Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

He showed Eddy what he'd use on him with a smirk.

"You up for it?"

Oh God, Eddy hated tickles, but on the other hand the feathers looked really soft. He liked soft things, so maybe it would be okay, "When I was like 6 that happened a few times because Belle is evil. But if you do that to me as an adult, I'll shove the pretty handle up your pretty ass," Eddy smiled toothily up at him, "Sure we can try it."

Brett lowered the duster on Eddy's stomach to have a starting point.

"Oh no, you'll tell me when it gets too intense. We don't want you peeing on the bed, for sure. A good boy doesn't pee in his pants or where he sleeps, you know? Also the handle is going inside your butt, not mine if you don't tell me before you pee, my dear." The alpa grinned as he began stroking the abdomen with the feathers, gauging Eddy's reaction and watching intently his face. He wanted to know where Eddy would draw a line, where he was most sensitive, what he liked. This was different from the sex they usually had. This was more about trust than purely sex. Brett's head was clear enough for it and his bodily needs were satisfied for the most part. So they could play a little bit.

"What a shame because you have such a lovely bubble butt," Eddy smiled as he closed his eyes, he had slapped the alpha's butt so he did like it. Even if people could consider it very strange since he wasn't really into fucking anyone. Just because he preferred to be fucked didn't mean he couldn't appreciate the alpha's physical beauty. He seemed quite relaxed with it going over his belly, it caused some tingles to run through him but not quite to the tickling level.

Brett wanted to start soft, mild, even boring, if one could call it that. The next target was much more interesting and Brett couldn't bite back the smile. He had chosen the feather duster with the long handle specifically for this. He had smaller ones too for more intimacy but he wanted to stay between the omegas legs to gently force him into one position. Eddy could wiggle and squirm, but he couldn't simply roll away which he could if Brett was sitting on one side. The feathers were softly stroking upwards and finally over Eddy's very swollen and sensitive nipples. He didn't stray to the side where he knew Eddy was ticklish. Brett watched Eddy's expression like a hawk when the first wisps of the feather made contact with the nub.

Eddy jumped to the first contact, his eyes snapped open as he mewled. It felt pretty nice still. It was soft and gentle yet still pleasurable. His call on liking soft things and agreeing to this was proving to be a good idea.

Brett was alternating between teasing the nipples before he amped it up. He distracted Eddy with the duster to start his attack. While the duster was again changing the nipple he simultaneously rubbed with two fingers over the pink rim of his hole. His movements were slow, even lazy but still very much present.

"Oh fuck," Eddy gasped out. Holy shit what was Brett doing to him? Whatever it was – surprisingly – he really liked it. The motions were so leisurely and delicate that he could tell that Brett was actually just taking his time. Eddy really appreciated it.

"Yes, that will be the main event, but we have endless time on our hands, right?" Brett couldn't resist and chuckled. At the same time the tip of his finger slipped inside and the feather duster trailed down over the abs and further.

"I want to savour this, dear."

The wisps trailed over Eddy's dick, teasing him. Brett was careful not to ruin the delicate feathers by smearing it full of precum, so he kept the feathers away from the tip. His index finger was ever so slowly sliding in and out, but never more than to the first knuckle, and that wasn't very deep. Brett wanted to see Eddy unravel, maybe even begging for more. He begged so prettily. Only moments after teasing the dick, the duster skipped the tip and went on its merry way to the nipples again.

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