Chapter 9(*Edited*)

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"Come on! Hurry up! Boss is going to be upset if you take any longer, Serina!"

A cloaked figure ran ahaed of a smaller figure as they shouted a hushed yell at the struggling figure.

"I-I'm coming! Please, wait up!"

They cried as tears streamed down their face as they bit their inner lip to keep from sobbing. Their carved wooden kitsune mask showed their watering eyes and the older kid skidded to a stop, glancing back and reaching for their blood splatter covered wrist and tugged them along, huffing a puff of air into the chilled night air and shot a glare back to the figure, long brunette hair peaking out of their cloak hood.

"Don't worry. Boss'll go easy on you since it's your first time doing this... It'll be okay, Seri,"

"That's not my name!.."

The cloaked figure stopped as they looked back to the smaller figure in shock.

"Y...Do you remember your name? B-But the Boss said that you didn't remember anything from before you came here!"

The gloved hands of the petite figure were now balled up against their chest as they hugged themselves tight as possible.

"Serina's not my name... M-! They're getting closer! We should go now!"

Their gaze shot up towards the direction of the faint and muffled footsteps and shouting of their pursuers and the older kid nodded, grasping their small wrist with a single hand and rushing the way they were originally running, to begin with, ducking behind a shabby mortician's parlor and running through the darkened back allies.

"Phew! We nearly got lost there, huh, Seri?"

The cloaked figure panted as they wiped the crusting blood off of their cheek, grinning cheekily at Serina as they pulled their hood down and revealed their puffy brown hair tied into two low pigtails at their shoulders with two small pink ribbons. A timid nod was their only response as they walked over to the fire pit burning in the courtyard of the abandoned building they were taking residence in. Pulling off the singed and tattered cloak from their shoulders and bloodied gloves, throwing them into the fire and watching with dull eyes as they went up in flames, a burst of heat filling the air as the embers slowly drifted down to the grassy gravel patio.

"It took longer than it should have, but that was my fault, sorry..."

Following suit to Serina, the teen pulled off their cloak and gloves, chucking them into the fire as well as they laced their fingers behind their head, their dark brown hair parted by two horns protruding from their forehead as they stared solemnly at the flames crackling in front of them.

"Say, Kairi? Do you remember anything from your past?"

They glanced at the curious figure and shook their head, a nagging feeling in the back of their mind that they knew each other from somewhere. Brushing it off, they both just looked back to the fire, their dresses swaying in the wind as they heard the footsteps behind them. They turned around, catching a glimpse of two masks that were extremely important.


They immediately dropped down to their knees, placing a hand to their hearts as they awaited their next instructions.

Over The Hill And BeyondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon