Chapter 6

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"Hear that? No blips or upticks. Just the steady beat of the cold, hard truth. Bite marks were on your sister's body. What do you think it was, Derek? A mountain lion?" She scoffs. "So why aren't we helping each other? Just admit what you've been guessing the whole time. The Alpha killed your sister. Tell us who he is and we'll take care of him for you. Problems solved and everyone goes home happy." When Derek doesn't respond she figures it out.

"Unless... You don't know who he is either." She pauses again. "Well, guess who just became totally useless?" A single shot is fired before several more follow it throughout the house.

"Time to go." Derek says picking me up bridal style and running out the back door. A bullet flies by my head making me scream out in fear. Tears pool in my eyes at the thought of it hitting me and never seeing my brother or dad again.

After running for a little while Derek sets me down and looks for any marks.

"I'm fine! That!? Not fine!" I freak out while a few tears slip down my cheeks. "Oh God, Derek she hurt you." I say going to reach out for the cut on his arm where a bullet must have grazed him among other cuts and bruises that haven't healed.

"I'll heal." He says, emotionless. Feeling scared I throw myself at him and quietly sob into his shoulder. His hand slowly holds onto my upper back, rubbing soothing circles on it.

I slowly pull back after calming down. "Der-bear, you healed already, that's good." I smile, wiping the remaining tears off my face. Shocked, Der looks down at his chest and then his arm that was hit while we were running.

"Impossible, I needed to burn that wolfsbane out." He mumbles, touching his now healed skin. He looks at me and makes a strange face.

"What?" I ask with innocence shining in my eyes.

"Sera, your eyes are glowing like embers. I think you did this."

"I did that?" I ask lightly tracing his now fully healed skin. "I heal people?" A small smile makes its way onto my face as I gaze up at Derek's tall frame.

Our moment is ruined by my phone ringing with my fathers ringtone.

"Hey Dad, what's up?" I ask, clearing my throat and looking away from Derek.

"Hey Kiddo, did you want to come with me to the school tonight?"

"Oh yeah, sure. See you at home in 15 minutes?" I ask, sparing a glance at Der who nods in agreement.

"Sounds good, Serafine." After exchanging byes and I love you's I hang up and awkwardly shuffle my feet. We were having a tiny moment until the phone call and now it's just weird.

"I need to go... although I'm not really sure where we are." I trail off, looking around the never ending woods. A small squeal leaves my lips as Der lifts me into his arms once more.

The short run only takes 5 minutes leaving us with an extra 10 before my dad gets here.

"Thank you. For everything today." I say with a small smile as he helps me in my bedroom window.

"Not sure why you're thanking me for being shot at." He mumbles looking around the room.

"Well, that part was scary but I meant spending time with me and saving me." I softly say as I reach for his hand. He flinches and snaps his gaze over to mine. Green meeting blue.

"The bond seems to be getting stronger the more you use your powers." He says clearing his throat.

"How strong can it get? I know you said you could feel my emotions but is there more? We both got sick when you were shot." I say shivering slightly at the memory of the black gunk we threw up. Total bonding moment there.

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