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"Mom—what's that paper on the kitchen counter?" Namjoon Asked Immediately he spotted the paper as he sat on the chair.

"Taehyung brought a letter from the principal home...I haven't read it" She Said as she serves namjoon dinner. Of course she hasn't. Why would she?

"Read it mom..." Namjoon Said and for the very first time ever, I agreed with him.

"Okay...I'll read it." She went ahead and grab the letters. After reading it, she frowned which made me scared of what was written in the letter.

"What's in the letter Mom?" Namjoon asked.

"It's the principal saying that Taehyung is too smart for his class so they are transferring him to grade 12" She Said.

"That's my grade" Namjoon Said and smile playfully hitting my arm. I smile at that and took the letters reading it myself.

"No—You're Just 16 and I'm not letting you be in the same grade as your brother who is 18 and that's final"

Then, I stomped to my room without eating and I already knew what I was going to do in my mind. So I did it. I went to Namjoon's class the next day telling the teacher that I've been transferred to the class. Everyone was shocked because I was just sixteen. Days later, Namjoon starts to bully me.

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