Fifth year 2.0

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The next day....

Harriet goes over to Draco on the way to potions. "Hey..." she says catching up with him a little out of breath. "Oh, it's you." Draco grunts. Harriet's smile turns to a frown. "Cheers. Why are you doing this?" She asks. Draco looks confused by her question. "Doing what?" Draco asks.
"Working for Umbridge. This isn't you." She says.
"Yes it is. How would you know who I am." Draco says as he raises his voice causing stares from other students. "Cause we dated. I know you." She says. "No you don't. You are just a filthy mudblood!" He says. Everyone gasps at his comment. Harriet keeps her cool but is broken inside. "Fine, be like that." She says going to her table and getting ready for the lesson to start. "I can't believe he called me that." She says to Susan & Hannah. "He's changed. I know it. There's no way he would of said that to me. We have a true connection I know we do." Harriet says. "Until, Cedric came in and messed up." Susan says. Harriet nods "yes. Thank god people have shut up thinking I killed him back in the maze." Harriet says. "Silence!" Snape mutters.
Everyone is looking at him. "Today, I want you to brew felix felicis otherwise known as Liquid luck. Now all the instructions are in your books and the ingredients are out on the desk. You have till the end of the lesson to brew a single potion of felix felicis." Snape says. Everyone immediately gets their books out finding the page on liquid luck and making a start to their potions. Harriet avoids Draco for the rest of the day. Luckily she was one of the first to brew liquid luck successfully however Snape of course favours his own house. But there was a smile of some sort on his face when she showed him her potion.

Harriet is up in the library with Hermione. "I tried talking to Draco and he called me a mudblood." She says.
"Ohh." Hermione says instantly putting the book down and hugging you. "I know the feeling, he's called me that too." Hermione says. Harriet smiles as she breaking down after keeping it together through all of potions. "I just know that this isn't him." Harriet says.
"I asked why is he working for Umbridge. She's obviously brainwashed some people into thinking her teaching is the better way when it isn't." Harriet adds. Hermione nods in agreement as she gets a tissue out for you. "Now, Dumbledore is gone too. No doubt it's part of her plan." Harriet says. Just then they are interrupted by Madam Pince. "Shhh. The library is closing in a few minutes." She says before turning on her heel back to her desk.

They leave the library meeting with Harry & Ron and head down to Hagrid's who insists on taking them into the forbidden forest for something.
"What's going on?" Harry asks.
"I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you four. I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone... I'll likely be getting the sack any day now. And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him." Hagrid says.
"Him?" Harriet asks. As the stop in pace in the forest. "Grawpy. Down here, you great buffoon. Grawpy. Brought you some company. I couldn't just leave him, because... Because he's my brother." Hagrid says.
"Bloody hell.." Ron says as the four look up to see a giant. "Well, half brother, really. He's completely harmless, just like I said. Little high-spirited, is all." Hagrid says before Grawp grabs Harriet in his giant hand lifting her to his eye level. "Grawpy, that is not polite." Hagrid says.
"Hagrid, do something." Harriet says.

"We talked about this. You do not grab, do you? That's your new friend, Harriet." Hagrid says. "Grawpy." He says in a stern voice. "Grawp. Put me down. Now." Harriet demands. Grawp listens and places Harriet back on the ground. "You ok?" Harry asks.
"Fine. Just needs a firm hand, is all." Harriet says. "I think you've got an admirer." Hermione says.
"You just stay away from her, all right?" Harry says. "Relax bro. I'm fine." Harriet says. "He gets his own food and all. It's company he'll be needing when I'm gone. You will look after him, won't you? I'm the only family he's got." Hagrid says.

Fast forward a couple of days and Harry has had another nightmare. "He's got Sirius." Harry pants. "Who has?" Harriet asks.
"Who do you think?" Harry says sarcastically. "Where?" Hermione asks.
"In the department of mysteries. We need to go there now! Otherwise he'll kill him. We'll have to use the Floo powder." Harry says.
"How? Umbridge has all the chimneys under surveillance." Harriet says.
"Not all of them. Alohomora." Hermione says. "Alert the order of you can." Harry says.
"Are you mental? We're going with you." Ron says.
"It's too dangerous." Harry says.
"When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together." Hermione says.

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