Meeting the Cast*Edited*

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(So I decided to make the person Sebastian! Now on with the story!)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<<Recap>>>

'That's weird, they normally just come straight Into the clearing'

I thought.

So I took out my throwing darts and threw them to the bush.

"Please do be careful with those. You might hurt someone,"

said a voice.

"That's kinda the point, Sherlock,"

I replied with my normal sass in my voice.

"And do I know you?"

I asked.

"No, I don't think so."

The voice replied.

"I am ........"


"I am Sebastian Michaelis. And who might you be miss?"

'Wait, What?'

"My name is Sabrina Igarashi. May I ask where I am?"

I ask with caution.

"You are in the forest behind my young master's manor,"

Sebby said.

'Okay, do not fangirl. This is prolly just a prank from one of the twins-'

"Miss Sabrina, are you okay?"

Sebby cut off my train of thoughts off.

"Your face is turning pink. Do you have a fever?"

", I don't. I'm quite fine!"

I reply.

"Well, I guess I should get going now,"

I said.

"Why don't you come back to the manor with me?"

He said with his usual sly smirk.

"Oh, alright, sure, I guess it couldn't hurt,"

I reply dubiously.

"Good, now let's get going,"


We walked for awhile, before we reached the Phantomhive manor.

"M'lady, we're here,"

Sabastian told me.

"Hn," I hummed, letting him know I heard him.

'I'm not one to talk much. Not ever since what happened,'

I snapped out of my thoughts when I walked into a pole. Or what I thought was a pole..?

"Milady, are you okay?"

"Huh? What? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine"

I quietly apologize as I dusted my clothed.

'Damn it. I did it again.'

"Im sorry, I spaced out, what were you saying?"

I ask.

"As I was saying, they are Bardroy, Finnian (Did I spell that right?), and Mey-Rin."



" It's nice to meet you, yes it is!"

"My name is Sabrina Igarashi. Hello, it's nice to meet all of you as well." I said in a soft tone, as a smile formed on my lips.

'Right now I need figure out how I got here. What about Ami and the others? They must be worried sick about me!'

"*Kiss, kiss, fall in love!

(Hey! Hey! Hey!)

I see you come, I watch you go; you never seem to leave me, though.
So is this love or hate? We'll're makin' me crazy!
Inside my dreams, you're all I see. Well, all I see is you and me.
Lady, maybe, or host? I find I really don't mind

If I had to choose a rose, in this garden of romance,
Maybe we could take this chance.**"

'Oh, my phone.' My pocket buzzed as I reached to my pocket and pull out my phone.

(ME)"Yo! You've reached Johnny's Thot Replacement Hotline, were we help to replace the thot in your life causing you trouble! How may we be of assistance~?"

(AMI) "Rina! Where are you?!?"

(ME) "Um, funny story. I, um, I 'm in the Phantomhive manor. Hehe"

(AMI) "WHAT? How is that possible!?!"

(ME) "I really don't know Nee-chan."

(ME) " I have to go now, I'll talk later. Sayonara, Nee-chan."


*I don't own the song, Sakura Kiss!

**The song, Sakura Kiss, belongs to its rightful owner!!

See yo later, Lovely Reader~sans!


Yay, two chapters done in a single day!! Anyways, happy 4/20~ lol.

Anyways, don't have much to say other than

Sayonara HugJackets!!
-Crybaby 🖤

[Edited 04/20/20]

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