Chapter 8(*Edited*)

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The night was still and quiet, much like any night. There was a slight breeze, and most everyone was asleep in bed, save the few working late nights and the ones working the streets. All was normal, save for two young girls, one no more than sixteen, and the other in her early to mid-twenties. They were dressed much like any others with simple dresses and their hair was done in curls. Their eyes glowing faintly in the dark, a faint red and blue as the air flew past them, but it was their destination that was most intriguing. They were heading down a darkened ally, both with solemn downcast looks in their eyes. 

"How will we know?"

A soft, quiet and hoarse voice questioned, only to be met with a harsh reprimand.

"Be quiet, and know your place, demon child!"

The smaller figure visibly flinched, and nodded, keeping their head down as followed behind, not making a sound. The taller figure was glancing over their shoulder, as if they were paranoid about something. They lead the child down twists and turns until they were lead to a dingy old pathway. They followed it, walking for hours until they had left the city, following the path to a run down old house, that towered over the couple.

The older of the two rushed up, knocking frantically before running away from the door, leaving the younger behind. The younger girl turned around just in time to see the door creak open, and then someone stepped out, before she collapsed to the ground, a sinister chuckle sounding out as their body was caught by the masked figure standing over them. 

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