Chapter 3

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^^ Current Outfit ^^

** Next day of school **

I walk in front of Stiles and Scott as they talk about the strange dream Scott had last night about killing Allison. "And then what? You killed her?" Stiles asks from behind me.

"I don't know, I woke up. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that." Scott says walking up the stairs out front of the school.

"I have but it usually ends a little differently." Stiles says with a small smirk on his face. I fake gag "Oh my God, gross!" I speed walk away from them to avoid hearing anything else about my twin in bed.

As I'm looking for Lydia, I run into Allison. "Hey, Ali." I greet her. She smiles at me coming closer so she can walk with me to our lockers. "Hey, Sera. No Lydia?" I shake my head no. "I found you before her."

As we're about to turn the corner where the lockers are, someone crashes into Allison making her drop all the books she was carrying.

"Oh my God. You scared the Hell out of me." Ali says to Scott who looks like he's seen a ghost. "You're okay." He breathes out sounding relieved.

"Once my heart starts beating again." She says as he helps her pick up her dropped stuff. "What?" Scott just stares at her like a lovestruck idiot.

"Nothing, just happy to see you." Did he really think he hurt her last night?

'Attention students. This is your will still proceed as scheduled. Thank you.' I give Scott and Allison a confused look. Why would it be canceled? As if he could read my mind Scott informs me that someone was attacked on the buses and there's a big crime scene over there. So his dream was true, someone did get hurt last night, just not Allison.

"Save me a seat at lunch?" Allison asks Scott who nods with a small smile. She turns and leaves, waving bye. I walked with Scott to head to our first class of the day we shared with Stiles. Suddenly he stops and stares ahead at Jack who is at his locker that's completely busted.

"What the hell...what are you looking at, asswipe?" Jack says to Scott who was still staring. Scott grabs my arm pulling us away quickly from the angry Jackson.

"Did you do that?" I asked, concerned about my friends. He just gives me a nervous smile, I'll take that as a yes.

In chemistry Stiles and Scott were trying to figure out what Scott did last night. I tuned out their conversation after Scott asked whose blood was on him.

"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might want to take out the earphones once in a while. I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?" Mr. Harris then points to new seats for the boys to move to.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets too much." He sasses causing me to frown at him. I did suffer from that for a few years after our mom died so I don't find his joke to be funny at all.

"Hey look, they found something." A girl named Harley says pointing out the window she sat next to. "They found a body!" She says as they rolled out the gurney.

Everyone gets up to look out the window, ignoring Mr. Harris as he tells us to sit back down.

"That's not a rabbit." Scott says. Rabbit?

Suddenly the man launches up causing everyone to jump or scream slightly. Scott steps back, gaining our attention so we walk over to him.

"This is good. He's not dead. He got up, dead guys can't do that." Stiles says, trying to cheer our friend up. "Stiles...I did that!" He says in a hushed yell. "You don't know that for sure Scotty." I tell him before making my way back to my seat.

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