onto the couch. "Besides, we finally get to meet this girl you've been telling us so much about!" He continued, grabbing a blanket from our quilt rack and tucking it around me.

Maddie's POV:

After grabbing my backpack, I began my journey to Davey's apartment. The apartment complex he lived in was much newer than the dorms, and the apartments were much bigger, but Davey also had two roomies as opposed to me just having one.

I found the apartment without any trouble, and knocked on the door. From inside, I heard stirring and multiple pairs of footsteps. "David, no! You need to rest!" I heard an unfamiliar voice from inside say, followed by a faint thud and a light groan from Davey.

"Guys, she's my soulmate!" Davey whined in a futile attempt to maintain control.

"And she's practically our daughter-in-law, so we're going to get the door!" Another unfamiliar voice retorted.

The door opened to reveal two faintly glowing boys, both of which were around my height. One of them was wearing an apron that said: "Kiss the Cook" and holding a spatula, while the other was wearing sweats and an eyepatch. I assumed that that one was Blink, and the other was Mush.

"Maddie! C'mon in!" Mush greeted me. The two ushered me in, both of them grinning from ear to ear. The moment I stepped through the doorframe, my glow started up, but it was pretty dim compared to Blink's and Mush's. Must be because Davey's sick and low on energy. I concluded.

"Just so ya know, he just took some medication, so he should be getting sleepy soon." Blink informed me as I was taking off my jacket.

"Good to know. He probably needs the sleep anyway." I replied, hanging my jacket up on a hook.

After toeing off my shoes in the entryway, I looked to my right to see Mush, still in his apron, rinsing dishes and handing them to Blink, who would load them in the dishwasher. Off of the kitchen, there was a hallway leading to the bathroom, bedrooms, and the laundry room. To my left, there was a spacious living room, whose sliding doors were open, with two wall windows looking out over the campus.

On the couch, Davey was looking absolutely miserable, wrapped in a cocoon of blankets and surrounded by little mountains of used tissues. "Hey there!" I smiled, gently sitting down on the arm of the couch.

"You shouldn't be here. First off, I don't want you to get sick." Davey protested.

I shook my head at my Davey's fruitless excuses. "I'll be fine, honey. I-" I was cut off by Mush.

"DAVEY, WHAT DID SHE JUST CALL YOU?" Blink bolted across the kitchen, peeking his head around the doorway.

"Doth my ears detecteth a pet name?" Mush called.

"There's the second reason why." Davey added, giving Blink a sharp glare.

"Oh, I'm sure they mean well. They're probably just excited. Just try and get some rest, 'kay?" I smiled, moving over to the windows and closing the curtains.

Davey rolled over, hugging his blankets even closer to him. "Fine. Let it be known I'm doing this under protest though."

Leaving Davey on his road to recovery, I ventured into the kitchen, where Blink and Mush had just started folding a very large load of laundry at their kitchen table.

"Need some help?" I offered, grabbing a pair of socks and folding them.

"We'd certainly appreciate it!" Mush nodded, making more room around the laundry basket. We folded clothes in silence until we started to hear snoring in the living room. Blink quietly slid the doors shut, and then returned to his post at the table.

"Now that he's asleep, we can finally get to know you a bit better!" Blink prompted.

"And I can do the same for you guys!" I responded. "How did you guys and Davey meet? The way he talks about you two, it sounds like you've known each other for more than a year or two."

"Well, we've all known each other since high school, so when Davey invited us to room with him at college, we sprang on the opportunity!" Blink replied.

"Oh wow, that sounds like quite a while compared to my what, five months with him?" I pondered the timeline of our events, calculating roughly how long Davey and I had known each other.

"Yep, it's been a hot minute! Oh the stories we could tell..." Mush added, staring wistfully out the window.

"Oh do tell!" I set the basket, now full of folded laundry, down on the ground and sat at a chair at the table, resting my chin intently in my hands.

"For starters, the amount of times he walked into walls or doors while reading was pretty impressive." Blink mused, smiling to himself. I giggled at the thought of Davey running into a door, breaking his usually composed manner to check if anyone had seen.

"Oh my lord, she really DOES have a cute giggle!" Mush's eyes widened and looked at Blink.

Blink and Mush proceeded to make conversation with me until I had to leave for a class. "Come back any time!" Blink said, closing the door behind me. I have a feeling I will be, I smiled to myself, adjusting my backpack. 

Light of My Life: A Newsies Soulmate College AUWhere stories live. Discover now