When they first met

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From the moment they first laid eyes on each other, they both knew that there was something to come out of each other as they get to know each other. This bond is between a girl and boy who are totally different but discover that maybe they aren't so different after all?

The boy goes by the name Draco, Draco Malfoy; as for the girl she goes by the name Harriet. Just Harriet well for now that is. We will find out her true identity as the story goes on. So stay tuned to what's to come.

*Diagon Alley.*
As all of the students are gathering their things ready for the first year at Hogwarts. Here comes Harriet who like Harry had no idea she had any magical abilities, until she received her acceptance letter to Hogwarts; which she immediately did her research on Hogwarts before finding her way to Diagon Alley with her parents before stopping at Gringotts to get the money, in order to buy her school supplies for the following year.

As Harriet heads into Madam Malkin's robes in order to get fitted for her robes after she has been measured and is left standing on the podium. She interrupted by a blonde boy on the opposite podium also getting measured for his robes. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. See that you are going to Hogwarts too?" Draco asks. Harriet looks up and smiles before responding "Yeah I am. I'm Harriet."

"Nice to meet you Harriet, I hope we can become friends." Draco says. Harriet nods in agreement before the women returns with the robes for me. "There you go my dear, that will be 2 Galleons and 6 sickles please?" The woman asks. Draco can clearly see that Harriet is struggling to figure out which coins are which. "2 of the big gold ones and 6 silver ones." Draco says.
"Thank you." Harriet says before handing over the change. As the woman hands my my robes to be in a bag. "Have a nice day." The woman says. "You too." Harriet say as she waves bye to Draco, before heading into another store to get more school supplies.

*20 minutes later.*
Harriet is almost done with getting her school supplies she just needs to get her books for the school year. As she heads into Flourish & Blotts she has her list out and collects all the books she needs and carries them to the counter to pay for them. As one of the books fall from her grip. She bends to pick it up but is greeted by a hand that is on the cover of the book. "Let me get that that for you?" The voice asks.

Harriet instantly recognised the voice as she looks up. "It's ok, I got it." Harriet say as take the book from him. "Thanks though." Harriet says before walking off to pay for her books before heading back to the Leaky Cauldron for a butterbeer before returning home and relaxing for the rest of the day

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