Chapter 5

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Eddy woke up first, actually feeling content and happy, but there was a strange ache in his neck and head. That was strange; the ache in his head wasn't even a normal headache. It felt like an intruding presence.

He grunted, glancing back at Brett. The alpha looked so peaceful while sleeping, so he decided not to bother him just yet.

At Eddy's movement, Brett woke up too. He groaned and picked up his stroking, not noticing the belly was now much bigger and that he was still knotted in the omega.

Brett still had his eyes closed, relishing in the content feeling he had. If this always happened when Eddy slept in his bed - having a good cockwarmer, that is - the man could move in right away. That was a very warm and nice feeling to wake up to.

Eventually, he blinked his eyes open and kissed the neck presented to him softly. "Morning."

Eddy shivered at the kiss on his neck. It suddenly felt so much more intense. "Good morning."

He spoke just as softly as Brett had. Eddy glanced around for a clock to see the time. Luckily, there was an alarm on the nightstand: it read 8:30. That was sleeping in, for Eddy! It was a nice change.

Brett nibbled over the skin and kissed it a bit more. He felt like he had to. Then his brain caught up on things, and he stilled. Just to see if that had all been a dream, he tried to move, but his knot was still in Eddy. No, not a dream.

He opened his eyes and moved a bit away from the skin he'd just kissed and licked over. Yep. Uncollared, but not unscarred, skin was in his face. Oh, shit.

The alpha groaned and buried his head into Eddy's neck. This wasn't fair. This shouldn't have happened! Why did Eddy not collar up after his fucking shower?

Now, did the omega know what happened? Probably not, because he was way too calm for this. So Brett tried a different approach.

"Did you have a weird dream?"

"Actually, I did... why do you ask?" Eddy was automatically suspicious, glancing over his shoulder at Brett. He was catching on, with feeling the knot, the alpha's kisses to his aching neck, and then the question. But one could hope that it was all just a weird coincidence, right?

"Well, I had one too, where I was woken up by a whining omega who was begging to be fucked. Then something really strange happened, and I woke up. And please don't make any fast movements, I knotted you. I want to keep my dick, and you don't want to go to the hospital because you ripped your ass to shreds trying to get away from a knotted alpha."

Brett continued the stroking, but left out that he actually marked him already. Only one shock at a time was a good process.

"If you think you're strong enough, please look down. Your stomach is huge now, full of my sperm and dick."

Eddy glanced down slowly - oh gosh, he could be sick. He quickly looked back up as he silently prayed his birth control wouldn't fail him now.

"I'm, uh, off my inhibitors - that makes me more fertile, you know? So we need to get it out. How much longer until the swelling goes down?" He said, as evenly as he could. Eddy needed to keep a cool head about himself. Getting sick or thinking of how knotting increased the chances of pregnancy wasn't going to help.

"I'm not sure when I knotted you, and the knot is still strong, so we have to wait. Could take five more minutes, or thirty. I feel that I'm still releasing in you." He pressed a calming kiss to Eddy's neck. "If you're worried about pregnancy, there's still the option of the morning after pill. If you take it as fast as possible, it increases the chance of avoiding pregnancy to 99%." Then he took a deep breath and licked over the mark. "Also, I might have another bad thing to tell you. You apparently begged me so prettily that my alpha couldn't resist. You're marked. We're bonded."

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