Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

In the meantime, Brett was fixing the small dragon around his chest with a long maternity scarf. He still had that from Pudding and the dragon had no broken bones and could use the heat the alpha provided easily. Then he grabbed a couple of items for the omega and the pet and was on the road again, this time the car drove itself.

The alpha arrived only a couple of minutes after the nurse exited the room. The pet dragon was purring like crazy and was quite comfy. He had been fed in there and it was wonderful warm and cozy, unlike his cage. And the human smelled friendly too.

Brett slowly opened the door, careful not to make any big noises if Eddy was already asleep.

Eddy didn't seem to be sleeping all too peacefully though. He rolled to either side with the occasional whine or whimper. The omega was having night terrors.

Brett set the bag he packed on the floor and went to Eddy. He wasn't sure if he should shake him or try something different.

"Eddy? Eddy, wake up."

Would Eddy attack him in his sleep? That was not a real problem if he hadn't had a traumatized dragon strapped to his chest. Hopefully Eddy would wake up from his voice alone.

Eddy whined in response not really waking up to the sound, all the monitors were kinda noisy anyways. So he got used to constant noise.

Brett was kinda at a loss of what to do. He switched on the small hospital light over Eddy's head and sat on one side, protecting the dragon on his chest.

Then he shook Eddy slightly.

"Eddy, wake up!" He wasn't screaming but he said it a bit louder than before. That the omega had nightmares was no fun to watch. His mother, whom he had seen on the floor, just told him he should really care more about the omega, nothing else. But how was he supposed to care for him when he didn't know how or what even was wrong with him?

Eddy jolted awake, gasping for air as he sat up straight before doubling over in pain and sitting up again. A cold sweat was dripping down his forehead as he glanced at Brett, now noticing he was there. He hadn't noticed him before, then again he was asleep so how could he?

Brett fished a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped over Eddy's face.

"You were having a nightmare," he stated. He looked at the omega with eyes full of concern.

"Should I get a nurse or do you want to cuddle? Mama said she talked to you; I hope she could help you?"

Eddy tried to get his breathing in check before attempting to answer both questions, "Cuddles please. She's a very helpful woman."

The omega foresaw that he would not be getting any sleep that night. He licked his lips, eyeing Brett and the dragon.

"Sure, sure." He kicked off his shoes and went to the head of the bed. "Do you want to put your head in my lap? That would be easier for me." That way he could pet the dragon and the omega at the same time, because he would not prioritize one over the other.

Although Brett was reluctant to put the dragon in the heated rolling bed. He didn't know what the dragon would do; but his mate was also very important. At least Eddy could communicate his needs - if he communicated.

Eddy just nodded, talking right now was just a chore. He held out hope that the snuggles would ward away his bad thoughts. Sometimes he was really heartless like how people saw him, but he wasn't. Some things he could become numb to, other things felt just as awful when it reoccurred.

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