Chapter 2

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* After Class *

I follow Stiles as he pulls Scott with him to a corner nearby. Dad and a deputy are there with our principal.

"See if you can hear them." Stiles says. Scott gazes off, probably listening in.

"What are they saying?" Stiles asks.

"Shh!" Scott says, annoyed that Stiles broke his concentration.

"A curfew, because of the body." Scott tells us.

Stiles marches away mumbling to himself. Scott and I follow my angry twin.

"Seriously unbelievable. My Dad's out looking for a rabid animal while the jerkoff who actually did it is just hanging out doing whatever he wants." Stiles complains.

"You can't tell your Dad the truth about Derek." Scott says.

"I can do something." Stiles states.

"Like what?" I ask him.

"Like finding the other half of the body." Stiles then grabs my arm and leads us to our next class.

* After School *

Stiles and I rush to Scott's house after he called Stiles with something important to say.

"What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?" Stiles rushes out in one breath.

"Yes, he's had a lot of Adderall." I inform Scott.

"I found something at Derek's." Scott says as he holds his lacrosse stick.

"Are you kidding? What?" Stiles asked excitedly.

"Something is buried there. I smelled blood."

"That's awesome! I mean that's terrible. Who's blood?"

"That's what I need you guys to help me find out. And when we do, we're going to help your Dad nail Derek for murder. And then you're going to help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing." Scott tells us as he fixes his lacrosse stick. "Because there's no way I'm not playing that game."


Stiles and I drove Scott to the hospital to see if the scent was the same as the blood at Derek's house. We were waiting by the morgue door for Scotty when Stiles spots Lydia and he runs over to her, standing in front of her.

He talks for a while before Lyds takes out her headphones. She clearly didn't hear him. My poor brother.

I watch as he sits in a chair further away from her to hide. Sighing, I get up and join him. Stiles grabs a random pamphlet, pretending to read it.

"Did he do it?" I hear Lydia ask. Turning I see her and Jack talking. He rubs his shoulder that Scott hurt.

"Yeah, he said it's not a good habit to get into but one cortisone shot won't kill me." Jack says.

"You should get one right before the game too." Lyds says getting a strange look from Jack.

"What? The pros do it all the time. You want to be a little high school amateur? Or do you want to go pro? "She teases, then pulls him into a kiss.

I can feel Stiles jealousy as he looks away from them. Scott grabs the pamphlet, surprising us both.

"The scent was the same."

"You sure?" Scott nods and begins to leave.

"So he did bury the other half of the body on his property." Stiles says as we get up to follow Scott.

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