Seventh year- part two

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Warning ⚠️ mentions of abortion at later date.

The next day, the girls wake up and change into their robes which they won't need to wear again for a few weeks. They head to the great hall, Susan and Hannah take their seats as Harriet goes up to professor Mcgonagall to ask about performing her song. "Of course, I will pass on the message to professor Snape. It would be nice to have some entertainment before you's all leave for a few weeks." Mcgonagall says.

After everyone finishes their dinner. Professor Mcgonagall gets everyone's attention. "Attention all, since it's the end of term feast and you won't be seeing us for a couple of weeks. We have decided to let you's celebrate. Firstly is a student coming up and singing her own song so put your hands together for Harriet Potter." Mcgonagall says. Hermione & Draco look up concerned. Harriet goes up grabbing her wand to magnify her voice. "Hello everyone. This song is about an ex boyfriend cheating on me with a ex friend on mine. So here's to Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger!" Harriet says. Everyone claps except Draco, Goyle, Crabbe & Hermione. Harriet begins singing her voice which everyone loves as she gets to the chorus. "So I made a list so I never forget All the things I hate about you!
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded!
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated!
Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked!
Only six seconds, and I had to fake it!
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you
Three, you still got mommy issues!
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you!" Harriet says finishing the song to the Applause of almost everyone on the hall. Harriet bows before returning to her seat.

Next to everyone's surprise, Luna & Hannah get up and kiss each other in front of everyone before doing a duet can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley. Everyone supports them. Everyone then has desserts before then heading back to their house dorms to have their last sleep in their dorm beds for a few weeks.

The next day everyone heads to Hogsmeade station for all their luggage as they board the Hogwarts express. Harriet, Harry, Ron, Susan, Justin, Hannah & Luna all in one room. They all use the remaining of their money to buy sweets of the trolley and all pig it out and chat about random stuff. Soon enough they arrive in London Kings Cross. The gang all hug each other before heading their separate ways. Harriet & Harry meet the Dursleys in the car park and the car journey home is silent as expected. Once home, Mr Dursley puts all their school stuff in the loft. Harriet went out for a walk to the local shop with the little money the Dursley's gave her and Harry.

She bought two pregnancy tests placing them in her bag before heading home and placing them in one of her draws under her bed. She lies down on her bed and has a nap after the exhausting day she has had. Once Harriet wakes up she goes to do her tests in the bathroom taking them to her bedroom as she waits for the results. After a couple of minutes she looks at the test to see two lines. Shock overcomes her.

Mrs Dursley shouts up for for Dudley, Harry & Harriet to come down for tea. Harriet doesn't touch her food much. Harry eats half of his food, Dudley finishes off Harry's and Harriet's tea as Harry and Harriet return upstairs. "Harry, is it possible that I could borrow Hedwig tonight, I need to send a letter to someone?" Harriet asks.
"Sure. I need to send a letter to Ron anyways." Harry says. Harriet smiles thanking Harry as she hugs him.

Later that night, Harriet is in her room writing her letter to Professor Sprout informing her about the test results and that she is going to go to the doctors or hospital even tomorrow for advice on what to do going forward. She seals the envelope handing it to Hedwig as Harry hands his envelope to Ron to Hedwig too, she flies out of the window into the night. "Thank you." Harriet says. "Night." Harriet says. "Anytime. Night." Harry says as they go to their rooms and change into their pjs before getting into their beds bed and they go to sleep.

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