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"Why are you doing this to me again Namjoon Hyung?" I Said the moment he pushed me in the bathroom.

"Shut up loser!!" He Said and punched my face. Blood flew out and I fell on the floor.

"Mom told you to stay in your class but you just had to come to mine didn't you" he pulled my collar and punched my face again.

"You just had to come here and fluent your smart brain didn't ya?" He Said and punched my face over and over again.

"B-But you're also smart and you get A(s)" I managed to let out.

"Yes—But I hate it that you are smarter than me"  He Said and last punched me one last time and that was the one  that broke my nose.

After that , I decided to run away from home to Jin because he was already staying in his own apartment so I went there. After I got to Jin, I was shocked with what he said to me.

"I'm sorry lil bro but you can't stay here"

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