Amnesia and Connection

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Feeling like she was swimming through a sea of black, Kristin slowly came back to herself. She shook her head, blinking her eyes to get use to the light. Looking around she found herself sitting in the waiting room for her psychologist. The clock on the wall confirmed that it was 5 minutes till her appointment. At least she hoped it was the same day.

While jarring, this was not the first time she came to realise she was somewhere without remembering how she had gotten there. She had always put it down to being spacey as her mum had put it. She had always seemed to have a bad memory, especially for the things that happen around her.

Moving her legs she found her backpack by her feet. She lift it up and opened it. All her things for class that day were in there, another thing she didn't remember doing. Kristin pulled her phone from her pocket. Thumbing the device awake she found that there were a couple of messages from her uncle that had gone unanswered. She quickly unlocked her phone and typed out a quick message to reassure him.

Sam: Kristin are you ok?

Sam: You just left, I thought I was giving you a lift to uni?

Sam: Kristin, please let me know you are ok, I haven't head from you.

Me: Sorry, must have gotten sucked into class

Me: I didn't check my phone till now

Me: I'm ok, I just felt like getting out of the house

Me: I'm sorry I worried you

After hitting send, she heard her name called in a mild German accent. She looked up and standing there in the hallway leading back to the rooms was her psychologist, Sofia. Sofia was not a tall lady, with a slender build. She had stern features that were offset by kind, warm brown eyes. Her brown hair flowed down to around her shoulders. She dressed in a bohemian style that lead Kristin to think she wouldn't look out of place in the head shop.

Kristin picked up her bag and followed Sofia back into her consulting room. Choosing her usual seat, on the far end of the couch from Sofia's chair, she sat down. Kristin looked around the room, scanning the items on the small bookshelf and across the titles of the books. Everything seemed to be the same as the last time she had been in, only two weeks ago. This gave her some comfort, knowing that some things in her surrounding were constant made her confidant that more time had not passed.

"Welcome Kristin, I hope you've had a good day so far," opened Sofia after Kristin had completed her ritual observation of the room.

"I guess so yeah," replied Kristin noncommittally.

"You don't seem so sure about that," Sofia said, jotting something down in her notepad.

Kristin chewed the inside of her lip considering her next response. She remembered the last time she had opened up about some of her thoughts and feelings regarding her issues. She had told the psychiatrist her uncle had taken her to that sometimes she felt very different, that sometimes she had lots of energy and drive and at other times she felt really depressed. She had tried to describe how the different times were both her but not her. The psychiatrist had brushed this aside saying that it was clear she was being dramatic and labeled her as having Bi-polar Disorder. He prescribed her some medication, which Kristin grudgingly took. She didn't feel his description of the disorder matched up to her experience. The medications made her feel terrible and did nothing to change her experience.

Sofia on the other hand had not shown any of the same issues that psychiatrist had shown. She had been nothing but patient with Kristin, and as yet had not given her any labels. Perhaps this time things might be different. At this thought she heard another train of thought in her head give her some reassurance.

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